Starting first graveyard shift in an hour! How the hell am I supposed to stay awake!


Mar 12, 2004
whats up NT, some of yall remember me postin about gettin laid off back in Feb(doubt it though). Well I finally got a job about a month ago at 24hr fitness. Itwas all cool for the first month but they pay was !+%%$! they offered me $2.50 p/h more if I worked a few graveyards per week. Im allowed to bring my laptopand i have a wirless verizon modem so ill have access to the internet. Any sites, or movies you guys can reccomend for me to keep me entertained for the next 8hours. Im a naturally early riser woke up @ 6 am this morning and havent napped all day, I cant sleep during the day Im sure ill be damn near dead halfwaythrough Help NT!
the graveyard guy at my 24 just brings in his desktop and plugs it into one of the monitors and just plays WOW all night long. In between he goes and works outkicks it in the sauna and just bull****s. But it also depends what type of gym it is 2. If its a small one you can get away with bsing but if its a big gym youmight not be so lucky.

Another graveyard guy leaves the gym for 2-3 hours and gets high as a kite and comes back.
I worked graveyards b4...its cool once u get used to far as sites... is pretty good. Catch up on tv shows..
What helps me...
Music on the phone
Slam Mags

And you'll figure out a sleeping/nap pattern for those few days you work 3rds. I only work 3-4 days a week but its 10 hr shifts so I know what days I needto rest up on.
preciate the help so far fellas, as far as the enegery drinks go they have no affect on me its like drinkin a big *%! gross soda for nothin. I do have a fewstarbucks double shots on standby though. As far as the coke goes haha ill pass, and ive already smoked a few bleezys but its kind of counter active makes meeven lazier haha
just think of all the ghosts and zombies and creepy @*%@, that'll keep you up and paranoid.
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