Surprise, surprise: Obama has you all fooled Re: AIG bonuses

AIG contributed alot of money to Obama and Dodd what do you expect?

Precisely. These Politicians are a bunch of scumbags. If those AIGbonuses have to be returned back then I want to see Dodd, Obama, McCain give back the $630,000 in Political Contributions they received from AIG in 2008. Imean technically it is tax payers money right?
[h1]Will Obama, McCain, Dodd Return Contributions From AIG Employees?[/h1]

[h2]AIG Gave More Than $630,000 During the 2008 Political Cycle[/h2]

I don't see how a Republican would have been best for us. Yea taxes would be lower, but for who? certainly not me since I don't own a home or anything for that nature.
A Republican would not have been better but I am still waiting on this tax cut Obama promised us. Remember this chart below? I posted thisnumerous times during the campaign. 95% of taxpayers will receive a tax break... blah blah blah. The only thing that has changed in 2009 is our Federalwithholding taxes are lowered each paycheck due to the Working Tax credit bill from the Stimulus.

The $400 credit for individuals is to be doled out through the rest of the year. Couples are slated to get up to $800. Most workers are to see about a $13 per week increase in their take-home pay. In 2010, the credit would be about $7.70 a week, if it is spread over the entire year.
$13 more per week? The hell? What happen to this chart? I am starting to realize it is all a bunch of crap!

Since we are on the topic of AIG.
OP I hope you don't mind me mentioning that Rolling Stones has an excellent article on AIG. Its a good article that talks about the mess with AIG.

I also found this interview about an AiG whistle blower.
AIG is linkto everything wrong in the world . . . well not everything, but just to 911, Elliot Spitzers, Iran Contra.

If I find anything connected to AIG I'll post it.
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