Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

you should get atleast 2-3 cardio days in

feels good to have my abs back
So I just tried to do DL's for the first time today. Needless to say, I let my ego get the best of me. After the 4th rep I felt a CRACK! in my lower back and immediate tightness. It feels swollen and it hurts my right hip. Going to a back specialist tomorrow to see what they say

Originally Posted by NjCollector

Puuuuuuull ups, gotdamn.

I love them, weighted pull ups with a 45 between your legs while everyone stares with awe just asking themselves %%% is this guy doing and 'mirin at the same time. Sucks i can only do 2 or 3 reps but damn, it feels good.

Everyone should work their delts, and hit them hard, they really complement your arms alot. I never hit delts hard, but now i got a delt/shoulder day, and it was the best thing i did. I don't know if it's intrabolic or this bulk, but i'm at a steady 158 but i'm getting stronger.

That's all for now, keep lifting *****ots.
use a weight belt that lets you attach plates to will thank me its a lot less of an inconvenience 
Originally Posted by dgk3188

my right shoulder hurts a lot when i do shoulder exercises.

what gives?
Try slower reps/less weight. You may be doing em with improper posture. If it's not that then do shoulder stretches to ease the pain.
If it doesn't help just stop working it out for a 2-5 days make sure you do shoulder stretches.
Originally Posted by Dragon

Anyone cutting right now?  Just wondering what are some good routine? I planned  on incorporating cardio for  cutting however I am not sure whether i should keep lifting heavy or go lighter with more reps.  
best exercises to workout the pectoralis minor?
That cant be isolated and its a deep muscle so why would you want to work it out?

my right shoulder hurts a lot when i do shoulder exercises.

what gives?

Well considering thats a really vague description it could be anything.

What part of your shoulder?  Is it a sharp pain or an ache?  When does it hurt; when your hands are over your head, in front of you, to the side, etc.
I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?
Originally Posted by acekilla408

Originally Posted by Durden7

best exercises to workout the pectoralis minor?
That cant be isolated and its a deep muscle so why would you want to work it out?
 I meant the superficial of the pectoralis minor so the cut on the outside of your chest

Im still confused.  All of the pectoralis minor is deep.  None of it is superficial.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by acekilla408

Originally Posted by Durden7

best exercises to workout the pectoralis minor?
That cant be isolated and its a deep muscle so why would you want to work it out?
 I meant the superficial of the pectoralis minor so the cut on the outside of your chest
Im still confused.  All of the pectoralis minor is deep.  None of it is superficial.

For the outer chest do fly's!!
just got back into working out. jesus...

did leg day today and my knees hurt so bad during my first squats, but by the end of deadlifts my knees felt great but my hams were def about to give out

It's ridiculously hard for me to stay motivated, I'm really just going off the mantra "just do it"
Enjoying a cheat day today...

Muscles are fuller, veins are showing, eating tasty food in large portions...feelsgoodman

Feel like a bloated pregnant +%%$+...feelsbadman
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Enjoying a cheat day today...

Muscles are fuller, veins are showing, eating tasty food in large portions...feelsgoodman

Feel like a bloated pregnant +%%$+...feelsbadman
Damn I would've bought that Jack3d %@*! for 9.50.. Not for 30 bucks though

Last day at 24 hour fitness for me, going to join a crappy gym after this cause I'm broke
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?
Durden, im still reading this book called "built for show" by nate green, i almost feel like its you talking.

things in here about training resemble things youve said

he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today

what was that asian guys name that had those youtube videos we had posted in here? he was pretty jacked? you guys remember? this is basically the type of training style he was promoting
Wanted to go from 175 to 200.. (im 5'10) is this a good workout to build mass in a short span of time? (10-20 pounds of muscle by march)

Routine For The First Two-Three Months:

    * Monday: Chest / Triceps
    * >Tuesday: Back / Biceps
    * Wednesday: Shoulder / Traps
    * Thursday: Thigh / Calves / Abs
    * Friday: Chest / Triceps
    * Saturday: Back / Biceps
    * Sunday: Shoulder / Traps

      ** Cardio should be done 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes on medium intensity if you are bulking.
      ** Cardio should be done 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes on medium-high intensity if you are cutting.

      By using this routine, you are focusing on both building muscle mass and defining the muscles at the same time. You must combine both compound and isolation exercises into your workouts.

Chest / Triceps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on bench followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 8 flat bench press
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell chest flies
    * 3 Sets of 10, 8, 8 Incline dumbbell press
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Weighted Dips
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Skullcrusher
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Overhead Tricep Extension

Back / Bicep Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on pull ups followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 7 lat pull-down
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 low row
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 high row
    * 2 Sets of 8, 6 Barbell pullovers
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 6 Deadlifts
    * 2 Sets of Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Shoulder / Traps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Dumbbell Military Presses followed by 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Barbell Military Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell lateral raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8 ,8 Dumbbell front raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Posterior Flies (Machine or dumbbells)
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Dumbbell Arnold Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy dumbbell Shrugs
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Heavy Behind the back barbell shrugs

Thigh / Calves / Abs Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Full Squats followed by 3 Sets of 12, 10, 8 Barbell full squats
    * 3 Sets of 15, 12, 8 Hamstring Curls
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy Calf raises
    * 2 Sets of 8, 8 Heavy Squats on the leg press machine
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Leg extensions
    * 2 Sets of 50, 50 Crunches or as much as you can do
    * 2 Sets of Hanging leg raises (As much as you can do)

      By doing 8-12 repetitions for each set, you will stimulate maximum hypertrophy. However, this is based on the average person. Every person responds to weightlifting differently, some better, some worse. Simply try this routine and then adjust it according to your own unique body type.

      Warm-up sets require at least 12 repetitions depending on the size of the muscle and the amount of weight you are using. It is very important to warm-up and stretch the muscle group that you will be targeting before you start your routine. Failure to warm-up and stretch properly before workouts can result in severe injury.

      Another good idea is to warm-up the secondary/stabilizing muscles as well. For example, if you are going to be doing heavy barbell bench, I recommend that you warm-up the triceps and shoulders before heavy benching.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Durden, im still reading this book called "built for show" by nate green, i almost feel like its you talking.

things in here about training resemble things youve said

he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today

what was that asian guys name that had those youtube videos we had posted in here? he was pretty jacked? you guys remember? this is basically the type of training style he was promoting
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