..:: TEAM AIR FORCE 1 ::.. Official Thread... Vol. 5



I can see the reasoning behind Nike using cheaper materials (more profit), but why on earth did they decide to change the fit/shape of the shoe? Not only didthey make the shoe bulkier looking, but they no longer fit the same-my normal size is 10.5 in all my AF1s, whereas the last pair of white/white I bought in mysize were too big, and the next pair which I had to size down to 10 hurt my feet. Other than these white/whites, which I need as a "goes witheverything" shoe, I haven't bought any new AF1 releases since '03-'04 and probably never will. I've got about 9-10 pairs of AF1s (half ofwhich are still DS), so I won't have to buy anything for a minute, and if I have to, I'd rather pay through the nose for a nice pair of vintage thansome newer release that is so poorly made, they look worse than bootleg Forces.
Originally Posted by hollowpoints

but why on earth did they decide to change the fit/shape of the shoe? Not only did they make the shoe bulkier looking, but they no longer fit the same

i've been wondering this for the last 6 years. the midsole/outsole change absolutely ruins it for me. before they changed all the sole molds (before 2003),the soles have been pretty much the same look/shape since 1982. the "teeth" are the most distinct feature (you can tell what pairs came from whatfactories by the subtle differences in how the soles look, but they are mostly all identical). now they are all exactly the same, and slightly taller andslightly narrower (i actually sat there and measured). and the "teeth" are a lot less pronounced. as long as they keep using this new sole, af1'swill be dead to me. there are a few exceptions i have made as far as new releases, but 95% of everything since '03has been garbage in my eyes.

but oh well. in the end they are just shoes, and it's just profit nike is after... all good things come to an end. and imo it was around 2003.
It sucks man because along with that bulky look the weight comes into play too. And that narrow fit sucks for us wide foot cats. 10.5 is what I wear but withthese new white on whites they fit bigger but if I go half a size smaller they're too tight from the sides if I go half a size bigger they're goofylooking because the color of the shoe will make them look that much bigger bringing they goofy look to the feet and jeans so I'm stick with a 10.5 and thereason why I rather do 10.5 is do that they fit just right and don't crease as much.
Size 10 cats listen up. I'd you are looking for a pair of ds fearless warriors hit me up. Way way way cheaper then FC. I am not selling in here mods I justknow of a pair.
Those are amazing!
Keeping with the older AF1s i just got these in today.
Got them for a steal I love ebay!
Nike Air Force 1 Cones!

Let me know what you guys think!
This cat on SuFu is selling Black UNDFTD AF1 size ten (9/10) for $80
as well as some ID AF1's that are not too bad for $75 (8/10). Pretty
good deals, here are some pictures for y'all..

- - - - - - - -

Sorry for the large pictures, obviously not mine. And too lazy to resize.
Here's the link.. click here!
^i'm the same way, i don't know what it is.

so now that we saw the 01 white's and the '07-09 white's, when would those of you who have been around longer than me say that the quality felloff? seems like the consensus is around 2005 or so for gr's, but i'd like to hear what everyone in here thinks. a few opinions that would be veryappreciated.
I agree. 05ish is around the time when they fell off. Thats when hype and sneakers turned into the "in" thing. So nike decides to cash on everyopportunity and poop on the consumer and loyalist.
Everyone always ask me whyI keep buying AF1s if I feel that way and thats when I tell them Nike isnt really seeing my money. Private sellers are
i say at the end of 2003 (see my post on the last page). like i said there are a few exceptions, but i'm sticking with '03.

also, i just got another pair of indy's in today.
for those of you who remember, this is NOT photoshopped
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