Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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[quote name="lawdog1"]On another note, heard Mychal Thompson today on NBA radio. Way he was talking, dude really had me believing Lakers can compete for a Western Conference title. Positivity.[/quote]So what you're telling me is that Mychal does drugs. :lol:

All kidding aside, one of my difficulties with the general population is confusing positivity for naivete.

If my son were to come home from school like, "Daddy, I wanna do football again this year, and I want you to coach again so you can have the QB throw to me every time this year because I'm going to get a TD EVERY TIME... promise!", I know people would say that the appropriate response there is something like, "Awesome! Sounds good, son! Let's do it! *high five* "

I find that counter-productive and delusional.

He ain't getting no damn TD every time, we ain't contending for the West, and I'm not going to call it 'positive thinking' when someone talks like that. I'm'a call it delusional and naive.

(Btw, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about when I said I'm too real for some people. Remember? I mentioned removing emotion from certain situations, and you mentioned that I should just call it what it was: having an excuse to be a jerk. Good times. :smile: But yeah, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about. I'm not going to entertain Mychal's talk of our Western Conference contention. If THAT'S being a jerk, I guess you still think I'm a jerk, and I'm ok with that... which probably makes me even more of a jerk. :lol: )
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Originally Posted by lawdog1  
On another note, heard Mychal Thompson today on NBA radio. Way he was talking, dude really had me believing Lakers can compete for a Western Conference title. Positivity.
So what you're telling me is that Mychal does drugs.

All kidding aside, one of my difficulties with the general population is confusing positivity for naivete.

If my son were to come home from school like, "Daddy, I wanna do football again this year, and I want you to coach again so you cam have the QB throw to me every time this year because I'm going to get a TD EVERY TIME... promise!", I know people would say that the appropriate response there is something like, "Awesome! Sounds good! Let's do it! *high five* "

I find that counter-productive and delusional.

He ain't getting no damn TD every time, we ain't contending for the West, and I'm not going to call it 'positive thinking' when someone talks like that. I'm'a call it delusional and naive.

(Btw, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about when I said I'm too real for some people. Remember? I mentioned removing emotion from certain situations, and you mentioned that I should just call out what it was: having an excuse to be a jerk. Good times.
But yeah, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about. I'm not going to entertain Mychal's talk of our Western Conference contention. If THAT'S being a jerk, I guessed you think I'm a jerk, and I'm ok with that... which probably makes me even more of a jerk.
you're not a jerk
Man....Stephen A needs to fight Jim Buss :rofl:

Bucks vs Wolves will be a Finals matchup I guarantee it!
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[quote name="PMatic"]Sounds like Khole has broke off her relationship with Harden to return to Odom.[/quote] If this is true, man... idc, idc, idc... if this is true, I got major respect for Khloe. For real.

You know that phrase people like to throw out there, "If you're not there for me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"?

If this is true, this chick is leaving her MVP-candidate bf for someone struggling to regain a normal life.

That's loyalty. That ain't eem about money. Sticking with Beard would be about money. Dude just signed to adidas for $200m... and she's out.

I know that won't be a popular take, but if this is true, there's my take.
My take is that going to Odom will gain her lots of new fans and attention because of all the attention /sympathy he's getting

Cynical take, but that's my take
She never really even wanted to leave Lamar......

He was spiraling out of control at the time to my knowledge....She gave her all to try and save what they had honestly.

Just my opinion from a far.....
So what you're telling me is that Mychal does drugs. :lol:

All kidding aside, one of my difficulties with the general population is confusing positivity for naivete.

If my son were to come home from school like, "Daddy, I wanna do football again this year, and I want you to coach again so you can have the QB throw to me every time this year because I'm going to get a TD EVERY TIME... promise!", I know people would say that the appropriate response there is something like, "Awesome! Sounds good, son! Let's do it! *high five* "

I find that counter-productive and delusional.

He ain't getting no damn TD every time, we ain't contending for the West, and I'm not going to call it 'positive thinking' when someone talks like that. I'm'a call it delusional and naive.

(Btw, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about when I said I'm too real for some people. Remember? I mentioned removing emotion from certain situations, and you mentioned that I should just call it what it was: having an excuse to be a jerk. Good times. :smile: But yeah, THESE are the kinds of things I was talking about. I'm not going to entertain Mychal's talk of our Western Conference contention. If THAT'S being a jerk, I guess you still think I'm a jerk, and I'm ok with that... which probably makes me even more of a jerk. :lol: )

Apparently, the sarcasm I was attempting to convey in that original post did not come through. LOL. I was not actually trying to compliment Thompson's positive (read, delusional) outlook.

And, no, I wouldn't call you a jerk for saying something that most reasonable people and even Lakers fans should think.
Zach Lowe, Kevin Arnovitz on the New Orleans Pelicans current situation:

ZL: "The Pelicans announced yesterday that Tyreke Evans is undergoing knee surgery. The timeline for his return is unclear. One estimate: 4-6 weeks, which could be 10 games or 15 games. The following players are now injured for them: Tyreke Evans, Jrue Holiday (on a minute limit of 15 MPG), Omer Asik, Alexis Ajinca, Quincy Pondexter (out until at least November, who knows if that's early Nov. or late Nov.), Norris Cole (out indefinitely), Luke Babbitt (hamstring injury), this is the sneaky big story of the preseason ... this is now a thing. While I think the bottom of the Western Conference isn't as good as it was last season, and the win total for eighth seed might be a little bit lower, they're starting so far behind the eight ball, two of their first three games are against Golden State, they have Atlanta twice ... they just don't have enough viable NBA players right now."

KA: "Up until last week that was sort of the great theme with people who I've talked to ... I wasn't crazy about that perimeter rotation for the ingredients for a 54-win team to begin with. It's Holiday, who hasn't ever been healthy, Gordon who's never healthy, Tyreke (who's Tyreke?), Norris Cole and Cunningham. It's like, does that sound like a 52-win team? Maybe.

ZL: "The smart people around the league, I mean I've had people say 55 wins. Now, that to me, is out the window. They just don't have enough guys."

KA: "Tom Haberstroh's counterpoint, Anthony Davis. And that is the counterpoint. It's the obvious - he's the best player in the world right now. Now, I'm terrified for them ... that thing happens where you have the star... listen, everybody extends with the team that they were drafted to. This notion that guys leave before the extension is unprecedented, I think literally unprecedented. That said, you ahve that thing that happens where the superstar is on the clock, and can the team surround him with requisite talent, and they're in trouble."

ZL: "I think it's a little early 'for the superstar on the clock' I just wrote a prediction piece, one of them will be, 'Anthony Davis wins the MVP.' And the pushback is, 'You have to finish Top-3 in your conference, or else you just have no chance historically' and I actually think this presents an opportunity for that line of thinking, which is hogwash, to get turned on its head a little bit, because if Anthony Davis has an absolutely monstrous start, and carries this M.A.S.H. unit to 10-5 in the first 15, and then gradually guys come back and they get the No. 5 or No. 6 seed, I think he's going to have the case. Now, there's a lot of "ifs" there. And the thing about these training camp injuries you don't know, because they say when a guy is supposed to be back, but, 'is he in shape? How much time does he need to get going?' Suddenly it's Christmas. And they have like five of those guys."

KA: "Ironically, by virtue of them being in worse shape, he's going to be even a more impressive MVP candidate because he's going to be padding those numbers."

ZL: "They have a million players on minimum contracts ... they're paying the piper a little bit for the way they built this team. No way you could have predicted the injuries, amplified by the fact that the Sixers paid $3 million to them for not disclosing Jrue Holiday's injury issues at the time of the trade, but, they traded what amounts to two rotation players now for Jrue Holiday who can't play, who can't stay healthy. They traded R.Lopez and G.Vazquez to get Tyreke Evans, which is a 2 for 1, then they traded a pick to get Omer Asik to replace R.Lopez who's better than Asik, so like, that's almost a 3-for-1, and all of a sudden your depth is crippled and crippled. In their defense, they didn't do this to put 'old guys' around Anthony Davis. These are "young veterans" like Dell Demps like to say, Eric Gordon had a good season last year, they got Ryan Anderson for almost nothing in a brilliant move ... but with their depth issues, they're paying a price with an impatient strategy. Maybe last year's first-round playoff exit helps Anthony Davis, maybe it doesn't, I don't know."

KA: "Do you bank on six of your top 8-9 rotation players going down before the season? I don't think there's any team that can absorb that."

ZL: "They don't have a team."

KA: "No. They don't have a team."
[quote name="amel223"]My take is that going to Odom will gain her lots of new fans and attention because of all the attention /sympathy he's getting

Cynical take, but that's my take[/quote]Nah, I get that. And honestly, I can't say a part of me doesn't side w/ your cynicism.

It's possible, absolutely. All they're famous for is being famous, and that would increase fame.
All I know is that every skripper in whatever city Harden is in better try and be working tonight...
Honestly I never seen the Pelicans as a team with that many wins this season.

I do not like their roster and what is around AD. Of course he was going to take the money but that roster is a mess.
Kevin Arnovitz: “I like Devin Booker, I was really hoping he’d slip to Atlanta. I think Atlanta was hoping he’d slip to Atlanta too.”
My take is that going to Odom will gain her lots of new fans and attention because of all the attention /sympathy he's getting

Cynical take, but that's my take

Definitely not outside the realm of possibility. But what I think is more likely is that they're both just really caught up in the emotions and adrenaline of the crazy situation they've been in for the last week. I mean, she basically helped bring Lamar back from the dead. That's got to be a pretty intense, joyful feeling. No wonder that, right now, they think they want to be together. So, I think she probably is coming from a well intentioned place, but maybe hasn't fully thought through the implications of what she's choosing. Or maybe she has.
Need Info on that Avy!!!
Looks like Bibi Jones. She's from OKC and is big time Thunder fan. Same with Jesse Jane, although she's not from there (she does live there). You can see her on the local broadcasts from time to time.

I didn't know who it was.

I wanted a new look so I googled *thunder okc avatar boobs* and she's the first skin I saw.
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