TAY: thread about yambs...

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Man I remember once I saw a certified dime rihanna/beyonce combo with long flowing hair looking like a million bucks years ago in the club when I was 21, got intimidated and wouldn't approach cuz straight baller dudes were around her and she was open and comfy to them. Seen her same week working at sally beauty, short hair looking busted and one of the baller ****** working stock at costco. Changed my view up then. The club is a hollywood production, we all human.
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Approaching Dimes in clubs are always tricky situations. The average guy normally assumes she has a BF/married, stuck up, or that they lack the alpha male gene.

I've noticed that you've gotta approach girls early. Once you get a couple glances from a chick, it's time to go on attack mode. The longer you take to make your move the lamer you look. CONFIDENCE.
NYC heads, approaching shorties on the subway yay or nay?

More so If they have their headphones in and whatnot. I've been killing it recently but still won't approach a chick unless she's looking bored without he headphones is but I see bad ones all the time listening to music but I fall back.

Just picked up this chick from queens with the nice mass waiting for the train the other day
whats your approach? so many potential yambs wasted throughout the years
Definitely agree with Ricky about the club scene. Why else you think 5s-7s (maybe even 4s) are knocked up with a man (whether he's a dog or a good dude) and super fine chicks are single and struggling :lol: and they'll eventually settle with a scrub.

[COLOR=#red]Because dudes too timid to step to them. Dimes are people too, approach them the same way you approach 5s and 7s. I guess I'm just surprised so many dudes don't believe in themselves. One of my old bosses showed me a pic of his wife and was like "clearly she seems out of my league, but all I ever go after is the hot women...all it takes is one yes.[/COLOR]

Man I remember once I saw a certified dime rihanna/beyonce combo with long flowing hair looking like a million bucks years ago in the club when I was 21, got intimidated and wouldn't approach cuz straight baller dudes were around her and she was open and comfy to them. Seen her same week working at sally beauty, short hair looking busted and one of the baller ****** working stock at costco. Changed my view up then. The club is a hollywood production, we all human.

[COLOR=#red]When I was younger the dudes in the circle I was in had Mercs and all I had was a 1985 Pontiac Grand Prix. I was invited to be in that circle because of how I carried myself. The fact that I was surrounded by certified ballers had absolutely no bearing on me with the level of chick I approached and pulled. True swag and confidence comes from the inside. [/COLOR]
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NYC heads, approaching shorties on the subway yay or nay?

More so If they have their headphones in and whatnot. I've been killing it recently but still won't approach a chick unless she's looking bored without he headphones is but I see bad ones all the time listening to music but I fall back.

Just picked up this chick from queens with the nice mass waiting for the train the other day

If they have headphones or in a book, its a no go.
Yambs dig confidence. With confidence u can walk up to the dime surrounded by suitors and be memorable. Think will smith in hitch when he told shorty get him a drink.
Yambs dig confidence. With confidence u can walk up to the dime surrounded by suitors and be memorable. Think will smith in hitch when he told shorty get him a drink.

[COLOR=#red]This, this, this!!! 5-7 get all the play because dudes don't think they have what it takes to do better. Plain and simple. [/COLOR]
NYC heads, approaching shorties on the subway yay or nay?

More so If they have their headphones in and whatnot. I've been killing it recently but still won't approach a chick unless she's looking bored without he headphones is but I see bad ones all the time listening to music but I fall back.

Just picked up this chick from queens with the nice mass waiting for the train the other day
whats your approach? so many potential yambs wasted throughout the years

Also interdasted
Yambs dig confidence. With confidence u can walk up to the dime surrounded by suitors and be memorable. Think will smith in hitch when he told shorty get him a drink.

[COLOR=#red]This, this, this!!! 5-7 get all the play because dudes don't think they have what it takes to do better. Plain and simple. [/COLOR]

Word, definitely one of those things you can fake it till you make it too. Stop pondering the outcome of things and dive in head first, heart pounding,and you'll see how you still come out of it unscathed. Gotta believe in yourself or no one else will.
NYC heads, approaching shorties on the subway yay or nay?

More so If they have their headphones in and whatnot. I've been killing it recently but still won't approach a chick unless she's looking bored without he headphones is but I see bad ones all the time listening to music but I fall back.

Just picked up this chick from queens with the nice mass waiting for the train the other day
whats your approach? so many potential yambs wasted throughout the years

Main approach is I find something to talk about quick. I peep what they're wearing, if they look sad/mad, etc. You have to pick the chicks out here carefully though. I mainly look for the 5-8 range white, or spanish chicks. Soon is you get her peeping at you, game over. One thing I'll do is lie and tell her I just moved here and asked her for cool spots around the area. Easy money lol. White girls fall for it everytime. Even the williamsburg, tribeca, aka rich looking ones.

NYC heads, approaching shorties on the subway yay or nay?

More so If they have their headphones in and whatnot. I've been killing it recently but still won't approach a chick unless she's looking bored without he headphones is but I see bad ones all the time listening to music but I fall back.

Just picked up this chick from queens with the nice mass waiting for the train the other day
If they have headphones or in a book, its a no go.

Eh, idk man lmao. I was walking off the subway recently and this chick with a somewhat mass wearing short shorts was walking next to me with her headphones in, dude in his work clothes asked her "Why you walk like that shorty" and at that point it can go both ways, she can laugh and whatnot or spazz and clown you.

Long story short, she replied back something like "Thats the way I always walk, why?" and he proceeded go get at her. Props to that man. Now granted, she was a *******, but still, show confidence and you can pull it off.

Getting at a chick Reading a book? Easy. Cant seem thirsty but theirs many ways to start a convo if you see her reading and glancing around constantly. It shows she isn't completely focused on her book imo. I've done it a few times and its worked.
Just to touch on that subject before this whole pulling females in the club thing started.

My pops told me;

"Don't sleep with a female unless you can see yourself having kids with her"

It's great and fun and games knocking bodies down. Just becareful out there or else you gonna be one of those depressed dudes with some seeds from a few birds.

Pull out dont always work, not to mention eem condoms ain't 100.

Not to mention STDs, just cause you were able to get into those guts easy, think about the dude before you.

C'mon son..straight mood wrecker.

It had to be said though. :tongue:
True. Let it be a 2 month plus drought though, booger wolf here I come.

I have no problem with approaching the baddest woman in the vicinity and letting it be known I find her attractive and would like her number. The main reason it's so easy is because I literally go up to her not caring how it goes. If I get the number then yes I have made a successful move. If I get rejected I think her loss and keep it moving. I been rejected numerous times but always keep pushing.

A stranger's rejection is meaningless to me, I don't even think "her loss", I just hit her with the "no worries" and keep it pushing. It's when she knows you through and through and no longer wants any parts of you, rejecting your whole being, that's tough.
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I have no problem with approaching the baddest woman in the vicinity and letting it be known I find her attractive and would like her number. The main reason it's so easy is because I literally go up to her not caring how it goes. If I get the number then yes I have made a successful move. If I get rejected I think her loss and keep it moving. I been rejected numerous times but always keep pushing.
True. Let it be a 2 month plus drought though, booger wolf here I come.
A stranger's rejection is meaningless to me, I don't even think "her loss", I just hit her with the "no worries" and keep it pushing. It's when she knows you through and through and no longer wants any parts of you, rejecting your whole being, that's tough.

I agree. Hopefully things never get to that point lol. I go about life in a non chalant manner and its paid off to a certain extent.
This is the worst, it's one thing for one of the girls in the crew of two to reject one or two cats that's lookin' like bum n_'s or are slop drunk.
It's another thing when two C- shawties twerkin' and won't give one dude in the club some of that good :smh:
I stay trollin when I see this going on, it happened when I was visiting Oakland two months ago, after rejection I told the girl in her ear...
"Anything you want mah, I got you, honest."...
"Red bottoms, Mcdonald's, it's whatever"
I don't think it helped my cause.
This man said "Red bottoms and McDonald's in the same damn sentence",lol
But I am shocked she didn't take you up on that offer.Oakland yambs are straight crazy,literally... But nothing like them Natural Haired Sistas out there, with all that incense and Carols Daughter in their head,um,um
Don't sleep on them...
yea i noticed this. I went to a club like two saturdays ago and there was not much dancing. I danced with like one bigger chick smh
Everyone just looks at their phone. Its like why are you even here?

Dude b4 is right. 5-7 that can dance get the most attention. The stuck up chicks just be side eying bad mouthing the 5-7s. With that said, you can pull any chick as long as your confident and she is feeling you. Don't set limits. Be honest, start a convo(respectfully) and just give it a go. Worst she can say is no. I've gotten turned down 10x more than I have succeeded, but at the end of the day, chicks in the club come and go, on the the next one bruh
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