Couldn't she have just applied again next year? I have no idea how the application process is for law school.
damn, Rachel is married :frown:
Couldn't she have just applied again next year? I have no idea how the application process is for law school.

She could re-apply, but unless she retakes her LSAT's and scores higher, she probably still wouldn't get in-- it would be the same exact application except that she'd be one year older, and have one more year's work experience at PH.
and for the record rachel's character would have gotten into Harvard.  passing on one of the top paralegals from the best firm in NY who got a 170+ LSAT and whose dad is a world famous attorney and an alum????

not to mention she's an applicant who got a glowing recommendation from her employers AND who murdered the interview?

The Harvard **** riding in this show gets to be too much sometimes. "We only hire from Harvard." Okkkkkkk...
She probably would have gotten in depending on how she played her application, but I don't think she was a sure thing for HLS. We don't know her undergrad degree, or what her GPA was, and a 172 is not "stellar" for Harvard. It doesn't sound like she mentioned being Bunk's daughter, though there is a spot on the application where you fill in family legacy, but regardless, it sounds like he didn't pull any strings for her (since she didn't even tell him she took the LSAT until way late). There are also no generally no interviews for law schools (though HLS does a phone call with the Dean if you make it pass the first round of consideration).

Basically, her entire application hinges upon whether she ticked "Black/African-American" under the Race section on her application. If she did, then she'd be a stone cold lock. If not, it's a bit trickier.

Also, given Pearson Hardman's make-up (being the top-ranked firm, only one office and hires only from HLS), I'm assuming that it's supposed to represent the firm WLRK in real life (which is the top-ranked firm, only one office) but even they don't only hire from Harvard, though they are the most selective firm--they only recruit candidates from (Yale, HLS, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago, Penn, NYU + Howard (for diversity purposes)).

Pearson Hardman would also tank in the Vault rankings immediately making it impossible for them to hire only lawyers from Harvard. No way that Rachel or Harvard Law grad would ever actually want to work at a firm like Pearson Hardman in real life-- only one office, struggling financially, with partners embezzling funds and openly and publicly combating over partnerships

This is all true, BUT:

1.  Her dad is a famous defense attorney.  Even Mike knew who he was.  That'd be like Johnny Cochran's kid trying to fly under the radar.  Harvard would know exactly who she was when she applied, especially because

2.  That interview lady met with her, and surely asked her typical interview questions: what's your background, family and home life, why do you want to be a lawyer.  Which brings me to my third point

3.  She DID interview.  Law schools typically don't, but sometimes when they're on the fence about a candidate (as they were with her as evidenced by what the lady said) then they can interview.  And the show wants us to believe that they DID interview her and LOVED her at the interview

4.  And also clearly saw that she was a minority and probably Black.  So even if she didn't check that box to get in the door, when they finally got to see her they would have known.

5.  Her undergrad scores wouldn't have mattered that much.  We're to understand she's probably in her late twenties and has been killing as a paralegal at the top firm in NYC.  a lot more goes into law school selection, i know -- for example, how many other people have similar backgrounds and are applying; and with the past few years law app numbers, probably an obscene amount -- but the whole "she wasn't good enough" storyline is a bit much.  She's a famous legacy and people get into Harvard with worse credentials every year.  I don't mind her not getting in.  The whole Harvard needs the perfect applicant angle just irks me. 

Plus I know Harvard Law people.  A lot of them are pretty much like every other top 25 law school student.  The show plays up the douche factor a lot.
It's tha time already? Year has gone by fast.

I'm going to wait for a few episodes to pile up before diving in.

How many episodes are there going to be this season?
Rachel is so bad but yet so average. I can't put my finger on it..I'm inlove with her though.

I'm halfway through season 1 and seen the gifs on purpose. I knew it was gonna happen eventually but my dude Ross :smokin
                                                                                                               The Rachel circle

                                                                                                                    She's Bad

                                               I'd lick every crevasse on her body                                                                                                   She's cute

                                                                                                                   Meh she average

Sorry I  jumped the gun guys, I was trippin thinking it was like 5 days away, but its 12. lol
Damn, can't believe we back at this. This and Breaking Bad, gonna be a good month. Then, before you realize it, its Walking Dead time.
Season 1 and 2 are on Amazon Prime, so I been rewatching.

I kinda miss Jenny.
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