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What is it that you actually "Love" about me?
Do you know my faults, my demons, my goals, my accomplishments?
Or are you saying this in the hopes of starting something serious and think this is something I want to hear.
You need to pump your brakes and actually learn who I am and not let them chemicals/dirty sprite feelings cloud your judgement.
Straight to the point with no ********[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
About to begin this long distance ish...

Her: Do you think this will last?
Me: It depends. What do you think

Her:Well I think there's a lot of potential but I wonder if we have enough of a grounding to apart for awhile you know? I mean I do have strong feelings for you but it's a lot. This is all a first for me and you're way more experienced and I don't know if that dynamic will work, although I want it to.

I think what I'm getting at is I want this to be as easy as possible and based on your personality and mine, I don't know that it can be. But also, who knows until you try.....I think at the end of the day I'm really apprehensive and scared of this failing.

Me: Idk why you think I'm so experienced I've never been with someone in another state. And what do you mean our personalities elaborate?

Her: "Well my experience is that you're pretty forward and intuitive and I'm the exact opposite. I think I'm too in my head but I just felt like if we can't communicate about wanting to see each other(although it was 90% my fault) is this realistic? And I guess that falls on me to answer not you .

I don't know how to be in situations like this and I don't want to waste your time if that's not something you're ready to deal with. When things like this happen I go into crazy mode and I think that you just don't care. I forget about all the other stuff."
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"I'm panicking because I need to reject people before they reject me"

Bruh..this chick just told me she is legitimately scared of losing me :lol: she's freaking out, I'm trying to calm her down.
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So yall together now? As in a relationship? Jumping from one relationship to another is that what you want to do or do you want to be single?
... You know what needs to be done, fam. It's not preferable. Sure as hell isn't ideal. But... You know.
Yeah I don't mean to spam the thread with my BS situation but it's just interesting to me..this chick was the most bougie stuck up broad I had ever met now she's saying ish like this:

"It's weird. I don't want to be some weird clingy girl but idk I always want to talk to you and hug you and kiss you and when I'm cognizant of that I start thinking I need to be more tactical"

And rambling about this "I'm scared" "Idk if it will work" stuff. Any advice TAY'ers? She heads back to DC on Saturday.
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I'm so confused by this relationship. Do you only post the bad/weird stuff in here? You're blown away by her acting like this but it's literally been like that since you started posting about her. Her being a little crazy. You being cold but always going back to her.

Long distance is normally tough. Can't begin to imagine how it's gonna work if you guys have these types of conversations on the regular. Sounds real stressful.
I'm so confused by this relationship. Do you only post the bad/weird stuff in here? You're blown away by her acting like this but it's literally been like that since you started posting about her. Her being a little crazy. You being cold but always going back to her.

Long distance is normally tough. Can't begin to imagine how it's gonna work if you guys have these types of conversations on the regular. Sounds real stressful.

Yeah there are a lot of positives, but it's the negatives/weird things that kinda throw me off so I seek outside interpretations on that stuff since most of you in here are older and more experienced than I am, so I usually post that. We click. We mesh well for the most part and have a lot in common..there are no major issues I have with her generally, it's just small **** on both ends. But there's a lot of pretending going on. She's hesitant to be that clingy chick that she wants to be and I've been pretty cold at times. It's all good. I guess on her end it's hard for her to believe that she's serious about someone when that's never been the case before
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Yeah there are a lot of positives, but it's the negatives/weird things that kinda throw me off so I seek outside interpretations on that stuff since most of you in here are older and more experienced than I am, so I usually post that. We click. We mesh well for the most part and have a lot in common..there are no major issues I have with her generally, it's just small **** on both ends. But there's a lot of pretending going on. She's hesitant to be that clingy chick that she wants to be and I've been pretty cold at times. It's all good. I guess on her end it's hard for her to believe that she's serious about someone when that's never been the case before
Y'all complicated.  Whatever you do, don't get her pregnant.  Aint no coming back from that.
How old are you guys? High school going to college?

Sounds like neither of you guys are fully ready to give your all in the relationship going forward.. Long distance ain't gonna change that for the better
It doesn't sound like its gonna work USA. That's fine though as long as you're ok with it.

After a few long serious relationships, I've taken the Seinfeld approach to dating recently. See girls for more of entertainment and date a few at the same time instead of getting serious with one. Then it's no big deal if one falls off.

Loving being a bachelor with no cares at the moment.

USA you are relationship hopping and maybe you had to do that to get this chicks attention but at this point do you really want a relationship with her? Is she still that awesome to you that you wanna deal with all her emotional messages AND long distance? Think you bugging man.
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If you don't see yourself in the eventual state/city of your significant other, cut your losses before it gets too serious.
In all honesty your situation is of two people who have tons of emotional baggage that they haven't dealt with.
Not to mention the fact this girl has a ton of self esteem issues and you are just leaping from one relationship to the next without even trying to get your ish together or just enjoying being single.
We all make mistakes and we all do things looking my back with hindsight but brethren on some real ish, you are setting yourself for failure and possible heartbreak or even worst a child with a woman you have no emotional investment in.
You really need to sit down and ask yourself
"Does she add any value to my life?"
"Does she offer stability, encouragement, conversation, problem solving skills"
You letting ***** and "What Could Be"
Cloud your judgement.
You too old for this foolishness.
At some point as a man, you have to seek more then just yambs.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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"I know I expressed a lot of doubt yesterday, but it was fleeting and I was nowhere near sober, so I was melodramatic. I'm completely ready and willing to put in effort to make this work. I was just thrown off by that really minute issue of not setting a time and I saw it as indicative of the future instead of an isolated event, which it was. Even if it is foreshadowing, that's a small thing that can be worked out. You're right, I don't need distractions but you wouldn't be a distraction to me. You're like a good friend but more. We have physical and emotional chemistry as well. That's exactly what I want. Of course the time spent talking to you or thinking about you and seeing you could be spent on something else but the difference is that you're worth it."

Should I charge this one to the game? You're right, I might be bugging..once I dipped on my ex I was casually smashing other chicks, while entertaining this chick as well. I saw some potential there, considered pursuing it on a real level and ended up here. I mean aside from the distance issue, on paper it works. She's more my speed than my ex was as another TAY'er said. I probably shouldn't have hopped into something else so quick but I was bored smashing randoms within two weeks. It seemed like two much work juggling multiple women, fitting in times to go smash, etc.
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Bruh you need to just end it with shorty. But try and end it on good terms so if anything you can have a consistent smash outta state
So I was fairly new on campus and established myself to a point that I had a pick of yambs in the science building :lol:

And I def chose the wrong one. I basically narrowed it down to this really pretty West Indian girl with a cool, but more grounded personality, and this hot but erratic Jewish girl. I went with the Jewish one and what a ****** mistake that was. She's got a huge and fun personality but turned out to be legit nutso with emotional problems.

Finally cut her off today because my semester is starting in a week and told her I can't have no instability in my life, and the only instability was coming from her. Sucks cuz when she isn't crazy she's cool and funny as hell and I grew to care about her, but had to cut that **** out.

Really shoulda went with the other chick but think she has a bf now. I'll find out when classes start back up though...or maybe before haha.

Part of why I chose the one I did is because I was worried I'd get too relationshippy and have to deal with too much of the emotional mess from the West Indian chick since I could actually see myself being in somewhat of a relationship with her. What a backfire that was though. You'd think the fun white girl would be the one u can depend on for just fun, yambs, and minimal emotional ****. But this one was on something else.
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usabasketball08 usabasketball08
In all honesty, you are your own man and your decision will affect only you, no one else here.
From everything you have posted about this young lady, cut ties with her and get your money and finding happiness in other mediums. It's not even about smashing randoms, you don't have to follow this guide of what a Alpha Male should be. It's so many more things to this life then these females and yambs.
The mistake I see you are doing is trying to rationalize a decision you have already made and you want some type of reassurance on if your feelings and actions are valid.
Sorry brethren, nobody can help you with that decision.
You know in your heart and gut that this is something you shouldn't be pursuing.
Stop selling yourself short on this and chill out and do you for awhile.
Rushing into new things always feels good at first but then reality sets in and that's when the real work begins.
Whatever your decision is, I hope it leads to wellness and peace but you really need to reread every post you have made and make a conscious decision but once again I have a feeling you already made your decision but only you can truly decide if the risk is worth a possible reward[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]
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working 7 days/ 70+ hours a week is killing any relationship i've been trying to have.. they get mad i work too much..mad i cant hang out till after 10 (when i'm off). Thinking of just stop trying for anything serious for a few years till im really on my feet. Planning on doing 7 day/ 90+ hour weeks starting November 1st. But im awful at picking up, as you guys know
You really need to sit down and ask yourself
"Does she add any value to my life?"
"Does she offer stability, encouragement, conversation, problem solving skills"
You letting ***** and "What Could Be"
Cloud your judgement.
You too old for this foolishness.
At some point as a man, you have to seek more then just yambs.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Famn Damn mugen no matter how many times i read your stuff i still find myself having to do a few of your gens. Gotta do this with myself this weekend with the ex coming down to visit. Especially after finally smashing spanish chick.
Yeah there are a lot of positives, but it's the negatives/weird things that kinda throw me off so I seek outside interpretations on that stuff since most of you in here are older and more experienced than I am, so I usually post that. We click. We mesh well for the most part and have a lot in common..there are no major issues I have with her generally, it's just small **** on both ends. But there's a lot of pretending going on. She's hesitant to be that clingy chick that she wants to be and I've been pretty cold at times. It's all good. I guess on her end it's hard for her to believe that she's serious about someone when that's never been the case before
Yo, don't take this personally but I would take some time to focus on YOU and work on yourself before getting into relationships i.e personal development, working out, reading books, etc.... I don't post too much in here but observe the thread, so I see your posts. 

I had to do the same for myself and I'm sure I'm a lot older than you are. Sounds like you two are too dependent on each other rather than establishing your own identity and than being in an interdependent relationship that has great synergy.

Just my two cents... 
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