The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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And that's why it's a terrible idea, because it WILL be executed with that in mind.

Flopping is supposed to warrant techs, yet Wade/Ginobili/Bron have never gotten anything, and never will.
Well I was just hoping for the right thing to happen. Why even implement it if your only gonna use it to bust middle tier guys and guys fighting for roster spots? The league is already too top heavy now and doesn't have enough quality middle level talent imo. I do know how sensitive the NBA is tho about their superstars. More so than the NFL and the MLB by a mile obviously. I'm hoping Silver aint playing. Or is just saying this to hush the fans and hype swirling around it.
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HGH burns fat at an insane rate and improves recovery at an insane rate and has been said to even improve eyesight. As well as many other things. They don't call it the fountain of youth for nothing. hgh use = cheating
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I can't believe yall are tryna say they should legalize hgh,

Whatever happened to integrity of the game, playing until you couldnt play no more

Man f this thread

Thats like saying what happened to the integrity of life and just dying when you get an illness

You like modern medicine in other facets of life why wouldn't you like it in Sports?

Bro what are you saying, in sports everything has a shelf life, extending it destroys the balance of things
If hgh use should be made legal than all peds should be and we might as well be watching a circus out there like the mlb was when Bonds and Mcgwire were hitting 70 bombs in 162 games. And average guys like Brady Anderson were hitting 50 home runs.
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If hgh use should be made legal than all peds should be and we might as well be watching a circus out there like the mlb was when Bonds and Mcgwire were hitting 70 bombs in 162 games. And average guys like Brady Anderson hitting 50 home runs.

That era saved baseball.

If it was doctor regulated it would remove the risk and potential side effects.

To me Tommy Johnson and advances in Surgical procedures have advanced so why shouldn't drugs that can aid recovery?

The only reason people have an issue is because the average person is too stupid to understand what they actually do and don't do.
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If hgh use should be made legal than all peds should be and we might as well be watching a circus out there like the mlb was when Bonds and Mcgwire were hitting 70 bombs in 162 games. And average guys like Brady Anderson were hitting 50 home runs.
baseball was the **** back then.
I'm really disappointed that yall aren't even mentioning the real problem in terms of illegal substance that silver and the rest of the fat cats of the nba turn a blind eye to because they are cowards and are willing to risk the health and safety of players as long as they can make a profit
Not even gonna pretend like I wasn't glued to Mac/Sammy updates every night in the summer of 98. :lol:

Everyone knew they were roided up, but no one cared.
It wasn't against the rules back then either. I remember being glued to it too. Sosa and Mcgwire breaking records against each other. The Roger Maris family being there. Knowing this dude Mcgwire is jacked out of his mind while their daddy hit 60 bombs without even lifting a dumbbell lol. I remember when Bonds came up u knew he was either dropping a bomb out there in the Bay or getting walked because of his beyond human eyesight. At advanced ages to boot. Clemens somehow throwing harder and faster as he got older in his 30s.
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bonds was already an elite hitter but ped's made him an immortal. of course some will say ped's have 0 effect and it was all the result of pitching being thinned out by expansion :nerd: :lol:
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