Man you must have been seeing the same girl I'm seeing right now
I hit her up with a simple "what's up?" No response, acts like I don't even exist for several weeks, and then out of nowhere "I found a video of us two <3" (a youtube video of a girl of her ethnicity and a guy of my ethnicity getting married). Or she hits me up and asks me about different scenarios "If I do _____ would you still be with me" "If I get______ would you still be with me" etc. I told her straight up "If I'm wasting my time, just let me know" and she replied "Why do you always assume something is wrong between us?"
Oh, and the @#$% that pisses me off the most...ignoring a text, but then liking/commenting on my new FB profile pic/Instagram pic/FB status from her phone a few minutes later...Really???
Like I said, red flags everywhere for crazy behavior...but somehow I'm attracted to it. I've had a few other girls hit me up in the mean time but they're too easy...I guess I like a challenge even if it might turn out bad