need a gif of louis lickign his fingers

rachel has been growing really annoying over the last few seasons.
Won't look good for PS, cause they would have known and they would have been obligated to report it, which they never did.
Mike can't prove that though.

and PS will spend the next 10 years dealing with old cases, cause everyone one of those cases will be re-opened.

PS' name would also be tarnished for letting something like that happen. They're not trying to have that happen.
It isn't a smart move either way. I mean Mike either finds a way to prove they knew all along and they face the consequences or it simply gets out that Mike wasn't a lawyer and PS has to go with Mike was able to fool ALL of them for like a year or w/e and then they kinda become a laughing stock. Not to mention all the cases re-opened, clients possibly leaving, and past clients suing.
Me and the wife started watching last week. I need to watch the previous season to get a feel for the characters. I like what I've seen so far tho
I liked this past weeks episode, I love this Harvey Vs Mike.
In the Show, the time has only elapsed about a year- year and a half, and he's already claiming he can beat his mentor..this story line will most likely end up with Harvey getting Mike back at PS.
Me and the wife started watching last week. I need to watch the previous season to get a feel for the characters. I like what I've seen so far tho
Start from Season 1. I Started at Season 3 because it was on 'On Demand', but went back and watched Season 1,2 and than 3 again before Season 3 Part 2.
Funny how everyone questioned Mike's heart but he came through in the end. We'll find out what life he's really about by the end of this season.
I started watching this last week and I'm already midway through season 3

Such a good show, can't believe it's on USA of all channels.

Ignored all the recent posts but I'll be joining the discussion when I'm caught up.
Such a good show, can't believe it's on USA of all channels.
Honestly, this was the biggest speed bump for me to get over to get into this show originally.  My friend tried to put me on this show, and I said "USA?  Really?"

Glad I gave it a shot.
Meh. Still too much soap opera drama between rachel/mike/other dude.

Idk if mike approved returning those tapes to harvey. I think rachel did it on her own. Welp
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Piratebay needs to hurry up, I always till 10:15-10:30 so I can watch without commercials 
So is this show still good? Haven't watched any of this season or the 2nd part of last season. mike is such a lame character. Was tired of seeing him on the show.
So is this show still good? Haven't watched any of this season or the 2nd part of last season. mike is such a lame character. Was tired of seeing him on the show.
If you don't like the 'Mike' character, you won't like the 2nd half, or Season 4, sorry bud. He's a main character.
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