TAY: thread about yambs...

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Why are you shocked? Reading your text, its purpose is to give the girl your number. There's no real obligation there for a response. Maybe she's not the type to get into a text convo especially at that hour. If you want to pursue this, feel free to text her again, but do not text some conversational stuff. Send her a concrete plan - general timeframe and activities. If she's into it, she'll respond to that, either to confirm that she's in or to say she's busy. If she kinda ducks the plans or ignores the text, delete the number. If she responds positively, set up the meet up. You built rapport with her in real life, no need to grind through texts. Throw her a plan - ball will be in her court. I have no problem with ************ through texts to build up some attraction but it doesn't work with/for everyone. Don't give up because she ignored that rather mundane opening text.

I do not agree with any of that. Some girls give out 2-3 #s per night, how the hell is she suppose to know who that is. Plus they rarely remember who the **** they give their # too.

His text should have been shorter "I was just having some waffles and thought about u." You cant just go straight to the body, there needs to be some kind of intro obviously. Unless she texts you first, there needs to be an intro.

Usually whenever i have a convo at a bar/party with a girl i always give her a nickname (something dumb i come up with from our convo). Then i'll text her "Wassup instert nickname here". That way she'll remember who you are off the bat. Either that or I'll text her the second she gives me her # just for her to have my # off the bat (and to make sure # is real :lol)

He did nothing wrong, you need an intro text. Whether she responds or not is up to her.
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I always text or call right away.

One time I got the auto reply "thanks for using text-to-landline blah blah" in Spanish. From a white girl.

I knew to my cut my losses right there. Before that I had delusions of a one night stand hahaha
Un-retiring. My girl's tripping.

Now I have to get back in the swing of things with approaching yambs. Any tips for a dude that's gotten so complacent with having a lady that he's lost most of the necessary will to find some new strange? :lol
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Un-retiring. My girl's tripping.
Now I have to get back in the swing of things with approaching yambs. Any tips for a dude that's gotten so complacent with having a lady that he's lost most of the necessary will to find some new strange? :lol

Thought you were about to pop the question? 8o

What happened fam? If you don't mind me asking..
She started tripping a week or so ago about my ex. That argument lead to another argument. Which lead to another argument.

Told her we shouldn't be arguing since I know we where my head is and I want to work on talking things through. This lead to her thinking I considered her to be too incompetent of a person to have a mature discussion... Which lead to another argument.

So in short, I've already decided to pump my brakes on proposing until we can figure out how we would make a marriage work. Then arguments ensue over trivial stuff that makes me realize we both have a lot of growing up to do. I saw we both because this whole ordeal has shown me thatI'm not as patient as I'd need to be in order to spend my life with a person. So now in back to taking things slow with her, while balancing the thought of just saying screw it for the time being and going back to my old ways.

Crazy start to the new year.
So was talking to this girl, and got annoyed because she couldn't decide what she wanted and wasn't really giving me a chance. One minute, she'd be cool and talkative,
the next she would be rude and blunt for no reason. Decided to she wasn't worth the effort anymore, and stopped talking to her. She overreacted to some petty **** and is
now ranting to my friend about how much of an ******* I am. Two days ago, she liked me and saw "potential" in me. Oh her jimmies were rustled.

I'm sitting back laughing at how this has panned out. :lol

Little part 2 update.

So.. throughout the day, ranting with our mutual friend about how much of an ******* I am. Deleted me off Facebook, blocked me on Instagram,
basically deaded me, even though I already expressed that I was deading her. :lol All fine and dandy.. THEN... I discover a homie of mine (I'll call
him Mr. Simp) decided to dress up (button up, bowtie, da whole shabang), bought her cupcakes (because she really likes cupcakes), drove to her
work and surprised her with cupcakes because she was sad. Talking about "cheer up, no need to be sad."

The white-knighting, so much cringing has occurred. I am sitting here and laughing. :rollin

On an unrelated note, have a girl coming by to "cuddle" either tonight or tomorrow night depending on when she works. :evil
yo.... so got this girl numbers at a bar this past weekend. I texted her here and there after. Then I called her yesterday to setup a date and she was down. Then the day came and she cancel talking about how she forgot you made prior plans with her friend-_-... This girl was giving me clear signs that she was digging me. She was texting me with such enthusiasm, she was grabbing my arm and even gave me a good bye kiss on the cheek ( although this may be a euro thing).

Anyways after she bail out on me she told me to reschedule. I said cool no problem

Should I wait for her to hit me up? I mean she did cancel on me cause of her schedule. OR should I hit her up on another day? Thanks for the help!
I do not agree with any of that. Some girls give out 2-3 #s per night, how the hell is she suppose to know who that is. Plus they rarely remember who the **** they give their # too.
His text should have been shorter "I was just having some waffles and thought about u." You cant just go straight to the body, there needs to be some kind of intro obviously. Unless she texts you first, there needs to be an intro.
Usually whenever i have a convo at a bar/party with a girl i always give her a nickname (something dumb i come up with from our convo). Then i'll text her "Wassup instert nickname here". That way she'll remember who you are off the bat. Either that or I'll text her the second she gives me her # just for her to have my # off the bat (and to make sure # is real :lol)
He did nothing wrong, you need an intro text. Whether she responds or not is up to her.

What's the purpose of the intro text? To set up a meet-up to get to know the chick better. So why quit before you get to that? The intro text idea is fine, but a no response on it shouldn't prevent him from pursuing a meet-up with the girl. Open-ended conversational text messages can come across as somewhat weak especially if you all have only spoken once in real life.

Its not always a game, sometimes people really do forget or are busy. I'd say hit her up again in a couple days. Gotta be a bit persistent, if she blows that one off too, then I'd dead her asap.
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yo.... so got this girl numbers at a bar this past weekend. I texted her here and there after. Then I called her yesterday to setup a date and she was down. Then the day came and she cancel talking about how she forgot you made prior plans with her friend-_-... This girl was giving me clear signs that she was digging me. She was texting me with such enthusiasm, she was grabbing my arm and even gave me a good bye kiss on the cheek ( although this may be a euro thing).
Anyways after she bail out on me she told me to reschedule. I said cool no problem
Should I wait for her to hit me up? I mean she did cancel on me cause of her schedule. OR should I hit her up on another day? Thanks for the help!

Leave her alone until she hits you up.
What's the purpose of the intro text? To set up a meet-up to get to know the chick better. So why quit before you get to that? The intro text idea is fine, but a no response on it shouldn't prevent him from pursuing a meet-up with the girl. Open-ended conversational text messages can come across as somewhat weak especially if you all have only spoken once in real life.

I agree, keep the conversation texting to a minimum on the opening text. Im not saying have a whole 20-30 mix texting buddy conversation. If you're saying to never directly ask, then i agree with that too. Lets use his example....

1. I was eating waffles and I thought of you
2. Dumb joke
3. Get coffee with me Saturday morning.

All that can be done in 3 min if she responds accordingly.
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Its not always a game, sometimes people really do forget or are busy. I'd say hit her up again in a couple days. Gotta be a bit persistent, if she blows that one off too, then I'd dead her asap.

do this, always give them a second chance to redeem herself, if they flake 2x in a row dead em.
yo.... so got this girl numbers at a bar this past weekend. I texted her here and there after. Then I called her yesterday to setup a date and she was down. Then the day came and she cancel talking about how she forgot you made prior plans with her friend-_-... This girl was giving me clear signs that she was digging me. She was texting me with such enthusiasm, she was grabbing my arm and even gave me a good bye kiss on the cheek ( although this may be a euro thing).
Anyways after she bail out on me she told me to reschedule. I said cool no problem
Should I wait for her to hit me up? I mean she did cancel on me cause of her schedule. OR should I hit her up on another day? Thanks for the help!

if she wants to reschedule, she'll reschedule... just chill until she hits you up. If she don't hit you up that means she's moved on and you should do the same
How often are people forgetting vs just blowing you off though. I usef to hit em up a second time but that never worked so I stopped entirely unless shes a bad chick.
What's better?

Taking the digits or giving yours?

If you have the digits, you can text her whenever.

But if you give yours and she texts you, you already have a foot in the yamb door.
there was a chick who im following on instagram and twitter. she likes majority of my pics and retweets a lot of my stuff from twitter. so im thinking ok something is up

hit her up in her inbox just sayin she seems like a chill person and that we should talk. got the number and had nothing but smooth convo :hat
if only we could have a thread focus on self improvement with this much dedication...

Nah foh Yambs over everything

the last week of the semester i gave my number to this indian chick who works as a fitness attendant at my school rec. she didnt have any paper, so she just wrote my name and number on her arm...never heard from her, not even a courtesy text like "hey this is xxxx"

cant wait to see her next semester tho...ima press the issue
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How often are people forgetting vs just blowing you off though. I usef to hit em up a second time but that never worked so I stopped entirely unless shes a bad chick.

If she forgot about you then you didn't leave a (lasting) impression and it's probably a long shot to advance it. If she didn't forget she's playing games & no P is worth chasing.

Pursuing is one thing, but chasing a chick ain't synonymous with Alpha male qualities.
Its not always a game, sometimes people really do forget or are busy. I'd say hit her up again in a couple days. Gotta be a bit persistent, if she blows that one off too, then I'd dead her asap.

Thanks for the advice. I going to hit her up friday. I usually just dead them if they flake the first time but it seem like she was digging me so I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. I got nothing to lose so whatevers.
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