Reviewing target area on quoted posts for "click to expand"

Mar 27, 2004
On mobile, long quotes are shortened and you can "click to expand." At least on my phone, the target area for clicking to expand overlaps with the quote itself, so if there is an embedded tweet or other media behind "click to expand" 9 times out of 10 it'll go to the tweet rather than expand.
I had actually sent HellaSteph HellaSteph a PM about this last week Friday with an example of a quote that I couldn't expand due to the content within it overlapping with the 'Click to Expand', so hopefully a solution is already in progress for this.

For now, one thing I've found is that the whole lower edge of a quote can function as an input for expansion so playing around with where I tap can sometimes work around that issue.
Hey there, yes Gordonson Gordonson already informed our team about this. I'm afraid I had been busy with other higher priority tasks and haven't had a chance to get back to this.

Do you have any examples of threads/posts that do this so I may have something to bring back to our engineers? Having examples really helps us diagnose the problem faster, thus, leading to a faster fix. Thanks!
thanks to both of you for helping on this.

let me see if this illustrates the problem

edit: yes, it does. almost impossible on my phone to hit the target without opening the twitter post.
Huh, I just opened it right now. No issues with opening the tweet. To be fair, I have small fingers and long nails so...

What size screen phones are you on? I have an iPhone 5 so maybe a small screen makes a difference, too.
So I found another thing: if the tweet is already expanded, then clicking "click to expand" just takes you to the tweet. If the tweet didn't populate yet, then the "click to expand" option works.
Chiming in, I can't open that quote with the tweet at all either. I've tried to tap along the entire bottom edge with no luck. I'm on a Galaxy Note 4.

The tweet was definitely fully loaded when I tried though, so there may indeed be something to that.
Just tried expanding it on my iPhone and iPad, without issue. Also tried it on an android phone and it seems if I tap the "click to expand" text it launches twitter but if I click just around the shaded area, it expands it properly.
hmm so if i click above the "click to expand" text, it works. but if i try to click right on it, it goes to the link (to twitter).

i have a large Android phone with the dpi set low, so i think it's a bit of at outlier.
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