Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I think it's safe to say that A LOT of the heat you see is bought on credit, too. Please believe dudes go into debt to look fly. Hell, I was once there myself when I was younger. I had to smarten up though, and save that credit for more important things. Priorities change as you get older, which is good and bad. Every damn day I fight the urge to say "eff it" and blow a few hundred on

Very true but does'nt pertain to me. My ol sang " If you dont have the money don't get it" Credit cards are the root of all evil thatswhy I have none. Now in all reality when you charge a pair of shoes do you actually own it or own it when you pay that credit card off ? I dunno just my viewson the whole thing I just could'nt stand to look at a pair of shoes on my feet and think to myself how much finance charges im paying to wear them!
^ Very true. I actually know dudes who operate like this:

1) Buy kicks on credit

2) Act like somekinda elitist bastard

3) When the statement comes, sell off another pair they have to pay the balance off.

4) Once credit is available again, buy another pair

....and the cycle continues like that. It's really sad....
wow, i think it's actually some good discussion here. makes me think of that kanye song.. when i was younger i did have a problem with spending before iget it.. like before i got my paycheck i'd already know how i was gonna spend it, and i'd have to live off dollar drumsticks (chinatown
) andstreet vendor coffee (support small business!) for the time being until the next check hit.

i never went into credit card debt though. it's one thing to spend what you got, 'til you got five cents in the pockets of your five hundred dollarjeans.. but spending what you don't have, that's just wrong. a tip for the youngsters - only credit card something if you got the cash to pay it offright away. otherwise you might end up paying double or triple what the original price was.

if you don't got it, just don't buy it.. i can assure you, the next week or the next month that rolls by, you will have forgotten all about whatevershoe or shirt or jeans you were fiendin' for, and there will always be new @%%% to chase after. don't get herbed by trying to copy the celebritylifestyle - those cats get it for free. we all gotta eat, and hopefully keep a roof over our heads.
at spending $1000 a month for kicks, the most I spent was $700, rightnow I'm about $125-240 a month.

One piece of advice, start a mutual fund (i'm starting my own soon). Or if you don't mind losing some money, trade stocks.

i never went into credit card debt though. it's one thing to spend what you got, 'til you got five cents in the pockets of your five hundred dollar jeans.. but spending what you don't have, that's just wrong. a tip for the youngsters - only credit card something if you got the cash to pay it off right away. otherwise you might end up paying double or triple what the original price was.
I remember a guy made a thread in JB forum about buying Flip 3's off credit, and he calculated the final rate (with interest) at a certainperiod of time. He said that if he were to hold a pair of flip 3's for 6 (or is it 4?) years on credit, he would have to pay the CC company $440, orsomething like that
Interesting conversation, I'm only 14, I buy about one pair of sneakers a week averagely which are always steals. I don't let myself get carried awayand I have a limit to how much I can spend on one shoe. Parents never pay for any of my sneakers so if I ever need cash I just sell some of the steals I get.
my credit card is primarily used for business expenses. i get reimbursed and i accrue mileage points. most everything else is cash and debit card. problem isthat i'm such a herb that no amount of money in the world could make me look fly

anyways . . .the 2 pairs in the front arrived in the mail today. i will def wear the columbia blues tomorrow. mostly though, i am happy to finally own a pairof obsidian snakes (thanks to oli for the link).

Originally Posted by The Baby Milo

Interesting conversation, I'm only 14, I buy about one pair of sneakers a week averagely which are always steals. I don't let myself get carried away and I have a limit to how much I can spend on one shoe. Parents never pay for any of my sneakers so if I ever need cash I just sell some of the steals I get.

A pair a week? That's a lot if you ask me.
damn kev.... obsidian snakes and a SECOND pair of columbias ..
[Kev] *goes home to wash poop pants* [/Kev]
interesting for, car payment(s), two kids, insurance, etc....then i stop to THINK about buyin kicks. I've got most of itunder control by just buyin "limited" or "old school" stuff w/the occasional kick "off the rack" at NT. Always lookin for dealsand if you deal w/the right people in here(DK, Kazi, HollowPoints to name a few) you can be pretty sure your getting the real thing and priced just aboutright.
As far as others spending the big bucks weekly/monthly....."to each his own"......if your young think about putting a little bit away, ifyour in debt get out before your credit is smashed. Shoes are a passion for me but not one of my priorities.

Nice p/u's everyone

Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by The Baby Milo

Interesting conversation, I'm only 14, I buy about one pair of sneakers a week averagely which are always steals. I don't let myself get carried away and I have a limit to how much I can spend on one shoe. Parents never pay for any of my sneakers so if I ever need cash I just sell some of the steals I get.

A pair a week? That's a lot if you ask me.


a bunch of nice pickups the last few pages...
Don't eff up your credit when your young or it will take years get that+!$! right. As the years go on having good credit is alot more important than a pairof fresh Air Force 1's.

Out of all the bussiness classes and lessons taught to me about $$$, the best knowledge I ever got was from those Dummies books. "Investing ForDummies".

Back to Force's........ Anyone got any word if there will be a NBA All Star Air Force 1 this year? Let's hope. They usually come correct on the NBA AllStar Forces. There hasn't been a Hyperstrike in forever it seems for AF1's.

What up Ali, get on your grind find out if we have some NBA All Stars comming this year. Goes for you too DK.
kevin you are hurting my feelings with a 2nd pair of colombias, i cant even get one


lovely picture. ugh anybody can hook me up with a 9.5 or 10 DS please PLEASE hook me up or DS pair of COURIER same size hahah

now i have to go to sleep knowing you have two pairs and i dont have one
I try to put myself on a "shoe ban" every week or so, but unlike most 'heads, I like about every brand of sneaker. So there's alwayssomething good out, in my opinion. Then I keep finding hot sh... for like 20-30 bucks so i rarely pass that stuff up (like the red cement stabs that I justbought for $38 shipped). Luckily for me, I don't ever find any really good forces in my size. But starting today, I'll vow to myself that I won'tmake another purchase to the middle of February (word to kevin2nd). It's gonna be tough, but life goes on. Good discussion.

Now start posting some more pics people.
I Love AF1, dope pickup. I love my pair.

Kev, crazy crazy pickups. I need both of those sneakers badly.

As far as the sneaker spending discussion. I have a good chunk of change saved up and am paying next to nothing on college so I don't mind spending somemoney on sneakers that I really love. I understand that later in life when I have more responsibility (family etc.) sneakers will have to move to the backburner. I figure I might as well enjoy the culture and buying stuff I love while I can. However, I will admit I should start cutting down on my purchases andselling the stuff I don't wear as much.
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

my credit card is primarily used for business expenses. i get reimbursed and i accrue mileage points. most everything else is cash and debit card. problem is that i'm such a herb that no amount of money in the world could make me look fly

anyways . . .the 2 pairs in the front arrived in the mail today. i will def wear the columbia blues tomorrow. mostly though, i am happy to finally own a pair of obsidian snakes (thanks to oli for the link).


I Love AF1 - you can get nike boxes from Champs/footlocker/nike outlets/nike store just go in there and ask if they have any extra boxes.. most of the timethey dont but you can find some places that will have a few around.. nice 3m snake pick up
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