Sooooooo My Neighbors Put up a Huge +@% Gay pride Flag infront of their house..

it's their house. unless their is some sort of law against having flags in your city, then there isn't anything you can do about it. nor should you.
I always find it suspect that cats care who or what other grown men do with their personal lives.

Americans put up American flags because they feel patriotic. Homosexuals put up the gay pride flag because they support it. Same thing.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Actually its THEY"RE
Originally Posted by FreshOne12

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

hanging a flag is "going out of their way?"
am i going out of my way to say i love my country if i put up an american flag?

hell yea it is. any flag for that have to climb you monkey @*# up on a ledge and put in all that work when you could of just went about your yes anytime you hang up anything is going out of your way.
Then by that logic, doing anything is going out of your way.

And putting up a flag takes about 10 seconds...
Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Actually its THEY"RE

wrong!! it is THEIR (showing possession) and since when does THEY'RE havea quotation mark in it?!?! It's called an apostrophe, learn it and use it!
Not that big of a deal. I mean, it would be a bit weird if my neighbor did that but I'd just ignore it.
Do you live in Cali? If so, its sort of relevant right now, so it is no different then people with No on Prop 8 signs or whatever. By the way, I'm confusedon the wording of Prop 8. No means yes to gay marriage, right?
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

hanging a flag is "going out of their way?"
I think's like ok you're need to let the whole world know ..that's the only issue i have with them..they go out of their way for no reason...
Repping is Repping. This is America goddamn it, we have the right to promote pretty much whatever we want. I have a USC flag hanging and hell yes, I'm going out of my way rep my school. I'm prideful about it, what's wrong with that? I think there's a lot of needless hate for stuff that you guys don't agree with. I mean sure you might not want to pipe dudes but if that's someone's thing who are you to say they have no right to be prideful about it?

Like Voltaire said " I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That's what makes America great and that's my stance.
This man speaks the truth. Live and let live. Such is indeed the beauty of America.
I find flags to be stupid period

My neighbor has American flags as if everyone else in the neighborhood doesn't live in America

Pointless to me but no, I don't care if they do it

A flag is no different than a gang sign

Like college kids who wear their college shirts at the college they attend, like no one else at the school goes there
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