SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Ive been telling yall since the network came out that Roku is the device to get i almost never have an issue with any of the PPV's on there
'How you doin' chants?? anyone think enzo and cass get a debut tonight?
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Ive been telling yall since the network came out that Roku is the device to get i almost never have an issue with any of the PPV's on there
The network error earlier is the first time I ever had an issue watching a PPV on the network and I use my PS3;
Stream is perfect for me. The hashtag is just gray with no border. Thats WWEs fault. and the smoke in the arena at the moment. PS4 btw. 

I just hope this means Shamus tries to cash in. Just to cost Cena the match with a DQ (my prediction). No1 really wants to see Shamus with the title, do they? 
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