Sri Lanka under attack.

Jun 15, 2013
Trump tweets, then deletes, grossly overstated death toll in Sri Lanka church explosions
Early Sunday morning, before his tweets about Easter and the Mueller report, President Trump expressed condolences to families of the victims of the Sri Lanka explosions — and grossly overstated the death toll.

“Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more,” Trump tweeted. “We stand ready to help!”

As of 2018, the population of Sri Lanka was around 22 million.

Trump tweets, then deletes, grossly overstated death toll in Sri Lanka church explosions
Early Sunday morning, before his tweets about Easter and the Mueller report, President Trump expressed condolences to families of the victims of the Sri Lanka explosions — and grossly overstated the death toll.

“Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more,” Trump tweeted. “We stand ready to help!”

As of 2018, the population of Sri Lanka was around 22 million.

Not a Trump supporter by any means, but that could’ve been a simple mistake in which he meant 138. Anyway, RIP to the victims. Sad world we live in. Religion misoverstood is really poison.
So sad to hear and disgusting to attack churches.

Not a Trump supporter by any means, but that could’ve been a simple mistake in which he meant 138. Anyway, RIP to the victims. Sad world we live in. Religion misoverstood is really poison.

The guy can’t be taken serious. He is a habitual liar with no regard for truth.
Sad and horrible. Between this and the Mosque shooting last month, it’s terrible seeing some stupid *** idiots kill and terrorize people all over religion and beliefs. The Mosque shooting was more race based but he singled out Muslims.

Me not being religious at all, seeing people act like savages because they don’t like another religion is something that blows my mind. And it’s been going on since the crusades. All in all **** extremists who take bits and pieces and bastardize a religion by committing atrocities in the name of it.
joint vetting swept under da rug...... ChristChurch was everywhere :nerd:

You see it. Another radical Islamic attack on Catholics nonetheless and it barely gets a peep as seen by this thread. While one guy shot up a mosque and Islamophobia accusations are thrown from everyone and virtue signaling up the ***. It's a joke.
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