Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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I like to think the mcu started off slowly and built up steam as they went along, taking baby steps. Initial movies had no real ambition outside of getting the audience to know the characters with a a post credit scene after each movie to loosely connect them.

Star Wars started off with a bang with TFA, and seems to be slowly disenchanting the viewer little by little, judging by word of mouth. And there seems to be more evidence of executive tinkering late in the movie process that's characteristic of dceu and fox? For example, rogue 1 had shot their movie completely, and then execs apparently saw the movie and decided they didn't like a lot of it, hence the reshoots? And with solo they had switched directors mid shoot.. The process seems to be getting rockier with lucasfilm

In the mcu 22 film span, I think the only procedural hiccup that comes to mind is being unable to stick a director for ant man until so late in the mcu lifespan. I think they was aiming to have an ant man movie as early as phase 1
Let’s be clear that we’re comparing apples to oranges with Feige and Kennedy. Feige was more like Jimmy Johnson in Dallas in that he helped build the MCU into what it was and had a vision. You’re given leeway since you’re trying to make something out of nothing, really.

On the other hand, Kathleen Kennedy just inherited a winning franchise like Barry Switzer and all she has to do is stay on course to keep said franchise consistently winning. You’ll get the immediate win because you’re the head of the team at the perfect time. But like Switzer, it’s the lack of long-term vision that’s the problem with most fans.

And yeah, Star Wars should be switching top box office movies back and forth with Marvel, but they’re on the same mediocre level the DCEU is on.

I will never understand the "make something out of nothing" argument. Just the 200,000 variations of comic books and 7-8 decades of history are wiped out of our minds when Iron Man came out I guess. Feige truly started from scratch.

And what fans don't like the long term vision? What vision do the fans have? The same fans that like a movie when it comes out, and then a few months later they switch back to "not liking" the film because of some other film that comes out? Or the vision of fans that predict a movie is a failure 6 months before they see it? Which long term vision are we talkin about? They are going to get roughly a dozen movies in a dozen years. But there's no vision? I mean......

Kathleen deserves to be fired, sure she's made money but has ruined the lore of Star Wars.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will never understand the "make something out of nothing" argument. Just the 200,000 variations of comic books and 7-8 decades of history are wiped out of our minds when Iron Man came out I guess. Feige truly started from scratch.

And what fans don't like the long term vision? What vision do the fans have? The same fans that like a movie when it comes out, and then a few months later they switch back to "not liking" the film because of some other film that comes out? Or the vision of fans that predict a movie is a failure 6 months before they see it? Which long term vision are we talkin about? They are going to get roughly a dozen movies in a dozen years. But there's no vision? I mean......

Come on, now. Don't try to twist things just to try argue your point. Yes, the MCU is based off source material but the actual Marvel Cinematic Universe was built from "scratch". Nobody was checking for Iron Man pre-movie 2008 unless you were a fan of Marvel vs Capcom games. But I'll end it there. You're questions have been asked over and over all over social media and minds are already made up, I'm not here to sway anybody's opinions, nor really care to defend mine anyway.

I'll just wait for Ep. IX news and see what that's about.
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Haven't felt the magic of the new Star Wars films, but can't say if that's Kathleen's fault or not. That must see 1st weekend feeling is gone. Remember the mania for TPM? sheesh.
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Star Wars is a proven movie franchise with multiple generations of fan base. TFA would have done numbers if it was shot with a handy cam. It will take a half dozen bad movies to halve the viewer base. What has KK done to improve what existed before her?

Feige built an entire universe on material that was unproven in the movie medium. The fact he is getting out movies that are competing with an almost 40yo franchise in 10years is beyond insane.
Also, I'm not sure how much I can agree with Kathleen inherited a winning franchise. Are we just talking box office?

If so then yes, and then the only time she has faltered is this year with Solo.

But story wise, she inherited a severely damaged franchise. I know some didnt think they'd see another Star Wars movie after the prequels. Her solution to that was to ape the OT.

Yea. I don’t pike that Feige comparison.

Also read it wrong. Before IM2?
IM was the goods. No one expected hulk to do big numbers.
I was going off of what IM and IH did. But I could extend it to before Avengers and Thor and Cap are on the exact same level as Solo.

And quite frankly I can say the same right now. Who expected Solo to do big #s?

I can't find anyone who even liked the movie to say it should've done big #s. Or maybe just comparing it Rogue 1 where it fell behind some.
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Agreed with most that have said about MCU. Honestly before the MCU Iron man was a b list super hero now lots think he is on par with Batman and Superman. Honestly I want these side story movies to go away from the main saga. Yeah their can be hints of the episodes but go away from them. Star Wars is huge get away from the episodes.
Also, I'm not sure how much I can agree with Kathleen inherited a winning franchise. Are we just talking box office?

Combining what you and @soychulo said, the first couple movies can get by just off the strength of the excitement of new movies alone, no matter what they released.

I think that’s proof of a winning franchise right there. If not, I can’t think of any other franchise that could do the same.
Star Wars is a proven movie franchise with multiple generations of fan base. TFA would have done numbers if it was shot with a handy cam. It will take a half dozen bad movies to halve the viewer base. What has KK done to improve what existed before her?

Feige built an entire universe on material that was unproven in the movie medium. The fact he is getting out movies that are competing with an almost 40yo franchise in 10years is beyond insane.

Material that was unproven? I feel fairly safe in saying that people enjoyed the early X-Men films, even with flaws. The early Spidermans were raved about. Batman Begins was praised. The comic book movies were developing pretty quickly, and to mostly positive reviews. Now, if you mean just the Marvel material, ok, I can see what you are getting at, but I wouldn't say Feige built something out of nothing like what's being claimed in here. George Lucas built something out of nothing, Feige did not do that. People just love heaping praise on the man.
The Solo cameo at the end reminds me of Vader at the end of Rogue 1...not necessary for the story, but they needed it for certain people to be happy.
Combining what you and @soychulo said, the first couple movies can get by just off the strength of the excitement of new movies alone, no matter what they released.

I think that’s proof of a winning franchise right there. If not, I can’t think of any other franchise that could do the same.
Well yeah, I did agree that if we're just talking about money, sure.

Even the prequels made money.
Kathleen needs to go because her writing is lazy. She is turning a top 3 all time movie franchise into pure mediocrity. Most of what you need from star wars is already laid out from canon. All you have to do is masterfully connect the dots. When your getting paid like they are... taking short cuts in the story is not acceptable. Fans would wait years for quality installments, but they're prioritizing fiscal time tables and social justice agendas.
Well yeah, I did agree that if we're just talking about money, sure.

Even the prequels made money.

Yeah, we were talking about her inheriting a winning franchise yet, she’s managed to lose half the fans and a lot of money from Solo already. They should’ve been printing money like Feige/Marvel.

Not even George ever did that, no matter how much of a prequel hater someone is.
Yeah, we were talking about her inheriting a winning franchise yet, she’s managed to lose half the fans and a lot of money from Solo already. They should’ve been printing money like Feige/Marvel.

Not even George ever did that, no matter how much of a prequel hater someone is.
Eh, like I said Solo can be seen as her first failure and its not because it wasn't good. Nobody wanted or asked for it. It would have to have been great or near classic just to get close to meeting their projections.

I'll really believe she's managed to lose half of the SW fans when IX bombs @ the box office and even though I'd like to see Abrams be exposed I doubt it'll happen.

If we stick to quality, I'd take Solo over TLJ.

It seems more and more ppl want to use Solo's failure @ the box office to get at Kathleen cuz they're really more dissatisfied with TLJ. Some to the point they want to connect fan's dissatisfaction with TLJ to Solo's poor performance.
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Material that was unproven? I feel fairly safe in saying that people enjoyed the early X-Men films, even with flaws. The early Spidermans were raved about. Batman Begins was praised. The comic book movies were developing pretty quickly, and to mostly positive reviews. Now, if you mean just the Marvel material, ok, I can see what you are getting at, but I wouldn't say Feige built something out of nothing like what's being claimed in here. George Lucas built something out of nothing, Feige did not do that. People just love heaping praise on the man.

I hate typing out stuff on my iPad so my comments are never comprehensive.
The comic book movies to that point were pretty much just skimming the cream of the crop heroes-wise . Supes, Spidey, Batman and X-men to an extent. Any attempts outside the top heroes were flops like DD, Elektra, and Catwoman.

You are right about Lucas creating something out of nothing. He’s like a home builder that fabricated his materials and then built the house out of them. Feige took an existing pile of lumber and built a house. KK walked into an existing house and is just house sitting adding no value.
some were asking why box office is important, well...

'Solo' Will Lose $50M-Plus in First Defeat for Disney's 'Star Wars' Empire

Lucasfilm's stand-alone Han Solo origin pic is faltering at the global box office, where it is expected to top out in the $400 million range.

To borrow one of Han Solo's lines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, "That's not how the Force works!"

It's an apt way to sum up the troubled performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story. In one of the biggest box-office surprises in recent times, Solo is badly underperforming and will become the first of the Star Wars movies made by Disney and Lucasfilm to lose money.

Wall Street analyst Barton Crockett says Solo will lose more than $50 million. Industry financing sources, however, say that figure could come in at $80 million or higher, although no one knows the exact terms of Disney's deals for home entertainment and television, among other ancillary revenues.

Solo, directed by Ron Howard, isn't likely to gross much more than $400 million globally against a budget of at least $250 million and a major multimillion-dollar marketing spend. The movie lost major altitude in its second weekend of play to finish Sunday with a domestic total of $148.9 million and a global cume of $264.2 million.

Until now, Disney and Lucasfilm appeared unstoppable. Force Awakens, benefiting mightily from pent-up demand, earned $2.068 billion globally to rank as the No. 3 title of all time, not adjusted for inflation. The stand-alone title Rogue One: A Star Wars Story flew to $1.056 billion, while Star Wars: The Last Jedi grossed $1.332 billion. Since expectations for any film in the Star Wars franchise are sizable, no one expected Solo to fly so low.

“This marks a tough return to movie reality for a Disney that had in recent years enjoyed a can’t-miss mystique,” Crockett wrote in his note to investors.

In his own note to investors, analyst Doug Creutz of Cowen & Co. pins the blame on a lacklaster marketing campaign rather than franchise fatigue.

Disney can withstand any loss and isn't expected to take a write-down for the Solo shortfall. This year alone, Disney and Marvel's Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in profit for the studio. Black Panther has grossed $1.345 billion worldwide, including nearly $700 million domestically.

Infinity War has grossed $1.966 billion globally and is poised to become the first summer film in history to cross $2 billion. The all-time top three grossers are, not adjusted for inflation, Avatar, Titanic and Force Awakens, which were all released in December.

Disney's next film, Pixar's Incredibles 2, is tipped to be one of the biggest films of the summer.

The studio also has time to regroup before the next Star Wars movie as Star Wars: Episode IX, a follow-up to Force Awakens and Last Jedi, won't hit theaters until Dec. 20, 2019.
Solo was OK.. thought it could have been a lot better with the parts it had.. but just felt like something was missing the whole film or things were kinda under developed

Need to watch again to get a better feel for it.. but this the 2nd film since rogue one where I felt character development wasn't there
I hate typing out stuff on my iPad so my comments are never comprehensive.
The comic book movies to that point were pretty much just skimming the cream of the crop heroes-wise . Supes, Spidey, Batman and X-men to an extent. Any attempts outside the top heroes were flops like DD, Elektra, and Catwoman.

You are right about Lucas creating something out of nothing. He’s like a home builder that fabricated his materials and then built the house out of them. Feige took an existing pile of lumber and built a house. KK walked into an existing house and is just house sitting adding no value.

Gotta show love to blade and hellboy, which I think hold up better than all you mentioned above

'89 batman doesn't get nearly enough credit for what it did for CBMs.. that and batman returns

The xmen movies (first 2) always felt lackluster to me.. I loved the first 2 raimi Spider-Man films but they haven't aged well between the campyness of raimi's style and the CG

Like I look at movies like Jurassic park, jaws, first 3 Star Wars and T2 and wonder why certain CBMs couldnt get done earlier
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