Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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Has Rubio played a full season yet?

Yes, in 13-14. Played in all 82 games. The most games he played other than that was 57. 41 and 22 in his other two seasons, respectively. So, yeah, he's missed a lot of time due to injury.
Name one guard who can play defense on the Timberwolves not named Rubio.

Yeah, we'll go with Ricky over Rondo here.

Unless you want to take the POV that Rondo because the Kings will be one of the teams floated as a possibility for the eighth-seed so technically he might matter more, but that's a cheap out in the question imo.

I saw we trade him for another draft pick.

I don't like article at all, it's based off gossip, rumours, and opinions. The Sixers are not in as bad a situation as this writer makes it out to be.
That article is not gossip and rumors and opinions.

Embiid has narrated his offcourt pleasures on Twitter and IG, all of them.

That article is straight Facts man.

I am not talking about Embiid. I am talking about the picture he is painting for some of these so called facts.

Other minority owners not being happy? Who? Will Smith?

Questioning Brown's pedigree? pointing out the 130 losses in two seasons? What else would you expect from this D-league team.

Talking about Saric's father but not mentioning that Saric himself wants to play in the NBA asap.

And MCW is not THAT good. He's been mediocre for the Bucks at best. This will seem like a no brainer if the Lakers pick comes to fruition.

The Embiid thing does suck though. Bynum 2.0 if all is true. Better to trade him while he still may have some value.
Damn, my bad. I didn't read any of that.
I thought the link was the quote that was posted. 

I need to read the article then, damn, thanks for clearing that up.

All good homie
Since 2012-13, only two players have averaged at least 18.5 points, 15 rebounds, three assists and three blocks per 100 possessions while logging 2,500 total minutes. One is Tim Duncan. The other is Kyle O'Quinn.

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So happy to hear about Odom today. He's an easy person for me to root for. Lovable dude I hope his recovery is real.
Harden will be moving on. 

I always thought Khloe was moving on for the cameras but  inside she was still hanging on to hope for her and Lamar.
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I have no  problem with the 76ers taking a chance on Embiid at 3 based on injury concerns. His talent and his age, I take that chance 10/10 times.

But his attitude and not wearing his ******* walking boot? Awful. Yeah, he's still a kid and kids can be stupid, but that's the last thing I want to see out of my franchise big man and that's on him.. but also on the team for not doing a better job of managing their player.

I'm still hoping he's going to turn it around, get healthy, and get on the court.. but I'm also pretty glad they got Okafor just in case Embiid never pans out.
So what happens in Embiid does pan out? You have three franchise centres at your disposal and saric who will most likely play the 4 at small ball lineups.

I like Okafor so far, love what Noel brings to the table but I have yet to see how this two Center lineup will pan out.

I say trade embiid soon while his value is somewhat high. You do NOT want to have another Bynum, especially with two other centres in the roster.
Bigger goof; Portis to the Bulls or Hunter to the Celtics?

Portis classic high floor low ceiling underrated. He was a lock 10+ year vet, I wasn't sure those mechanics would translate to the NBA 3 but it already looks better/smooth/quicker. Ceiling might be hiegher than we all thought.
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