Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

I don't know how you can work with someone who uses their platform as a public figure on twitter to villify coworkers and make them to look like monsters and damage their reputation.

Forget what Stephen A Smith said and look at how this was handled. When I say people are soft and overly PC, its stuff like this I'm referring to. Like I asked before, how hard would it be for Michelle Beadle to have contacted SAS directly and talk to him like an adult and coworker in a professional manner? What's so hard about that. Is she afraid of face to face conversation with someone she disagrees with?

How is going at him publicly soft?

He made a statement publicly and it was handled publicly.

If SAS manned up to what he originally said, properly clarified himself and apologized for his poor wording, this would no longer be an issue. Instead he used the initial confrontation as a chance to repeat himself word for word and to say that other people were wrong for misconstruing what he said.

Sometimes people need to be publicly shamed to see the errors of their ways. SAS's initial response tells me that he wasn't going to back down even if she handled it privately. SAS is a public figure and said something ON TV - why are you so sad that he is dealing with this publicly?
Look at these dumb ******* 

Whoopi the only one with some sense. I wish she would have asked that white lady why would it be necessary to hit a man in the first place.

Whoopi always coming with knowledge. Did it when the Solange/Hov thing happened and now again. I wish Stephen A. Smith didn't apologize, said **** the teleprompter and instead asked why is it necessary for a woman to hit a man in the first place on live TV.
If Stephen A really gets fired for something he's said for years without a single complaint until Beadle...

Ima be really upset.
Whether or not you like Stephen A. Or not, that's just not a justified termination.

If I was skip I'd say **** you guys, I'm leaving with my boy we'll go make our money elsewhere, good luck with those First Take ratings.

No way I could work for a company who does
My boy wrong like that on so many levels :smh:
Because its unprofessional and frowned upon in the work world. If your on twitter or Facebook, could you trust a coworker who airs you or another coworker out over something when they could discuss it in house instead?

Michelle Beadle abused her platform as a public figure with how she went about this. Her coworkers might not publicly say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they lost respect and trust for her with how she handled this. For all they know, they could be next if they say something beadle deems inappropriate.

His initial statement wasn't said with malicious intent. There was no error in what he said. Some people choose to take it the wrong way and disregard everything and only focus on a single word he said. Talking to him like an adult behind closed doors is a much better way to get him to understand your perspective then to vilify him.

But seeing Beadles track record, Stephen A Smith, Dan Lebetard, AJ Lee. Drunkenly asking Packers players to F her while on the clock at the espy's is seems as if Beadle isn't an innocent saint, she ruffles feathers and then tries to play innocent.

If your going to air someone out that's fine, but make sure your track record is spotless also.
What gets me is that SAS has said EVERYTHING he's said that day before minus using the magic word and NOT ONCE was there outrage about it :lol:

Does that make it defensible? Didn't he have a preacher on there last time he spoke like this? Maybe he'll finally learn his lesson about victim-blaming. His Tayvon and Cuban comments were disgusting
Does that make it defensible? Didn't he have a preacher on there last time he spoke like this? Maybe he'll finally learn his lesson about victim-blaming. His Tayvon and Cuban comments were disgusting
he's actually used the word before..

I think it was worse when he went in on Chad Johnson....
I'm glad this happened though...

This will bring to light the double standard that exists.

That lady said men are physically more superior... So they should not hit women.

So they can say men are more intellectually superior? Meaning only men should have ideas?

Hell no you can't...

How can you ask for equality then cry inequality when a man smacks you up AFTER you smack him up?

Nah, b.
On another note, David Tyree was vilified when he became the giants director of player development recently because of some stuff he said about gay marriage. Stuff that many would argue would be deemed worse then what Stephen A Smith said.

You know who defended him publicly and said lashing out and vilifying him wasnt good?

Patrick Burke, who's the executive director of You Can Play which is a group that encourages gays to play sports. That group went about trying to educate David Tyree on the subject and spoke out against other groups vilifying him. To me that's true good intentions as opposed to shaming and making a person look bad.

You can get alot more accomplished and can understand and are more willing to look at things from another perspective if you talk it out behind closed doors rather then publicly shame another individual. Especially when you got a poor track record with people skills like Michelle Beadle has.
I'm glad this happened though...

This will bring to light the double standard that exists.

That lady said men are physically more superior... So they should not hit women.

So they can say men are more intellectually superior? Meaning only men should have ideas?

Hell no you can't...

How can you ask for equality then cry inequality when a man smacks you up AFTER you smack him up?

Nah, b.

Word. Why is it acceptable for a grown *** ADULT to lack any control and just hit people? Doesn't matter how small the broad is or how weak the hits are... why is that acceptable adult behavior?
Did Michelle get suspended for this ESPY's thing you guys speak of.
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This whole situation has really exposed the byytch made psyche of the male populous. But than again a lot of posters tend to side with Zimmerman and the stand your ground laws. So you softies aint surprising me.. The timing of SAS, goes right up there with Mark Cuban comments about stereotypes during the Sterling ongoing fiasco, its just bad. Cuban came of as a racist apologist and of those that condone Sterlings behavior. Steven A, his comments comes off as a women abusing apologist. Not by his intent but by the timing of it. His comments I know what he meant but the masses are too stupid to truly understand. Those that agree with his comments included. To avoid domestic debuts a women should know not to put there hands on a man to provoke any type of physical response. True n deed.

But when are we as men going to grow some balls and start to realize that women are not as strong as us. That a punch from a women does not equal a punch from a man. I'm not giving any pusciy as women beaters a pass. I'm 6'2'' 220 pounds if my girl slaps me does that than gives me a pass to elicit such a response as to knock her out. Or leave her face bruised and bloodied? We play wrestled and I have a great understnding of the difference in brut strength alone. Shes OVERMATCHED. So did Ray Rice fiance provoked getting KO'd? Can anyone explain to me how can a man Ray Rice size justify knocking his women out cold. Not a smack, not a headlock, not a grip lock but a KO punch. Not to mention in a public area. So its okay to put the beats on a women who literally has no chance of inflicting the same bruises, broken bones, damage etc. as her male counterpart cause she threw a fit and hit him? Nope I don't get it. Unless weapons are involved there are ways to put a women in check without beating her up and hitting her like she is a male.
I was hating on AJ for stepping to her over the CM Punk thing, but I fully back her now.

What happened with her and AJ?

So its Stephen A Smith, Dan Lebetard, and AJ from what I'm seeing who've all had problems with Michele Beadle.

Am I noticing a pattern here where Beadle has problems getting along with others, both male and female.

What was her and Lebatard's beef?

I'd like to see AJ and Paige attack beadle backstage somewhere and do their submission moves on her while Papi curses her out in his accent.
I'm glad this happened though...

This will bring to light the double standard that exists.

That lady said men are physically more superior... So they should not hit women.

So they can say men are more intellectually superior? Meaning only men should have ideas?

Hell no you can't...

How can you ask for equality then cry inequality when a man smacks you up AFTER you smack him up?

Nah, b.

lol I pray for the OPs IQ level that he is trolling.
This whole situation has really exposed the byytch made psyche of the male populous. But than again a lot of posters tend to side with Zimmerman and the stand your ground laws. So you softies aint surprising me.. The timing of SAS, goes right up there with Mark Cuban comments about stereotypes during the Sterling ongoing fiasco, its just bad. Cuban came of as a racist apologist and of those that condone Sterlings behavior. Steven A, his comments comes off as a women abusing apologist. Not by his intent but by the timing of it. His comments I know what he meant but the masses are too stupid to truly understand. Those that agree with his comments included. To avoid domestic debuts a women should know not to put there hands on a man to provoke any type of physical response. True n deed.

But when are we as men going to grow some balls and start to realize that women are not as strong as us. That a punch from a women does not equal a punch from a man. I'm not giving any pusciy as women beaters a pass. I'm 6'2'' 220 pounds if my girl slaps me does that than gives me a pass to elicit such a response as to knock her out. Or leave her face bruised and bloodied? We play wrestled and I have a great understnding of the difference in brut strength alone. Shes OVERMATCHED. So did Ray Rice fiance provoked getting KO'd? Can anyone explain to me how can a man Ray Rice size justify knocking his women out cold. Not a smack, not a headlock, not a grip lock but a KO punch. Not to mention in a public area. So its okay to put the beats on a women who literally has no chance of inflicting the same bruises, broken bones, damage etc. as her male counterpart cause she threw a fit and hit him? Nope I don't get it. Unless weapons are involved there are ways to put a women in check without beating her up and hitting her like she is a male.

Brah you are missing the point ENTIRELY.
I'm glad this happened though...

This will bring to light the double standard that exists.

That lady said men are physically more superior... So they should not hit women.

So they can say men are more intellectually superior? Meaning only men should have ideas?

Hell no you can't...

How can you ask for equality then cry inequality when a man smacks you up AFTER you smack him up?

Nah, b.

Whoopie the only non bird in that flock.
that bish said i shouldn't hit a woman back unless my life is in Jeopardy?


everybody on that panel aside from whoopi seem like a manipulative skeezer
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