Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

thats one hell of a transformation, props to him.

That's nothing compared to this guy

Anybody got 2 gym memberships.......I'm thinkin about keepin the one close to the house an gettin another one at LA fitness for the extras an more hours.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

what kinda diet can I go on to lose 10-20 pounds in 3 weeks?

either that

or drink a whole can or a can and a half of redline xtreme everyday during those 3 weeks and hit the gym hard 2 times a day

guaranteed you'll be shredded if you don't die from a heart attack
Got a couple of questions

First off I'm 6'0 and 175 pounds

1. I'm basically skinny but I have love handles. How do I get rid of them? I know you can't spot train.

2. I'm gonna start fasting for Ramadan starting Wednesday. What type of foods should I eat to loose about 5-10 lbs during fasting?

3. What's the best fat burning supplements to take?

4. Is a multivitamin even worth it? I'm taking Centrum right now.
Originally Posted by I3

Im doing a strength programme.

I've got a new PB on my bench (67.5) kg. However, my programme is 5x5, currently I was only able to complete 5/4/3/3/3.. I need a spotter.

Now my question is if I can do 5/5/5/5/5 with a spotter, should I move onto 70kg, or do 67.5 until I can get it by myself?

Im getting down to 220lbs 5x5 squats below parallel now, seeing crazy improvement in my vert and explosivity.

Another question - im beginning basketball training, where I train 3x a week. My programme is designed to do squats 3x a week. This will not work. Is there anyway around this? i'd hate to lose my progress yet id hate to be fatigued/overtrained for basketball..

Any experienced heads can help me out??

Any takers?
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

what kinda diet can I go on to lose 10-20 pounds in 3 weeks?

with a side of teh Aidz
I just find it funny how this post appeared not half a page down from DC's spiel about everyone today basically not giving a @#+* and doing anything to achieve quick results. 
Complex Carbohydrates.

I find it very difficult to obtain complex carbs due to the sheer fact ALL sources req' prep.
I can grab a carton of liquid egg whites and thats 42g of protein down the hatch... but carbs? I gotta sit there and eat spoonfuls of rice, bread, buns, pasta, oats....

Is there a source of complex carbs that doesnt need prep or eat time? something I can just literally slam on my way to work? (~50g??)

I find myself eating 2 or 3 cups of oats a day.. so I'm started to make whole grain rice more often.
What can I add to steamed broccoli+brown rice to help it out?? I'm not worried about calories..
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Something I was talking to my boys about last night. We were at Hooters during UFC and there were a lot of dudes that just looked super strong. Has the weight lifting world become like Baseball in the Early 2000s? Where it is assumed folks are dirty? Especially since Jersey Shore folks just blatantly discuss how roided up they are it just seems like I am being left behind because I want to hold on to my integrity. Even in terms of certain supplements I refuse to take because I feel like it is almost cheating. But also I don't know the long term effects of many of these projects.

Like all of these dudes being posted in here I wonder how legit they are. But does it even matter anymore or is the end result all that matters?

Plus I am scared I might become infertile and/or have my stuff shrink by taking stuff.
that's not the avg male though, that's a crowd of people who tend to work out a lot and train in mma or at least pretend they do. they like to fit the tough guy/fighter image by being jacked and wearing douchey clothes that accentuate their large arms.

and yes plenty of them juice

but most people who work out dont.
you can get big without that stuff. but it is a quick and easy way to get there, and honestly if done right permanent side effects are rare.
btw that vid l2l posted

those obliques are ridiculous

i want to cut so bad but first i gotta get back to the strength/size i had last year
can anyone direct me to a pull up bar for my door frame that's similar to the iron gym?

because my door frame is too wide, its 36 inches wide and the iron gym doesn't fit properly on it
Just wondering what are some of you guys' verticals? I'm trying to touch rim and it's tough because I have a low standing reach (6'11"), but I have a max 29" vert last time I checked. So it's above average but still far short of my goal.
yo fellas, so i been lurking this thread a lot lately since i started lifting about 2 months ago going for 3. I always been a small dude in height and weight. So I finally got tired of this so I have decided to start lifting. I have gotten getting stronger since I started and i have been seeing a bit of results. I think i have gained like 5 or so pounds since i started. I am still pretty new to this scene and today I realized a did a dumb #$% mistake. I worked out my tri's before bench-press since all the benches were taken and resulted in not being able to hit the bench like i usually do or how i like to hit it
. I might have to do chest again on Thursday cus of this. Which brings me to not having a consistent split that i stick to. Usually i keep a split for 2-3 weeks than change it. I want to get to get to something like where iLLest is at by around this time next year or earlier if possible. I would appreciate it if someone recommends me a good 3-4 day split, maybe even breakdown which exercises to do that day(i.e.- bench press, squats). Thanks.
Originally Posted by davizzy

yo fellas, so i been lurking this thread a lot lately since i started lifting about 2 months ago going for 3. I always been a small dude in height and weight. So I finally got tired of this so I have decided to start lifting. I have gotten getting stronger since I started and i have been seeing a bit of results. I think i have gained like 5 or so pounds since i started. I am still pretty new to this scene and today I realized a did a dumb #$% mistake. I worked out my tri's before bench-press since all the benches were taken and resulted in not being able to hit the bench like i usually do or how i like to hit it
. I might have to do chest again on Thursday cus of this. Which brings me to not having a consistent split that i stick to. Usually i keep a split for 2-3 weeks than change it. I want to get to get to something like where iLLest is at by around this time next year or earlier if possible. I would appreciate it if someone recommends me a good 3-4 day split, maybe even breakdown which exercises to do that day(i.e.- bench press, squats). Thanks.
Let's see a ninjahood of this and we can talk splits

For anyone that has taken extended time off at the gym, thoughts on best routines, splits, etc. as you get back into a groove? Took like a month off, hit the gym ever now and then, and am now ready to get back to business.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by I3

Im doing a strength programme.

I've got a new PB on my bench (67.5) kg. However, my programme is 5x5, currently I was only able to complete 5/4/3/3/3.. I need a spotter.

Now my question is if I can do 5/5/5/5/5 with a spotter, should I move onto 70kg, or do 67.5 until I can get it by myself?

Im getting down to 220lbs 5x5 squats below parallel now, seeing crazy improvement in my vert and explosivity.

Another question - im beginning basketball training, where I train 3x a week. My programme is designed to do squats 3x a week. This will not work. Is there anyway around this? i'd hate to lose my progress yet id hate to be fatigued/overtrained for basketball..

Any experienced heads can help me out??

Any takers?

If I were you I'd wait until I had a spotter, better to be safe especially when you're dealing with high effort loads, or you could use dumbbells.
You're not doing the rippetoe program, are you?

And if it doesn't work, change it! Squat 2x a week should be enough, but what is your goal? Get stronger, bigger, in shape, etc.?

And what is your basketball training regimen?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by davizzy

yo fellas, so i been lurking this thread a lot lately since i started lifting about 2 months ago going for 3. I always been a small dude in height and weight. So I finally got tired of this so I have decided to start lifting. I have gotten getting stronger since I started and i have been seeing a bit of results. I think i have gained like 5 or so pounds since i started. I am still pretty new to this scene and today I realized a did a dumb #$% mistake. I worked out my tri's before bench-press since all the benches were taken and resulted in not being able to hit the bench like i usually do or how i like to hit it
. I might have to do chest again on Thursday cus of this. Which brings me to not having a consistent split that i stick to. Usually i keep a split for 2-3 weeks than change it. I want to get to get to something like where iLLest is at by around this time next year or earlier if possible. I would appreciate it if someone recommends me a good 3-4 day split, maybe even breakdown which exercises to do that day(i.e.- bench press, squats). Thanks.
Let's see a ninjahood of this and we can talk splits


Here you go:

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