The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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one word: have it all 
Way to respond starters. JJ Reddick has been balling this entire season man. When you talk about the best shooters in the L, people don't bring him up. I don't know why.

It just because he's getting overshadowed by the Splash Bros and Korver. But he should get more recognition. He's having an unbelievable year shooting the ball.
Hate to see a game end that way, especially one we were behind in all game.

Two games in a row where execution just wasn't there.

Next week is important. Hopefully we can win at least three of four.
Both the Pels and Thunder 2 games behind the Suns in the loss column, if either ate going to make a push for the 8 spot, now would be the time with that brutal stretch coming up for PHX.
Ty Lawson is sober now, dude is hooping.

Big up DJ Augustine with the game of his career tonight. 
I can't see or hear the word Hawks without thinking "ugliest brothas in the League"


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