South Park Season 19 Thread 9/16

The ads thing threw me off too but it might be genius. I was reading reviews and in the comments section fans were pointing out how many ads have been thrown in this season without us really noticing.

The SoDoSoPa real people ads, one giant ad for whole foods, the boys playing assasins creed, the city wok ad etc. It's been hiding in plain site all season.

I don't totally get how the town being PC makes it easier to sell stuff though. Guess a like like minded society who follows trends and has censorship is easier to deal with

But i really need to see where it is all going before i know how i feel.
I think this season has been brilliant. Last night's episode was one of the best I've seen. Butter's dad talking having to chase the news was too real. They even did call backs to previous episodes too. Can't wait to see how this season wraps up.

Did anyone else get a "They Live" vibe when Jimmy pointed out that Leslie was an ad? The way she was gathering information on Jimmy was similar to how search engines gather information on our interests and display ads specific to our tastes.
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Well this is what we get when they're focused. They're not making any games, no broadway. Just the show. How many more seasons we getting? Like 2?
Well this is what we get when they're focused. They're not making any games, no broadway. Just the show. How many more seasons we getting? Like 2?
The main reason the episodes are of high quality is because they cut the amount of episodes per season in half. They realized that the material was starting to deteriorate and they decided to get rid of the "filler" episodes. And the results have been great. Now if only The Simpsons had done the same around 2000...
Man this season has been truly perfect. Every episode almost better than the next and this last one is no different. Butters dad explaining internet ads, happens to me almost every day. Then doing the Ex Machina with Leslie at the end. I can't wait to see how they finish this all off. Their writing is just on another level right now.
Yep I caught the ex machina reference during their convo and figured out she was an ad/AI type :lol:

Actually the whole ads leading to the spawn of artificial intelligence is genius, even if the idea is borrowed from ex-machina (mini-spoiler...) using search engines to feed the brain behind the AI.

It's funny, I was wondering where Jimmy has been the entire season after the 6th ep and not only did he pop up in the 7th but has been crucial to the plot.
Not through tonight's episode yet but after they introduced the ad thing, I have a feeling part of this story line is based on their move to Hulu and the backlash against Matt and Trey "selling out." Hulu has a script that forces you to watch ads, no matter what ad blocking program you use.
Not through tonight's episode yet but after they introduced the ad thing, I have a feeling part of this story line is based on their move to Hulu and the backlash against Matt and Trey "selling out." Hulu has a script that forces you to watch ads, no matter what ad blocking program you use.


Good job

And this season is great

Good job

And this season is great

I said that after the scene where Randy says to the family "South Park kinda sucks now, you guys wanna bail? It used to be nice and laid back here, but now it's all blah blah blah." It followed the whole advertising montage. I feel like that was a direct shot at the Hulu move.
It was a solid episode but sort of anti climactic. Just kind of polished off the season. Didn't end with a bang.

All in all though the season was a breath of fresh air.

For better or worse, it would be the perfect season to throw in a time capsule. PC culture, Trump, ISIS, Fake social justice warriors, Bruce Jenner, Ads adapting to the internet, Deflategate, gentrification, immigration

It touched on so many elements of our society at a very interesting time.
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They tried to pack in way too much in those final few episodes. Too much to wrap up in 22 minutes. I suppose it'll carry over to next season.

Little disappointed with the ending, but the part about PC being verbal gentrification was great.
I wait that was the season finale?? Lol

Had no idea

Edit.....makes sense
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