Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Zyzz

man, why is it so hard to get a 6 pack? ive lost a decent amount of weight and lean all over except my belly
id kill to get a 6 pack right now

Focus more on legs. 
Continue to have a caloric deficit.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Zyzz

man, why is it so hard to get a 6 pack? ive lost a decent amount of weight and lean all over except my belly
id kill to get a 6 pack right now

Focus more on legs. 
Continue to have a caloric deficit.
yea im on a calorie deficit and doing good, personally dont need to lose anymore weight just belly fat. i look good but want a six pack badly.
anybody have any experiences w/ no xplode?

got the big tub for 31$ at gnc did 2 scoops today and didnt feel anything, going to do 3 tomm if i dont feel anything then im returning it

and is there anything i can do to really put on some muscle dont feel like ive gained any strength in months
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

anybody have any experiences w/ no xplode?

got the big tub for 31$ at gnc did 2 scoops today and didnt feel anything, going to do 3 tomm if i dont feel anything then im returning it

and is there anything i can do to really put on some muscle dont feel like ive gained any strength in months

It was effective for the first few weeks then my body got used to it... Just like every other pre workout supp.
Went from 237lbs 2 years ago to 185lbs currently. keep it up and don't worry about what others think. DO YOU at the gym because you never know what someone may be training for. just some advice
I'm 6', around 195-200 range. But, I'm out of shape!

What would be a good efficient, and cheap way to lose some weight and build muscle? Like specific workout routines? What to eat and what not to eat?

I would appreciate the help!
For bent over rows, do you guys use overhand or underhand grip? ...What's the difference between the grips?
Also, for chest workouts, how important is decline bench/dumbbell press? I always work on the flat and incline but rarely the decline.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

For bent over rows, do you guys use overhand or underhand grip? ...What's the difference between the grips?
Also, for chest workouts, how important is decline bench/dumbbell press? I always work on the flat and incline but rarely the decline.

I use the underhand grip for bent over rows, it works my biceps along with my lats whereas the overhand is more focused on lats. I like to balance the work load. I feel like you can lift more weight with an overhand grip though.

Decline is good for targeting the lower part of the pecs. If you solely do decline you'll look like you got man breasts, usually flat and incline will get some big results by themselves. You can lift more with decline though.
Just tried to max out on the bench for the first time in probably two years.  Hit a PR of 295 at 170lbs body weight.  Next stop: 300!

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

anybody have any experiences w/ no xplode?

got the big tub for 31$ at gnc did 2 scoops today and didnt feel anything, going to do 3 tomm if i dont feel anything then im returning it

and is there anything i can do to really put on some muscle dont feel like ive gained any strength in months

It was effective for the first few weeks then my body got used to it... Just like every other pre workout supp.
things respond differently to everyones body.  personally, no xplode works really well for me, i've tried different pre workout supplements over the past ~6 years and always end up coming back to no xplode
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Just tried to max out on the bench for the first time in probably two years.  Hit a PR of 295 at 170lbs body weight.  Next stop: 300!

nice job dude
maybe im confusing u with someone else but arent u like 170 lbs or less? very nice 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Just tried to max out on the bench for the first time in probably two years.  Hit a PR of 295 at 170lbs body weight.  Next stop: 300!

nice job dude
maybe im confusing u with someone else but arent u like 170 lbs or less? very nice 
Thx man. It says up there in the post, I'm 170. lol.  Actually, probably closer to 175.
wow lol im an idiot

nice job man thats a lot to bench at any weight but at 170 very very good

do u normally do flat bench as part of your workout routine? im curious to see what i could max out at but i pretty much only use DB's these days.
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

So something is wrong with my left trapezoid muscle..

I fell asleep for an hour or so in a long car ride at an odd angle, and my neck felt like it was 50 lbs the next day when I woke up. Whenever I try to do shrugs, or pinch my shoulder blades together, my right shoulder blade contracts extremely stiff, while my left shoulder blade hardly contracts at all. Not only that, I can't turn my head as far as I can turn my head to the left. It feels like something is pulling it back.

Now when I do shrugs, my traps usually contract but this time, my left trap doesnt contract at all. And this time around, doing seated rows, I felt like my shoulder was gonna rip right out of its socket.

I did some research and I think it MIGHT be a pinched nerve, I'm not sure yet. I visited my campus chiropractor and they "fixed" me, but I'm still having this problem with my shoulder. I figured I might try and post here to get some insight on this...

I don't have any backpains, or suffer from any pain. Only when I workout. Any insight?
Stretching, foam rolling, trigger point release, heating the muscle may help. If it was a pinched nerve, you'd be in pain constantly. Visit a good chiropractor(the profession is notorious for not being regulated). May want to visit an ART(Active Release Technique) practitioner.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Well I got the injury from basketball, a sharp cut in one direction and I felt it after. Happened summer of last year, and it still hasnt 100% healed. I play ball on it, back in the fall it would bother me to the point where I would have to stop, but its gotten better. Last winter, it would hurt after games, now its pretty much non-existant unless I run pickup games for an extended period of time. Never got it checked out. 
 It doesnt hurt at all doing machine squats, regular dumbell squats it feels like I just ran a game on the court and I have that lingering pain after, got me limping and whatnot 
Instead of covering up the problem(whatever the source of the pain is) by doing smith machine squats, I strongly urge you to fix the issue at its root. Smith machine squats can instill bad movement patterns, cause injury, etc. etc. Money spent on health is money well spent.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

I never said smith machine squats. I meant machine squats but I guess the proper term is leg press machines.

How are these?


i love leg presses. one of my favorite exercises
Does anybody have any info. for Hydroxycut from personal experience/knowledge? I have the annoying belly fat that's preventing me from getting my 6-pack to really show. Should I be looking at Hydroxycut, or something different? If no supplements at all, what should I be doing to get rid of my bellyfat?
Originally Posted by Club 27

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

I never said smith machine squats. I meant machine squats but I guess the proper term is leg press machines.

How are these?


i love leg presses. one of my favorite exercises

Yea leg press is great. Try placeing your leg in different places. I usually do 3 angles, 4 sets a piece.
Which angles could I work with?

I know these arent as great as squats, but generally if I stick to this, can I still get the same results that squats will net me (relatively the same)? Im sure it doesnt work the core as hard as squats do.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Does anybody have any info. for Hydroxycut from personal experience/knowledge? I have the annoying belly fat that's preventing me from getting my 6-pack to really show. Should I be looking at Hydroxycut, or something different? If no supplements at all, what should I be doing to get rid of my bellyfat?
fix your diet
you could try green tea
yeah leg press is good, unless you have back problems maybe
2nd day off the ec stack, 2nd day of subpar diet......noticing a trend here. time to get more ephedrine, stat
My left wrist has been hurt for the past two weeks.. doing any heavy pushing motion seems to aggregate it more... but it hard not to do chest/shoulders.

Been doing back/legs OD the past couple weeks.

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

wow, congrats man! very impressive!
can't wait til school starts, going to take my MAXs for bench, squat, and deadlifts and see how i improve over the semester.

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