Tap or Bottled Water

How can people still drink bottled waters? Haven't the innumerable, non-biodegradable plastic bottles become a symbol of egregious disregard for theenvironment?

Wake up, people. Consuming plastic products is the epitome of irresponsibility and disrespect for the planett. Be accountable for your waste.
bottled water =

tap water =
well i live in Los Angeles and i would probably just quit drinking water all together if i had to drink the tap water. It just is not happening. No way no how.
Tap. Bottled is a waste. It's basically tap water from another city/are, it uses a lot of resources when the bottles are produced, and it's extraexpensive for no reason.

If you are worried, then just get a filter.

Save the Environment!
[h1]The poison lurking in your plastic water bottle[/h1]By JO KNOWSLEY, Daily Mail
Last updated at 08:34 13 March 2006


Bottled water: Health fears

A Potentially deadly toxin is being absorbed into bottled mineral water from their plastic containers. And the longer the water is stored, the levels of poison increase, research reveals. As the sell-by date on many bottled waters is up to two years, scientists have now called for extensive further studies.

The research by world expert Dr William Shotyk - who has vowed never to drink bottled water again - will be published in the Royal Society of Chemistry's journal next month. It is sure to revive concerns about the safety of bottled water, the world's fastest-growing drinks industry, worth £1.2billion a year.

The tests found traces of antimony, a chemical used in the making of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, used by most mineral-water sellers.

Small doses of antimony can make you feel ill and depressed. Larger quantities can cause violent vomiting and even death. The study stressed that amounts of antimony were well below official recommended levels. But it also discovered that the levels almost doubled when the bottles were stored for three months.

Professor Shotyk, of Heidelberg University in Germany, said: "I don't want to shock people but here's what I know: Antimony is being continuously released into bottled drinking water. The water in PET bottles is contaminated."

He tested ground water and 15 types of bottled mineral water in his native Canada. The ground water contained two parts per trillion (ppt) of antimony. Bottled water had an average 160 ppt of antimony when opened immediately after bottling. But ground water stored in a PET plastic bottle had 630 ppt of antimony when opened six months later.

Professor Shotyk then tried the experiment in Europe, collecting 48 brands of water in PET bottles and water from its source in the ground at a German bottling plant. The water had four ppt of antimony before being bottled, the contents of a new bottle had 360 ppt and one opened three months later had a staggering 700 ppt.

Antimony finds its way into water by 'leaching' from the plastic in the same way that water absorbs flavour from a teabag. Health authorities said even the higher levels of antimony found are way below official safety guidelines, set at around six parts per billion by international environment agencies.

Elizabeth Griswold, director of the Canadian Bottled Water Association, added: "The levels do not pose a risk to humans. They are simply trace elements."

But David Coggan, a Southampton University-based epidemiologist who works with the Medical Research Council, called for further research into the findings.
He said not enough was known about the effects of antimony and how much had to be consumed before it became dangerous. Last year naphthalene, which can cause liver damage in high doses, was found in two bottles of Volvic mineral water. Bacteria which could leach into bottled water has been cited as a possible reason for rising.
Inform yourselves people.
Americans generate tens of millions of pounds of plastic annually, and obscene amounts find their way into the marine environment and landfills. Eliminatingplastics is more than just "saving the environment." It's a conscious decision to reduce the very pressing issue of toxic waste.


I guess it depends on what area you are in and the quality of the tap water...

Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

Bottled Water FTW

Edit: Unless its Arrowhead

You must live in SoCal.

I work them, and Arrowhead water is produced in 4 different places. Cabazon, CA, Ontario, CA, Calistoga CA (Napa Valley best Arrohead site), and Hope, B.C.Canada. Cabazon is in the desert so the spring site there has a higher TDS (total dissolved solids) content, giving it a chalkier taste IMO. Calistoga hasthe lowest making it much more crisp and refreshing. Check the code on the bottle and let me know what it is. I'll bet you if I sent you some from Napayou would change your mind.

Edit: Also if most of you knew what exactly was in tap water I bet you would think twice about even showering with it. The facility I work in has amicrobiologist and quality team that constantly tests our product ensuring each person gets the freshest product. We compare what we send out to city water(what you all drink from the tap) and the microrganisms in the water is shocking. I live in Denver, and we have some of the freshest public water in thecountry, and I still wont drink tap water. With the increase in population its only going to get worse.

...In saying all of that, I only drink bottled water.
Tap Water. Savin' that extra money.

Its more regulated than bottled water too I believe.
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