TAY: thread about yambs...

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I'll give it like 2 more dates, if I am still friendzoned by then I'm going for the last resort hail mary (penis pics) and see if that gets me anywhere. If not, **** it. I think I get friendzoned a lot because I am too nice and laid back. [stereotypes] ******* don't like a dude like me until they already have 3 kids by 4 baby daddies in jail, cheating, abusive and **** and by that point hell nah I'm not interested anymore. [stereotypes] I need to step my alpha game up

U been touching her on the dates/ hangouts?? Be more aggressive.
Yea, I mean she kept hugging me like every 5 minutes and thanking me (we met at a playoff games, would have been able to "hang out" before but the NBA screwed me scheduling us 830pm on a Sunday night so we had to meet there since we live in opposite directions from OKC) and I did my Junior High **** with the hand on the booty when I hug chics and she never said anything, fact every time we stood up I did it because she was extra in front of me, then she's like, "me and you are going to be the greatest friends, I'm glad we met," and telling me her boyfriend just texted her he's at the game too but not as good of tickets and telling me bout her Nana, I'm like yea friendzone, then she's like oh you gotta kiss me if we can get on kiss cam and jumping around trying to get attention during that segment. First time I met her at a game I sold her tickets to online, she was all over me, jumped in my arms and had her friends take a pic of us together with a camera camera. I was like wtf. I'm not really a type A personality though. I need a ***** who is to just stick her hand in my pants then I'm like alright cool.
Yea, I mean she kept hugging me like every 5 minutes and thanking me (we met at a playoff games, would have been able to "hang out" before but the NBA screwed me scheduling us 830pm on a Sunday night so we had to meet there since we live in opposite directions from OKC) and I did my Junior High **** with the hand on the booty when I hug chics and she never said anything, fact every time we stood up I did it because she was extra in front of me, then she's like, "me and you are going to be the greatest friends, I'm glad we met," and telling me her boyfriend just texted her he's at the game too but not as good of tickets and telling me bout her Nana, I'm like yea friendzone, then she's like oh you gotta kiss me if we can get on kiss cam and jumping around trying to get attention during that segment. First time I met her at a game I sold her tickets to online, she was all over me, jumped in my arms and had her friends take a pic of us together with a camera camera. I was like wtf. I'm not really a type A personality though. I need a ***** who is to just stick her hand in my pants then I'm like alright cool.

:stoneface: she said if you get on kiss cam, you gotta kiss her and you didn't do anything...

stop calling it friendzone. stop blaming girls for hitting you up after they have 3 kids. stop saying youre laid back. youre scared son. scared of being rejected. thats cool but dont make excuses. make a damn move. not just touching her, go for the kiss and see where that leads. make a move instead of sneaking your hand on her butt and seeing if she says anything. make a move instead of giving it 2 more expensive dates before you throw a hail mary.

if you dont want to be just friends, make a move and see how she responds. if you like her as a friend, then keep playing it super slow cause youre fine either way. :smh:
Yea, I mean she kept hugging me like every 5 minutes and thanking me (we met at a playoff games, would have been able to "hang out" before but the NBA screwed me scheduling us 830pm on a Sunday night so we had to meet there since we live in opposite directions from OKC) and I did my Junior High **** with the hand on the booty when I hug chics and she never said anything, fact every time we stood up I did it because she was extra in front of me, then she's like, "me and you are going to be the greatest friends, I'm glad we met," and telling me her boyfriend just texted her he's at the game too but not as good of tickets and telling me bout her Nana, I'm like yea friendzone, then she's like oh you gotta kiss me if we can get on kiss cam and jumping around trying to get attention during that segment. First time I met her at a game I sold her tickets to online, she was all over me, jumped in my arms and had her friends take a pic of us together with a camera camera. I was like wtf. I'm not really a type A personality though. I need a ***** who is to just stick her hand in my pants then I'm like alright cool.

:stoneface: she said if you get on kiss cam, you gotta kiss her and you didn't do anything...

stop calling it friendzone. stop blaming girls for hitting you up after they have 3 kids. stop saying youre laid back. youre scared son. scared of being rejected. thats cool but dont make excuses. make a damn move. not just touching her, go for the kiss and see where that leads. make a move instead of sneaking your hand on her butt and seeing if she says anything. make a move instead of giving it 2 more expensive dates before you throw a hail mary.

if you dont want to be just friends, make a move and see how she responds. if you like her as a friend, then keep playing it super slow cause youre fine either way. :smh:

Yeah you're making "but i'm a nice guy" excuses. She can't read your mind. You're gonna have to revamp your whole approach to women, starting with a better, more confident you, and not being afraid of rejection or losing any chick.
:stoneface: she said if you get on kiss cam, you gotta kiss her and you didn't do anything...

stop calling it friendzone. stop blaming girls for hitting you up after they have 3 kids. stop saying youre laid back. youre scared son. scared of being rejected. thats cool but dont make excuses. make a damn move. not just touching her, go for the kiss and see where that leads. make a move instead of sneaking your hand on her butt and seeing if she says anything. make a move instead of giving it 2 more expensive dates before you throw a hail mary.

if you dont want to be just friends, make a move and see how she responds. if you like her as a friend, then keep playing it super slow cause youre fine either way. :smh:

Slow clap..
Word. We'll see. It's definitely me, I'm just a bland *** dude. I'm the 40 y/o virgin cat except I'm not 40 or a virgin or a goofy white guy you'd expect to have that demeanor. I'm a big burly *** black dude. I'll try to do better though
smh something that happened today made me realize how high girls value themselves and what they feel they are entitled to for having vaginas 

my 2 friends( M and E) and I were about to [if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:tongue:referrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"/> </v:formulas> <v:tongue:ath o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"/></v:shapetype><v:shape id="Picture_x0020_4" o:spid="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="https://statich.niketalk.com/smilies/pimp.gif" style='width:16.5pt;height:18pt; visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:\Users\paypal\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif" o:title="pimp"/></v:shape><![endif][if !vml]
[endif]  but friend M decides to invite a mutual friend of our that hes been trying to spit game to (lets call her P). at this point me and friend E glance at each other considering we only had 3 J's. But 4 heads 3 J's fck it we still going to get fried(in my mind). Friend E decides he wants to call the local ****/dealer to match one( call her D). P arrives with her friend ( call her N). Friend R calls me wanting to match a dub, but says he will be there in 35. with the J's already rolled the 3 girls keep telling us to spark. my friends and i say no we waiting on our other mans. Friend M's girl P comes out the house with the shortest short shorts i think i have ever seen in my life. all 3 girls are ratchet to say the least. me and friend E realize girl N has some kind of green/hazel/blue type eye sht going on. im Hoping E doesnt compliment her on it, hes had a history of doing this to girls he 1st meets.

Friend E: you have pretty eyes( smh went all downhill from there)

N: uhhh thanks i guess..

D: how corny, like seriously your corny for that

Friend E: ....????

D: like shes never heard that before

E: i mean i just cant tell her she has pretty eyes?

D: do you know how many guys have told me i have pretty eyes

E: but....... she has pretty eyes not you( Lol)

Me: son its 2013 you cant give a girl a compliment without it being thirsty or some sht

E/M: im hip

a little more rambling in between and R comes

we put the j's in rotation

E: Dam MsFace the J you gunna pass that( at this point N had 2 j's in her hand)

N: shut up

E: Na off some real pass that sht you suck facin hard as hell

N passes the J

N: if anything you should of let me kept hitting it cause im a girl( .....LOL)

Me: thats dead

N: Guys dont realize how that as a girl we can get almost anything for free

N: you should take the time to see your lucky for even having us here you should thank us

Me: you aint put up no money on this pack so you should feel lucky we even letting you hit this you lucky you know P you better thank her( at this point im stoned) 

N: your a comedian

N: i shouldnt have to put up im a girl even more when you look as good as me

My friends and I in unision: awkward silence then we all burst out laughing girrrrrrrl

Btw shes being 100% serious

N walks off with P i guess to try and spit game( note P isnt like N or D shes cool)

Me: so your saying you sholud get free things because your a girl?

N/D: yes

Me and E start geeking about some funny stuff that happend earlier, wen i overhear D/N talking

N: i cant talk to a guy that doesnt have a nice car or doesnt get money

D: ya i only like guys that drive expensive cars( ... you stupid B)

E: excuse me do any of you have cars( i know hes trying to be a **** now they rustled the fkc out of his jimmies)

N/D: no

E: license? permits? Jobs??? Do any of you even go to school?

N/D: no to all

E: so why the hell are you both looking for things in a guy that none of you even have what are you bringing to the table?

D: the wet kitty cat between my legs and this pretty face (not kidding you that was her response shes like a 7/10 btw)

Me: ....sighhh i really cant believe you just said that. you off your reality T.V show ****

Me: you do realize looks fade and you prolly have like 4-8 more years and your not going to look as good, then what guy is going to want you?

D: ill prolly have a kid by a guy who has money more than one most likely so it will cost if he leaves me

E:smh:.. thats crazy as hell

i left shortly after i heard they both said more stupid stuff will report back later

-Girls automatically think a guy is thirsty for complimenting them

-Girls feel they should get things for free

-Bishes aint ish

-Girls will trap you if you got bread

-Bishes aint ish
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New girl gave me her number. Last night we grabbed ice cream, talked a lot. Today we're talking again and through texts she tells me she took my number because "I said 'I like newfriends' and I make her smile and she enjoys my company". Where do I take this next?
New girl gave me her number. Last night we grabbed ice cream, talked a lot. Today we're talking again and through texts she tells me she took my number because "I said 'I like newfriends' and I make her smile and she enjoys my company". Where do I take this next?

SlamDunk to the yambhole
New girl gave me her number. Last night we grabbed ice cream, talked a lot. Today we're talking again and through texts she tells me she took my number because "I said 'I like newfriends' and I make her smile and she enjoys my company". Where do I take this next?

SlamDunk to the yambhole

She said she likes you. You gotta make a move asap. You're in the critical zone now, you'll either be friend zoned forever or she's a new addition to the team.

Make sure you aint no "texting buddy" or some stupid crap like that.
smh something that happened today made me realize how high girls value themselves and what they feel they are entitled to for having vaginas 

[SIZE=10pt]my 2 friends( M and E) and I were about to  but friend M decides to invite a mutual friend of our that hes been trying to spit game to (lets call her P). at this point me and friend E glance at each other considering we only had 3 J's. But 4 heads 3 J's fck it we still going to get fried(in my mind). Friend E decides he wants to call the local ****/dealer to match one( call her D). P arrives with her friend ( call her N). Friend R calls me wanting to match a dub, but says he will be there in 35. with the J's already rolled the 3 girls keep telling us to spark. my friends and i say no we waiting on our other mans. Friend M's girl P comes out the house with the shortest short shorts i think i have ever seen in my life. all 3 girls are ratchet to say the least. me and friend E realize girl N has some kind of green/hazel/blue type eye sht going on. im Hoping E doesnt compliment her on it, hes had a history of doing this to girls he 1st meets.[/SIZE]

Friend E: you have pretty eyes( smh went all downhill from there)
N: uhhh thanks i guess..
D: how corny, like seriously your corny for that
Friend E: ....????
D: like shes never heard that before
E: i mean i just cant tell her she has pretty eyes?
D: do you know how many guys have told me i have pretty eyes
E: but....... she has pretty eyes not you( Lol)
Me: son its 2013 you cant give a girl a compliment without it being thirsty or some sht
E/M: im hip

a little more rambling in between and R comes
we put the j's in rotation

E: Dam MsFace the J you gunna pass that( at this point N had 2 j's in her hand)
N: shut up
E: Na off some real pass that sht you suck facin hard as hell
N passes the J
N: if anything you should of let me kept hitting it cause im a girl( .....LOL)
Me: thats dead
N: Guys dont realize how that as a girl we can get almost anything for free
N: you should take the time to see your lucky for even having us here you should thank us
Me: you aint put up no money on this pack so you should feel lucky we even letting you hit this you lucky you know P you better thank her( at this point im stoned) 

N: your a comedian
N: i shouldnt have to put up im a girl even more when you look as good as me
My friends and I in unision: awkward silence then we all burst out laughing girrrrrrrl

Btw shes being 100% serious

N walks off with P i guess to try and spit game( note P isnt like N or D shes cool)

Me: so your saying you sholud get free things because your a girl?
N/D: yes

Me and E start geeking about some funny stuff that happend earlier, wen i overhear D/N talking

N: i cant talk to a guy that doesnt have a nice car or doesnt get money
D: ya i only like guys that drive expensive cars( ... you stupid B)
E: excuse me do any of you have cars( i know hes trying to be a **** now they rustled the fkc out of his jimmies)
N/D: no
E: license? permits? Jobs??? Do any of you even go to school?
N/D: no to all
E: so why the hell are you both looking for things in a guy that none of you even have what are you bringing to the table?
D: the wet kitty cat between my legs and this pretty face (not kidding you that was her response shes like a 7/10 btw)
Me: ....sighhh i really cant believe you just said that. you off your reality T.V show ****
Me: you do realize looks fade and you prolly have like 4-8 more years and your not going to look as good, then what guy is going to want you?
D: ill prolly have a kid by a guy who has money more than one most likely so it will cost if he leaves me
E:smh:.. thats crazy as hell

i left shortly after i heard they both said more stupid stuff will report back later

-Girls automatically think a guy is thirsty for complimenting them
-Girls feel they should get things for free
-Bishes aint ish
-Girls will trap you if you got bread
-Bishes aint ish

On sum real ish that bish would've got kick out my crib... I was gettin pissed just reading that ish..
I need a way in while being subtle.. I asked when she's off. I suggested a movie but need an excuse for copping feels.maybe foot rub?
I need a way in while being subtle.. I asked when she's off. I suggested a movie but need an excuse for copping feels.maybe foot rub?

foot rub? :lol:

just start by putting your arm around her at the movie and take it from there.
I absolutely HATE those broads that just show up to smoke your bud and drink your liq then just dip :stoneface:

I'll see em at each party/frat talm bout can I have a beer or let me hit that and guys let it happen thinking they're the man
I absolutely HATE those broads that just show up to smoke your bud and drink your liq then just dip

I'll see em at each party/frat talm bout can I have a beer or let me hit that and guys let it happen thinking they're the man
i swear girls are the biggest hoovers
Word. We'll see. It's definitely me, I'm just a bland *** dude. I'm the 40 y/o virgin cat except I'm not 40 or a virgin or a goofy white guy you'd expect to have that demeanor. I'm a big burly *** black dude. I'll try to do better though
I absolutely HATE those broads that just show up to smoke your bud and drink your liq then just dip 

I'll see em at each party/frat talm bout can I have a beer or let me hit that and guys let it happen thinking they're the man
AMEN.  In the words of YG 400, "If you don't drop on da blunt den you dont hit it."
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smh something that happened today made me realize how high girls value themselves and what they feel they are entitled to for having vaginas 

[SIZE=10pt]my 2 friends( M and E) and I were about to  but friend M decides to invite a mutual friend of our that hes been trying to spit game to (lets call her P). at this point me and friend E glance at each other considering we only had 3 J's. But 4 heads 3 J's fck it we still going to get fried(in my mind). Friend E decides he wants to call the local ****/dealer to match one( call her D). P arrives with her friend ( call her N). Friend R calls me wanting to match a dub, but says he will be there in 35. with the J's already rolled the 3 girls keep telling us to spark. my friends and i say no we waiting on our other mans. Friend M's girl P comes out the house with the shortest short shorts i think i have ever seen in my life. all 3 girls are ratchet to say the least. me and friend E realize girl N has some kind of green/hazel/blue type eye sht going on. im Hoping E doesnt compliment her on it, hes had a history of doing this to girls he 1st meets.[/SIZE]

Friend E: you have pretty eyes( smh went all downhill from there)
N: uhhh thanks i guess..
D: how corny, like seriously your corny for that
Friend E: ....????
D: like shes never heard that before
E: i mean i just cant tell her she has pretty eyes?
D: do you know how many guys have told me i have pretty eyes
E: but....... she has pretty eyes not you( Lol)
Me: son its 2013 you cant give a girl a compliment without it being thirsty or some sht
E/M: im hip

a little more rambling in between and R comes
we put the j's in rotation

E: Dam MsFace the J you gunna pass that( at this point N had 2 j's in her hand)
N: shut up
E: Na off some real pass that sht you suck facin hard as hell
N passes the J
N: if anything you should of let me kept hitting it cause im a girl( .....LOL)
Me: thats dead
N: Guys dont realize how that as a girl we can get almost anything for free
N: you should take the time to see your lucky for even having us here you should thank us
Me: you aint put up no money on this pack so you should feel lucky we even letting you hit this you lucky you know P you better thank her( at this point im stoned) 

N: your a comedian
N: i shouldnt have to put up im a girl even more when you look as good as me
My friends and I in unision: awkward silence then we all burst out laughing girrrrrrrl

Btw shes being 100% serious

N walks off with P i guess to try and spit game( note P isnt like N or D shes cool)

Me: so your saying you sholud get free things because your a girl?
N/D: yes

Me and E start geeking about some funny stuff that happend earlier, wen i overhear D/N talking

N: i cant talk to a guy that doesnt have a nice car or doesnt get money
D: ya i only like guys that drive expensive cars( ... you stupid B)
E: excuse me do any of you have cars( i know hes trying to be a **** now they rustled the fkc out of his jimmies)
N/D: no
E: license? permits? Jobs??? Do any of you even go to school?
N/D: no to all
E: so why the hell are you both looking for things in a guy that none of you even have what are you bringing to the table?
D: the wet kitty cat between my legs and this pretty face (not kidding you that was her response shes like a 7/10 btw)
Me: ....sighhh i really cant believe you just said that. you off your reality T.V show ****
Me: you do realize looks fade and you prolly have like 4-8 more years and your not going to look as good, then what guy is going to want you?
D: ill prolly have a kid by a guy who has money more than one most likely so it will cost if he leaves me
E:smh:.. thats crazy as hell

i left shortly after i heard they both said more stupid stuff will report back later

-Girls automatically think a guy is thirsty for complimenting them
-Girls feel they should get things for free
-Bishes aint ish
-Girls will trap you if you got bread
-Bishes aint ish
:x. :x. :x

Not sure why you didn't go harder. You let too much slide famb. I would've made that girl cry with verbal abuse.

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