Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

At least this cat got justice
Rep. Peter King blames chokehold death on Eric Garner's "obesity"
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these cops are so ****** up......bunch of lames that are letting go of that suppressed hurt from their childhood 

I had a cop tell me if I cursed (I was on the phone) that he would arrest me.......I walked away from the situation to continue my convo and this dude follows me repeating that if I cursed one time I would be arrested 
laugh.gif's obviously more to the story but it was a family matter and this dude was being a serious jerk off

luckily this christian cop came a lil later and he diffused a lot of ****.....the cop that threw those threats was a rookie cop trying to flex 

and while I'm on a rant I'm so tired of seeing some white folks defend these mogs and put the blame on us (black men)  .......I love all people but these white supremacist give the good white folks out here a bad name

I can't imagine sharing the same race as folks that was out here constantly blaming and hurting another idk how I would feel

watch it live guys

edit: everyone started running . cops are trying to block the streets but the protesters took them back it looks like \

10:20  - people trying to cross the line , arrests are being made  they announced anyone blocking traffic is subject to arrest . its about to get real

i just wish these hundreds of protesters would plow through that line of 20 cops or so 

10:33 - 4 more arrests , one was an elderly woman , the march is completely stopped at this line , people are trying to go around but there blocking both groups 

10:45 - they let them pass !
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Im surprised. The person that mistakenly killed oscar grant went to trial and received time, but this didnt...

yea, with all these walk offs, u wonder how cops get in trouble in the first place. on NPR, a former nypd officer/lawyer and current professor at john jay college in manhattan, said pretty much the legal system doesn't work, and that the legal freedom that is given to police is too broad, and this allows them to almost always get off. and i can agree, its not just the pigs, but the justice system that apparently supports this type of extreme use of power.

after the "verdict" came out today i went online and started researching whats that incidence of police brutality is like in canada, on some i don't want to live in this country anymore steez. :nerd:

sometimes i seriously think about moving to montreal...or quebec city. :smh:
Not surprised. They've been killing us for years like Dogs and getting away with it and people expected it to change now just because its captured on video. Hopefully those who are in denial that the system is broken wake up and realize that it truly is. .

The kicker in this situation is that in many of the previous incidents are either hear say or cop side of story v dead black individual's side and here THER ENTIRE WORLD has video evidence of the crime and it's crystal clear and still nothing. It's a blatant display of don't give a f____, and that's what is sickening
Good thing the big fella' didn't land any blows on the police officer and would make the family suffer.
I keep telling yall man the line has been crossed a long time ago, it's eye for an eye time bruhs. That's the only thing that will make them stop n think before they play duck hunt with us. Marching, t shirts, gimmicks, preaching, protesting, whining, etc has no place now. If black street gangs must still exist then nothing else should be on their agenda besides finding these folks who are gun ranging on our folks, that's it nothing more!
If the coroner declared this a homicide and there's no indictment who's the murderer? NYPD starting body cam's Wednesday and that's not going to mean anything since there was clear video of this.

Ur right. Isn't going to mean anything at all
The kicker in this situation is that in many of the previous incidents are either hear say or cop side of story v dead black individual's side and here THER ENTIRE WORLD has video evidence of the crime and it's crystal clear and still nothing. It's a blatant display of don't give a f____, and that's what is sickening
whats ever sadder is when you talk to someone white.. they 1.) never watched the original video of the indicent and 2.) still think that they didnt just hand pick the jury and 3.) the people are doing their job correctly
This grand jury BS needs to be done away with...what a FKIN joke bruhs, a coroner declares is a homicide, but no suspected murderer was even charged...did Garner choke himself to death????....I mean cmon man...what kind of justice system is this!?????? It's so FKIN terrifying bros, the system put forth to protect us, is letting us be murdered on really isn't a white or black thing, this is a blue vs all the other colors in the spectrum thing....the police is out of control, untrained and I'm sure a lot of them have a lot of suppressed anger, which they unleash on these folks...then you add a system that protects them above all and you instill in them an invincibility complex...these guys really believe they are untouchable as long as the badge is on...I don't even know what to say..
At this juncture in time I see no way the concept of eye for an eye wins for our side.

1st off, they are already hoping we jump stupid with a few rocks so they can fire off into a crowd. Us running up armed is gon give them just cause for them to set up some prison camps for every black person they see so they can protect themselves

2nd, it'll be years before a legitimate plan is drawn up to even combat the plans they have against us. They not out there flying by the seat of they pants, this is planned out for some time. There's a reason why they are asking for us to keep protesting because they are banking on provoking protesters to get a reaction so they can, once again, protect themselves

But, I do somewhat forsee a Civil War II breaking out. I just don't know when
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