TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Anywho help me out bros

Anybody in here living day to day with no parents? Something about being able to "deal" with losing the most important people in your life subconsciously makes me not give a f if anybody (my lady) leaves my life because I know getting over that will never be as hard as getting over the parent thing

Help me get my feelings back :lol:
Just stopped feeling like talking to girls or fapping. I just feel content. IDK why. My best guess is that I'm just not thinking about females like that right now. Doing this summer class thing, working out, spending more time with the fam. Just kinda enjoying time without someone in my ear. Kinda dropped my roster I was building up.


Women will come and go. Kinda enjoying a summer without them.
011781, just invite us NTers to go on your trip, we will do the smashing for you

Just stopped feeling like talking to girls or fapping. I just feel content. IDK why. My best guess is that I'm just not thinking about females like that right now. Doing this summer class thing, working out, spending more time with the fam. Just kinda enjoying time without someone in my ear. Kinda dropped my roster I was building up.


Women will come and go. Kinda enjoying a summer without them.

Keep focusing on the right things in life like it sounds like you're above and you'll attract a couple mean real joints SOON b... Always works like that because without even realizing it you'll start radiating that positive energy and birds pick up on that quick.
I need to get back to that level.

I just started building a friendship with a new girl who seems cool. My ex is starting to resurface. She's dated other people, so I'm not going to stop my life for her, but I just don't want to hear that b****ing and moaning that comes if I start dating new girl.
I've been dating this girl for a lil under 3 months and so far its been ok...Only thing we have not had sex or any type of sexual experience (Aside from making out and me touching the boobs, which are kinda non-existent so that doesn't count) I met her entire family and we even went to New York together and slept in the same bed for 3 nights alone! Even there I didn't hook up because the chance never happened, every night she knocked out asleep before anything can go down. I would try to get things popping and she was snoring! I know relationships aren't about sex, but I'm a sexual person and with her she has not showed any type of sexuality. I tried making a move last night and she told me she doesn't like kissing for long because it can lead to sex and she isn't ready for that. I'm not trying to jump into bed right away, but after 3 months, seesh! I'm about to move on because if she can hold out for so long without sex, if we get into a relationship that's probably how she is. Or she has some STD that she doesn't know how to tell me. Either way I decided today I'm out! Just trying to find a way to end things without looking like a douche who only wanted sex.

PS she is NOT a virgin
I've been in a drought lately. Throwing ish at a wall and seeing what sticks is my motto but nothing has been sticking lately. I know it's all about abundance, damn I dunno. Maybe a diff approach? It's a numbers game but what has been working for ya'll lately?
I've been in a drought lately. Throwing ish at a wall and seeing what sticks is my motto but nothing has been sticking lately. I know it's all about abundance, damn I dunno. Maybe a diff approach? It's a numbers game but what has been working for ya'll lately?

Have you been going out to social setting bro? I don't have time for hanging out because of summer classes and work, but I just been using tinder to set stuff up with girls.

But dang brahs, met this fine Arabian girl last weekend and made out with her....thing is, we were suppose to hangout Friday night, so I hit her up and she was down, but this is around 11, and I was too tired and contemplated to go get her but a ***** was too sleepy and didn't text back...Now she ain't answering or texting back...[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
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Have you been going out to social setting bro? I don't have time for hanging out because of summer classes and work, but I just been using tinder to set stuff up with girls.

But dang brahs, met this fine Arabian girl last weekend and made out with her....thing is, we were suppose to hangout Friday night, so I hit her up and she was down, but this is around 11, and I was too tired and contemplated to go get her but a ***** was too sleepy and didn't text back...Now she ain't answering or texting back...[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][/quote

I'm in recovery so the bar/club thing is out of the question. I go to meetings, not a lot of girls go to them. Atleast in my area. I've been thinking of venturing out to meetings in other areas bit hesitant to do so, I don't wanna be that guy who goes to meetings to purposely pick up girls.
I've been dating this girl for a lil under 3 months and so far its been ok...Only thing we have not had sex or any type of sexual experience (Aside from making out and me touching the boobs, which are kinda non-existent so that doesn't count) I met her entire family and we even went to New York together and slept in the same bed for 3 nights alone! Even there I didn't hook up because the chance never happened, every night she knocked out asleep before anything can go down. I would try to get things popping and she was snoring! I know relationships aren't about sex, but I'm a sexual person and with her she has not showed any type of sexuality. I tried making a move last night and she told me she doesn't like kissing for long because it can lead to sex and she isn't ready for that. I'm not trying to jump into bed right away, but after 3 months, seesh! I'm about to move on because if she can hold out for so long without sex, if we get into a relationship that's probably how she is. Or she has some STD that she doesn't know how to tell me. Either way I decided today I'm out! Just trying to find a way to end things without looking like a douche who only wanted sex.

PS she is NOT a virgin
You have more patience than most dudes (no hate). To be honest, she sounds almost non-sexual. Might be good friend material, but after a month and you're still not making significant progress around the bases, it's time to move on.
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No diss but Johnny Cakes you played yourself. Its time to keep it pushing. We're sexual creatures & ain't nothing wrong with that. Don't let any of these ***** fool you into forego what's natural for you to cater to their trickery. What's even funnier is ole girl was more than likely a freak h0e with the dude before you. Drop her asap fam
Hey wats up TAY fam. Long time lurker here... Been tryna build up a quality roster lately and I think it's about time I finally share some in here. I work retail, and yesterday I pulled this fine *** NY chick's #. Or more like she pulled mines.We was chopping it up at the register and she asked me to put my number on her receipt while she went to the bathroom. I felt kinda emasculated (don't know why, usually I find women knowing and going after what they want sexy) and told her this. Instead I had her give me her #, with the promise to hit her up after work. But when I did finally text, no reply. Not really sweatin it that hard (on to the next, and all that savage ****) but still kinda confused on her asking for my line then not responding. Prob jus overthinking **** tho.
What was the problem of just writing your number down?

So that the ball is in his court. I know in this thread people have given a number to a girl, and the girl not hit them up. Then the responses are always "girls take your number down because they're scared to reject in person so that's easier....she has plenty dudes daily getting at her so never leave it up to them, but be aggressive and make sure to get her number....coupled in with I let the girl get my number because if they hit me up I know they're interested and if not oh well."

Now he actually got the number as opposed to leaving it up to her, and we're asking why he couldn't just leave the number with the girl and keep it moving lol? Reversed situation we'd say he goof'd by not closing in aggressively.
What was the problem of just writing your number down?

So that the ball is in his court. I know in this thread people have given a number to a girl, and the girl not hit them up. Then the responses are always "girls take your number down because they're scared to reject in person so that's easier....she has plenty dudes daily getting at her so never leave it up to them, but be aggressive and make sure to get her number....coupled in with I let the girl get my number because if they hit me up I know they're interested and if not oh well."

Now he actually got the number as opposed to leaving it up to her, and we're asking why he couldn't just leave the number with the girl and keep it moving lol? Reversed situation we'd say he goof'd by not closing in aggressively.

I think y'all thinking way to much into it.

Shows me y'all investing to much feelings and what ifs situations like these.

A girl askes for your number, give it to her, if she hits you up, cool, if not then oh well.

The hell is the point in saying, nawww you aint getting my number, let me get yours first, and I'LL hit you up :lol:

Now your boy over here asking why she didn't respond. :lol:
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Exactly. I mean I get the logic but it's not that serious. End of the day she wasn't too interested. If she was contact would've been made regardless who had the number first. Also can't say it enough never try to make sense of the moves these women make, if it works it works if it doesn't on to the next don't think too much on it.
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So that the ball is in his court. I know in this thread people have given a number to a girl, and the girl not hit them up. Then the responses are always "girls take your number down because they're scared to reject in person so that's easier....she has plenty dudes daily getting at her so never leave it up to them, but be aggressive and make sure to get her number....coupled in with I let the girl get my number because if they hit me up I know they're interested and if not oh well."

Now he actually got the number as opposed to leaving it up to her, and we're asking why he couldn't just leave the number with the girl and keep it moving lol? Reversed situation we'd say he goof'd by not closing in aggressively.

Keep it moving is always the answer to NT savages

I think y'all thinking way to much into it.

Shows me y'all investing to much feelings and what ifs situations like these.

A girl askes for your number, give it to her, if she hits you up, cool, if not then oh well.

The hell is the point in saying, nawww you aint getting my number, let me get yours first, and I'LL hit you up :lol:

Now your boy over here asking why she didn't respond. :lol:
I think I already explained my thinking at the time in my OP, and admitted that I probably overthought the situation. But thanks for the responses anyway fellas. Ima try to share more in here and hopefully flourish in this Houston Heat.
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