The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Nope. He said "she" to refer to her, just like a male ref that botches a call would be called "he." Stop looking for something that's not there, or keep doing it and continue to show your intelligence level.

Oh terrible rebuttal.
As long as you know this is exactly how racist people defend themselves, keep making that argument.

Nope. He said "she" to refer to her, just like a male ref that botches a call would be called "he." Stop looking for something that's not there, or keep doing it and continue to show your intelligence level.
he also alluded to her not being qualified by saying 'maybe this isn't for her" - the kind of statement that a male ref hasn't & would not get.

you're late. this has been discussed already. 

if Dez Bryant or ben Roth made these comments then a reach is ok but Chris deserves the benefit of the doubt

I love how yall love to reach over the most stupidest **** and compare it to race

You call it a reach when it relates to a woman but call it facts when talking about black people. In both those situations, the white man is winning.
he also alluded to her not being qualified by saying 'maybe this isn't for her" - the kind of statement that a male ref hasn't & would not get.

It hasn't happened --> immediately means it's gender-related.

Again, that's about you. Not Paul. :lol:
Based on what Chris Paul said, I think those who were outraged have some explaining to do. If you took issue with something that wasn't there in his comments then what does that exactly say about you, and how you perceive the referee's gender?

As long as you know this is exactly how racist people defend themselves, keep making that argument.


if Dez Bryant or ben Roth made these comments then a reach is ok but Chris deserves the benefit of the doubt

I love how yall love to reach over the most stupidest **** and compare it to race

You call it a reach when it relates to a woman but call it facts when talking about black people. In both those situations, the white man is winning.

Lol what?

Chris being upset at a rookie ref is comparable to racism against a minority. You got it kid
Neither of them know what they're saying, but they're saying it confidently.
kobe got the work? he ate that 1st one then asked for seconds. you reaching Mr. Fantastic.

Yea childs dont know how to fight. ***** had two point blank shots at the dome and he missed both landing in the throat area. The ***** swung like his eyes were closed

Kobe took both like "thank you sir may i have another?"


But ofcourse haters gonna act like childs kimbo sliced kobe

if Dez Bryant or ben Roth made these comments then a reach is ok but Chris deserves the benefit of the doubt

I love how yall love to reach over the most stupidest **** and compare it to race
You call it a reach when it relates to a woman but call it facts when talking about black people. In both those situations, the white man is winning.
Lol what?

Chris being upset at a rookie ref is comparable to racism against a minority. You got it kid
sexism is analogous to racism
It hasn't happened --> immediately means it's gender-related.

Again, that's about you. Not Paul. :lol:

We can't see into chris pauls heart, but if you can't see whats problematic about saying that about one of the few female refs I don't know what to say.

it's a terrible look and chris paul should know better.
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Has Austin Rivers been trash like y'all said he would be?

Not at all. He's without a doubt been serviceable, and a noticeable upgrade over Farmar. But because he plays for the most hated team in the league, the father / son dynamic, people won't acknowledge it. It's funnier to do this " :rofl: :rofl: "
NBA rules (take your stance on how stupid they are if you want) make it so any day with a nationally televised game won't have an NBATV game. That's why on Tuesday's you have Fan Night.
I did not know that. Thanks for the info. 
yes you're the only one here who knows what they're saying. as demonstrated by your exemplary "logic"

There's 4 thumbs up on my post you're making a reference to, and the post was no more than 20 minutes ago. But no man, you're right.

We can't see into chris pauls heart, but if you can't see whats problematic about saying that about one of the few female refs I don't know what to say.

it's a terrible look and chris paul should know better.

The word "she" is what's problematic.
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Why should CP0's nut punching scum self get the benefit of the doubt, maybe he is a decent enough guy off the court, but in the basketball realm he's an *******. He was definitely insinuating something because the ref was female.
yes you're the only one here who knows what they're saying. as demonstrated by your exemplary "logic"
There's 4 thumbs up on my post you're making a reference to, and the post was no more than 20 minutes ago. But no man, you're right.
by this logic all your opinions are trash compared to mine because i have 8 times more thumbs up than you do 

using reps as a measure of credibility 
NBA rules (take your stance on how stupid they are if you want) make it so any day with a nationally televised game won't have an NBATV game. That's why on Tuesday's you have Fan Night.

This actually isn't true. NBATV will show games on the same day as ESPN/ABC. I think they just can't be at the same time. Like, two Sundays ago, there were two ABC games during the day, and an NBATV game that night.
Credibility? Or did I reference the thumbs-up's just to point out that I'm not the only one who has the opinion I have?

People will read anything and shape it into what makes sense to them.

Where in Chris past has allowed such a reach? He has no history of being a sexist

His comment wasn't even bad besides him complaining about a red in general. Yall are crying cause he said "her"

Yall watch tv shows with 67)6985434x more sexism than that comment

Wish this outrage was here when pop treated the female espn reporter like **** but I'm sleep tho
This actually isn't true. NBATV will show games on the same day as ESPN/ABC. I think they just can't be at the same time. Like, two Sundays ago, there were two ABC games during the day, and an NBATV game that night.

Yeah I meant day as in weekday
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