The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I said this at the beginning of the year Nerlens would be the best player but Jabari would win ROY. Seems like I was half right.

Elite defence and rim protection don't get you the ROY award, PPG does.

Wiggins will win the award.
you said people "WANT" their daughters to become strippers...  

no one said anything of the sorts

now you just being ridiculous and making up ****..... shut up b
Eye think people are just comprehending it that way.  While there are various degrees and definition as to what is accepted or not, I think it's OH KAY to generalize the general notion that people do not want their kids doing that.
I said this at the beginning of the year Nerlens would be the best player but Jabari would win ROY. Seems like I was half right.

Elite defence and rim protection don't get you the ROY award, PPG does.

Wiggins will win the award.
No one talks about Jabari though? He's like NON EXISTENT.  Does he tweet crap like Embid though?
ROY Young King.

WTF IS THAT AT 0:32? :x

Son lives on a trampoline. :smh:

Nah, my boy Nerlens keeps up the work on the boards and the defensive end and he's got it.

:32 was unfiar though. My man's head went OVER the rim. T Wolves gonna be a problem if they can surround him with some talent.

niko suave got it
kid is putting it up in crunch time
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NBA season hasn't been as exciting as I thought it would be... 

too many dudes getting hurt 

the parody doesn't seem to be there .... expected much more 
No one talks about Jabari though? He's like NON EXISTENT.  Does he tweet crap like Embid though?
i only see him in the commercials.... i always thought wiggins would be a better player  then jabari. i wanted wiggins on the lakers. 

so who replaces kevin love on the cavs....

Making $8/hr>>>>shaking your *** getting singles thrown at you
THROWN? LOLZ  Does james harden actually launch wads of $5s at the females like he's jacking shots?

I remember I had to go cuz was home's bachelor party.  Didn't realize there were so many variations of donut size. LOL  The grossest thing was when I saw bolt ons on some of dem females.  It looks weird and stiff, and you can see the neck crease fat silicon inside. LOLZ  I remember seeing this one cat up close trying to catch sniffs of the P dough. DUDE was like TY HILTON concussion stiff.
NBA season hasn't been as exciting as I thought it would be... 

too many dudes getting hurt 

the parody doesn't seem to be there .... expected much more 
i feel you on that. dont feel like there has been as many exciting games as years past but maybe nostalgia just getting to me.... 
i only see him in the commercials.... i always thought wiggins would be a better player  then jabari. i wanted wiggins on the lakers. 

so who replaces kevin love on the cavs....
Jabari had that injury and we all know how injuries can ruin people's career.
I said this at the beginning of the year Nerlens would be the best player but Jabari would win ROY. Seems like I was half right.

Elite defence and rim protection don't get you the ROY award, PPG does.

Wiggins will win the award.
So disappointed Jabari got hurt. I was looking forward to seeing him the most of anybody in that draft barring Embiid, obviously.
The nba setting up a way for towns or okafor to be in minny, plus k love might go back if that happens
TWolves need to keep KLove out of that city. Team is setting themselves up for a very bright future with Wiggins and quite probably Okafor/Towns. Love gonna ruin it for them.
[quote name="TomDiginson"][quote name="011781"]this conversation is WAY over your head if that's the conclusion you've drawn [/quote]You would endorse the foolishness rather than try to talk them out of it. When parents want to be their children's friend instead of the parent. Let me guess, you'd go watch them strip and chear them on too. Be their first customer and all. Foh[/quote]:lol: @ talking earlier about things being backwards but fiercely making sure not to be friends with your kid

See, the problem with people like you is that you've made friendship to something bad. To you, a friend is someone who helps you do bad things, someone who would never rat you out, a partner in crime. That's your first error, and it all starts there.

What denomination are you, my man? I'm guessing either Baptist, or non-denominational.
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:lol: @ about things being backwards but fiercely making sure but to be friend with your kid
see, the problem with people like you is that you weekly friendship to something bad. A friend is someone who helps you do bad things, someone who would never write you out, a partner in crime. That's your first care, in it all starts there.see, the problem with people like you is that you weekly friendship to something bad. To you, a friend is someone who helps you do bad things, someone who would never rat you out, a partner in crime. That's your first error, and it all starts with that one.

What denomination are you, my man? I'm going with Baptist, or non-denominational. Amirite? :smile:
latter day saints.
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