State your name and 3 REAL facts about yourself.


1. I love to procrastinate.
2. I have horrible people skillls.
3. I spend the majority of my money on fast food.
Real name:
BKA Will.

-Love money

-Love sneakers

-Love broads

1. Been in advanced training with the army for about 6 months now
2. Just got a chick pregnant
3. Been thinking about pushing her down a flight of stairs since she told me that

- Bougie as hell

- I kinda want a boyfriend, but only when it's convenient for me

- I just started a blog because I feel everyone is entitled to my opinion

Im Caroline or Carrie.

- I play softball, 2nd base and im completely in love with the sport.
- I have a secret fetish for white boys and I love asians. Holler
lol jk
- I love to watch movies and hope to write some as a future career, or if not, I'd love to be a movie critic :]

1. Play guitar, ukulele, a bit of piano
2. Aspires to be involved in the business/management part of the music industry
3. Short Filipino dude

1. Going into the Air Force because I don't get Financial Aid and want to become a laywer.
2. I'm a good looking dude.
3. Went to a Strip club for the first time last night and after talking for a while a stripper bought me a drink. I think I'm infatuated. T-Pain warned meabout this.
Since I wasn't expecting to see this thread on page one again...

-DAMN man... I just spent 45 mins in the shower pondering on if I wanna go down to Ballstate and see my lady........but it's superbowl weekend. IDC aboutthe game AT ALL, but Man-Law says you have to watch it, have abeer, and lounge with the hard legs. I can't break the law for once
. On the humble, I really wanna watch the half time commercials w/ my ladycuz that's what me and mom used to do together and I don't wanna be "alone" during half time. Yes, a crowded room gets to feeling real emptysometimes... I can't explain it.

-I "collect" secrets so that I have leverage on people when I need it. Like for instance, I wanna have everybody in her family cornered if I need tomanipulate somebody. I don't manipulate people often, but I like to be prepared in case they try to jerk me... I've partnered in somemisdemeanors with her oldest and youngest brothers that mommy wouldn't be too proud of and I took some heat for something else for her other older brotherwhen his girl caught him up by going through his texts. So between the three of them, I'm untouchable. My cousin used to holla at her older sister(she's badddd too.....
) and now he's tryna smash.... so I'm rooting for him so that I can know that she's cheating on her BF. IDKor even think there's a way I can dig up (or manufacture) dirt on her younger sis or mom. They're saints

-That last "Fact" sounds way more sinister than it really is
. I just have a lawyer's mind that's all. I prepare for arguments and stuff.So if these people ever decide to gang up on me verbally because me and my lady get into it or whatever, I'd like to know I have my weapons as well. Otherthan that unlikely scenario, all their secrets are safe with me.
My nephew's grandmother's sister on his mama's side There's a girl I'm kinda related to that I went to middle school and highschool with who had a father that passed away last year. He was like 85 andshe's 20 like me (or maybe 21 now).

1. Im addicted to Prada
2. Im addicted to reality television
3. I've been in a relationship for alomost a year now, just started meaning "I love you" 6 weeks ago
Dearwinter.. man i dont know if anyone was man enough to tell you dis, but god DANMIT, u need to change ur avatar.. i kknow mine is not any better, but dude..u look like.... just change it man.. i know u wanna show off your girl and all that.. and thats cool n all.. but atleaast block ur face
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

Dearwinter.. man i dont know if anyone was man enough to tell you dis, but god DANMIT, u need to change ur avatar.. i kknow mine is not any better, but dude.. u look like.... just change it man.. i know u wanna show off your girl and all that.. and thats cool n all.. but atleaast block ur face
1. I'm not showing off my girl, but I like the picture for personal reasons.
2. Do I even seem like the type of guy to care whether another guy thinks I'm cute or not? Seriously. Ask yourselfthat question out loud. I don't even care if girls think I'm cute, let alone you.

4. If you tried as hard to do you as you just tried to do me, you wouldn't have to lie about kicking it with celebrities in all your posts. Go ahead, makea gay joke out of what I just said. You know EXACTLY what I mean though.
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