Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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from Reddit:

If Kylo Ren's training is not yet complete then how is he the master of the knights of ren? here is my theory: Han Solo mentions a young Jedi turning to the dark side and ruining everything Luke has built and as we understand from the opening scroll Luke had an entire academy not just a couple of apprentices, so how did one man destroy the academy you ask? Kylo ren probably turned to the dark side and lured some of his colleagues with him forming the knights of ren.That would make sense since we kinda know these knights are force sensitive but why would a teenager without full training be their Master unless they are pupils like him as well! that is what we see in Rey's vision Kylo and knights of ren killing the entire Jedi academy similar to what Anakin did in episode 3 since he is his guide and Inspiration!

this is :pimp: if true

When Rey approaches Luke at the top of the hill, he is standing and staring at a gravestone. He turns around and seems surprised when she pulls out his old lost lightsaber. He looks at her with many different emotions on his face, but then the camera pulls back and does an areal shot of the two of them, looking at one another.

As the camera panned around, what I saw on my second viewing was Luke, Rey, and someone's grave, almost like the reunion was for 3 people, not two. My theory is that this is Rey's mother, and that the "family" she was waiting for all these years was right there in front of her. At this point I believe Luke is her father, and that her mother was ultimately killed by Kylo and the rest of the Knights. If you watch the final scene as though you are looking at 3 people, not two, the whole scene gets a bit heavier and A LOT more conclusive.

I noticed this too. Going to my 4th viewing Monday.

If Luke is at a burial sight for Rey's mother at the first Jedi temple then it could be assumed that Rey's mother was also a Jedi. Regardless I'm 110% sure that Luke is Rey's father. The whole scene, which is being garnered as the best scene as well as the most powerful scene in the movie would have no merit if that wasn't a father/daughter reunion

the theory going around now it that Obi Wan had a secret child with the woman he was messing with during the Clone Wars and Luke hooked up with her.

Kenobi + Skywalker DNA would explain the strength of her abilities i guess lol
I have never in my life been to a film where the audience was so involved.

that was really.....really great.

absolutely amazing film.

and yeaaa it had a lot of similarities to anh.....but really....who gives a ****

stand alone....this movie is great.

just great.

the feeling it invokes is unparalleled.
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the theory going around now it that Obi Wan had a secret child with the woman he was messing with during the Clone Wars and Luke hooked up with her.

Kenobi + Skywalker DNA would explain the strength of her abilities i guess lol

I feel like her mother will be mentioned briefly. She either died when all the Jedi's are killed at the academy or dies giving birth like Luke and Leia's mother.
I saw it in 3D, really not needed IMO but there were some parts I could tell where in 3D.

Mostly the flying scenes.

I don't think I've ever recognized evry trailer scene in a movie like this.
Did I miss that shot?
I'm also mad they gave us NO Knights of Ren info 
Pretty sure that was part of Rey's vision.
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the theory going around now it that Obi Wan had a secret child with the woman he was messing with during the Clone Wars and Luke hooked up with her.

Kenobi + Skywalker DNA would explain the strength of her abilities i guess lol

I mess with theory lol :pimp:

Reddit be going ham with the theories and speculation

Someone on Reddit said Kylo is on the light side and is in deep cover to take out Snoke from within lol. In the bridge scene, we never see Kylo ignite his saber so the Reddit guy speculated that Han turned the saber on to kill himself and protect Kylo's cover because he knew Kylo wouldn't kill his own father lol. His end game is to recruit Rey to take down Snoke on Luke's orders.

Pretty ridiculous but all these theories are fun.
mentally challenged? I mean he feels messed up that his nephew went to the dark side and slaughtered his other students and he did nothing so he went into exile.

How is that a plot hole?

Not a plothole just very bad writing that they felt they needed to do to connect the dots.

they made luke a coward then? Because leia is out there fighting the good fight you feel me? But luke is gonna go emo and lock himself in a cave letting his nephew and snoke go buckwild? Many times his daughter was in danger and what he do? Stay on a rock and make them play wheres waldo. Can jedis not sense danger? Cuz leia sure felt the pain when han died. Luke supposed to be the baddest jedi in the planet but he lets all his students get killed while he was on a trip to cuba and he goes awol? Dont make sense. And it contradicts what luke would have done if you go by the new comic canon. His freakin daughter was kidnapped for freaks sakes! Did he not leave himself a raft on that planet? Lol
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ok. That's understandable.

I was like plot hole? Weak writing maybe but plot hole?

I still like this movie flaws and all.
When can we stop with the the spoiler tags? It's been 3 days :lol:

Ok so first watching it on 35mm no 3D was A M A Z I N G. They showed no trailers the movie just started. As soon as the Lucasfilm logo came on screen in the crackly imperfections I knew I was in for a treat. The whole scope of the movie changed for me watching it in film. It was a nice touch and made me feel like I was back in the 80s watching the OG. My crowd was more live so as soon as the SW logo hit the place erupted. I hope a 35mm print version is made available digitally with all the imperfections and "cigarette burns" then make a custom cover like this

View media item 1835508
Noticed a whole bunch of stuff the second time around. Like when Kylo releases the laser blast Poe shot at him I was like woah. The vision scene was still a trip.

Plot holes? No. A lot left to be discovered later? Yes. I think Kylo and Snoke will be dissected in episode VII

Watching it again tomorrow in AMC prime theater then I'll take a break.

One thing I do know is I want that black series Kylo helmet.
the theory going around now it that Obi Wan had a secret child with the woman he was messing with during the Clone Wars and Luke hooked up with her.

Kenobi + Skywalker DNA would explain the strength of her abilities i guess lol

I mess with theory lol :pimp:

Reddit be going ham with the theories and speculation

Someone on Reddit said Kylo is on the light side and is in deep cover to take out Snoke from within lol. In the bridge scene, we never see Kylo ignite his saber so the Reddit guy speculated that Han turned the saber on to kill himself and protect Kylo's cover because he knew Kylo wouldn't kill his own father lol. His end game is to recruit Rey to take down Snoke on Luke's orders.

Pretty ridiculous but all these theories are fun.

i don't know if i said this in here or somewhere else but i do think Kylo's plan is to overthrow Snoke and now he wants Rey's help in doing so but that's the only part of this that i agree with :lol:

that's what i love about this film tbh. there's so much to unpack and discuss since we aren't given clear answers. It makes the wait bearable because we have so many topics to debate/theorize in the meantime. So many of these major blockbuster films get worse & worse after repeated viewing

also this IG has clips from the third act up on their page. Look at a few of them and see if you notice anything different
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mentally challenged? I mean he feels messed up that his nephew went to the dark side and slaughtered his other students and he did nothing so he went into exile.

How is that a plot hole?

Not a plothole just very bad writing that they felt they needed to do to connect the dots.

they made luke a coward then? Because leia is out there fighting the good fight you feel me? But luke is gonna go emo and lock himself in a cave letting his nephew and snoke go buckwild? Many times his daughter was in danger and what he do? Stay on a rock and make them play wheres waldo. Can jedis not sense danger? Cuz leia sure felt the pain when han died. Luke supposed to be the baddest jedi in the planet but he lets all his students get killed while he was on a trip to cuba and he goes awol? Dont make sense. And it contradicts what luke would have done if you go by the new comic canon. His freakin daughter was kidnapped for freaks sakes! Did he not leave himself a raft on that planet? Lol
Dude, stop. Yoda/Ben spent two decades doin jack **** while the Empire ran everybody.

Jedi meditate, do weird **** like that. Now he'll get back in the fight, same as Ben did.
Anyone else hear Obi Wan's old voice during Rey's vision? I heard it but it sounded like "Rey!"
Im back!

I can't go to the other thread, this is the OG and the real conversation belongs here IMO..

One thing that came to mind real fast, and my girlfriend mentioned this as soon as we got out the theater without me telling her anything..

Adam Driver channeled his inner Hayden Christensen. His acting was very prequel Anakin. Whiny, unstable, immature, awkward. It makes total sense because he's trying to follow in his grandfathers footsteps, it makes sense for him to model his acting after Anakin.
Adam Driver is amazing

There is so much depth in Adam Driver's performance in that scene with Han. Real slight modulations in his voice, facial quivers and his eyes move like a scared little boy.

His face after Han says Snoke's just using him is heart breaking man :frown:

And part of me is starting to think that Han knew exactly what would happen if he was to confront Ben. The moment he yelled his name he was accepting his fate, he knew the "pain" his son was talking about.

Breakdown the scene. Kylo tells him it's too late when he ask him to return home and then shifts the conversation to 'his pain' and how he's not sure if he's strong enough to fix it on his own. He ask for Han's help and he says he'll do anything. Next thing he does is pull out the saber and they share a final moment together.. he HAS to know what's coming next. after he stabs him, Kylo says "Thank you" with tears flowing down his cheek as Han reaches for his face
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mentally challenged? I mean he feels messed up that his nephew went to the dark side and slaughtered his other students and he did nothing so he went into exile.

How is that a plot hole?

Not a plothole just very bad writing that they felt they needed to do to connect the dots.

they made luke a coward then? Because leia is out there fighting the good fight you feel me? But luke is gonna go emo and lock himself in a cave letting his nephew and snoke go buckwild? Many times his daughter was in danger and what he do? Stay on a rock and make them play wheres waldo. Can jedis not sense danger? Cuz leia sure felt the pain when han died. Luke supposed to be the baddest jedi in the planet but he lets all his students get killed while he was on a trip to cuba and he goes awol? Dont make sense. And it contradicts what luke would have done if you go by the new comic canon. His freakin daughter was kidnapped for freaks sakes! Did he not leave himself a raft on that planet? Lol
Dude, stop. Yoda/Ben spent two decades doin jack **** while the Empire ran everybody.

Jedi meditate, do weird **** like that. Now he'll get back in the fight, same as Ben did.
That's not a good sign.

All Obi-Wan really did was take Luke with him to get to the Death Star, fight Vader, and purposely died in front of Luke and then ghost guided him after.

I want to see Luke flourish.
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