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Have not shown any emotion or trust to any female since my ex and I broke up last year 
Going to keep it that way, saves so much time and trouble.

Don't care if I end up dying alone 
Need some help fambs

Currently getting closer to a girl much younger than me, 18 and im 26. Got hit with the feelings BS from her talking about it makes her feel too much and i only use her for sex etc. I don't want nothing serious with her, she's about to go to college and I can't wait 4 years for her to go thru life and find herself, but I like the sex (smash 2x so far) and I like her as a person to kick it with. Do yall have options and smooth game for this?

she's young and you're older, her feels are goign to be on 100 compared to yours.
so it's actually all up to you. you need to decide if you really want to keep her and wait it out (which she is young and i kidn of think you shouldn't personally. ) let her live

I think you should nip this in the bud right now honestly. if you're for real sprung after intercourse twice. then you may need more yambs in your life bro. (not even saying this disrespectfully)
Yeah she's too young b if you're using her just for sex. Don't mess up her future and perspective of dudes cause you only wanna smash her. Ain't right.
She's 19 though b, mentally, emotionally she won't be able to handle it no matter what show she puts on for you.
u should just tell her the truth. if she wanna keep smashin she will if not she wont. Keep it G at all times mane. The yambs will appreciate it later
I respect yall's view on things.

I want it to be clear that I dont want anything serious because of certain emotional trauma I've experienced in the last year and me wanting to find more purpose in my life professionally.

I simply want to be open about wanting a sexually-liberal friendship with a person and cant think of how to sell it to her efficiently. I never boinked a youngin like this since I started the yambification later in life and didnt date in high school.

I do indeed get yambs, to the dude who brought it up, but like I said, Im used to a different age bracket and mentality when it comes to casual sex. I barely know what normal convo topics to talk about w her lol

I'm way too old to be giving advice about a 18/19 year old, but I'd be willing to bet that if you told her exactly what you just told us, she'd be with it. Just tell her the truth... "I like you, and I think we have something good going on, but I don't think it'd be smart to commit to a relationship with you going off to college. Let's continue to do our thing but not ruin it with a title." 

Also - post a pic man. 
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That look from other females when you show PDA with the wifey and end it with a smack on the *** :smokin

You ever smack harder than expected and she jumps and gives you that evil look? and all you be thinking is you didn't have a problem with that yesterday :lol:
I'm way too old to be giving advice about a 18/19 year old, but I'd be willing to bet that if you told her exactly what you just told us, she'd be with it. Just tell her the truth... "I like you, and I think we have something good going on, but I don't think it'd be smart to commit to a relationship with you going off to college. Let's continue to do our thing but not ruin it with a title." 

Also - post a pic man.
Real Talk. A lot of men think these women want a relationship or they go in this relationship route and get themselves caught up.

If you just be honest with them up front, they will be down for the cause.  Most men are so afraid of honesty.

Honesty is the way to the yambs...It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
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I respect yall's view on things.

I want it to be clear that I dont want anything serious because of certain emotional trauma I've experienced in the last year and me wanting to find more purpose in my life professionally.

I simply want to be open about wanting a sexually-liberal friendship with a person and cant think of how to sell it to her efficiently. I never boinked a youngin like this since I started the yambification later in life and didnt date in high school.

I do indeed get yambs, to the dude who brought it up, but like I said, Im used to a different age bracket and mentality when it comes to casual sex. I barely know what normal convo topics to talk about w her lol

I'm way too old to be giving advice about a 18/19 year old, but I'd be willing to bet that if you told her exactly what you just told us, she'd be with it. Just tell her the truth... "I like you, and I think we have something good going on, but I don't think it'd be smart to commit to a relationship with you going off to college. Let's continue to do our thing but not ruin it with a title." 

Also - post a pic man. 

Not no 19 yr old. On you though if you want her to learn how to through you.
I think most of us is looking at it from the girl perspective. Like she 18.....her life experience right now is maybe at 5% yea she may be cool with a strictly platonic thing. But right now I feel shes just geeking off the fact she got a dude over 21 and can brag to her friends. But I also dont know her and that can be completely wrong thinking on my part. But shes going to get to college and probably open up a brand new world. If she has sexual experience as you say. You probably wont be the only dude on her roster once she gets there. Especially if youre not providing something they cant at your age.
I still say let her go.
Youre going to be damn near 30 by the time she get out.
"Lets not complicate things with titles" was my go to excuse for the longest

...but it seems players around my way have been abusing it and getting caught up. Now chicks around my way roll their eyes at that line. Like oh you just smash everybody.. Even though I really mess with one at a time and just hate commitment. So thanks A LOT guys for not keeping your side pieces under the radar. 

INB4 don't hate the player; hate the game
I don't know how some of you guys juggle more than 2 women. That **** is another job and I don't have the attention span for that.

That forehead kiss is WAY too powerful to be abused.
VERY POWERFUL, use wisely fellas


Anything I should catch up on in here? Thread seems to be doing quite well without me :nthat:
come down to Miami for your b-day :nerd:
Not no 19 yr old. On you though if you want her to learn how to through you.

Nah man I'm good. The whole thing is very circumstance-specific or situational to me.

I'm not saying that I'll never pay for a girl. Just depends on

1. My intentions

2. The situatuon regarding my payment

Last week I went on a date. Before we even started ordering drinks, the waitress asked if we should split the bill or do separate checks.

Not even looking at me, this girl immediately tells the waitress that one check is fine, thanks. Mind you this is our first date too.

If she had even acknowledged me, I would have been okay with it. But she literally volunteered me to pay for her. I didn't wanna look like an ******* so I paid it through.

Like I said, if we've been at it for a good min, or we were really close, then cool. I'm down to pay for you

But on our first date, without even acknowledging a brotha? *****
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