The Average Price Of Gas In The US Circa 2003 Before Iraq Was Invaded.............

May 30, 2006
March 10th, 2003

Average Price for a gallon of gasoline - [$1.72]

February 18th, 2008

Average Price for a gallon of gasoline - [$3.02]

I just want people that understand the concept of Oil Prices to explain to me how the US invaded one of the largest oil nations in the world and yet we arepaying close to 40% more for a gallon of gasoline while Oil companies are making BILLION dollar profits in one fiscal quarter.

Its February and gas is already over $3.00 imagine when summer time hits.
In December of '98 I can remember paying ~ 90 cents for a gallon in Indiana along the turnpike.
If only gas was still cheap
haha I remeber back in the day when gas hit 1 dollar and my boy mom was like "1 dollar for gas? oh hell naw!"
The US will never, and I repeat, NEVER, control the oil in the Middle East. The invasion had nothing to do with us taking over oil supplies and lowering gasprices.

The US is already not liked in the Middle East, but you think our soldiers are being targeted now? Wait and see what would happen if they tried seizing controlof Iraq's chief export, the lifeblood of the nation. Iraq's government wouldn't stand for it, the international community wouldn't stand forit, and, most importantly, Iraq's people wouldn't stand for it. Bloodshed would occur on a grand scale, believe that.

Uncertainty about the unfettered supply of oil goes a long way towards making its price jump, and OPEC only regulates the price at which countries sell toother countries, not the price at which those countries' oil companies sell it to the end consumer.

What do you think is causing these oil companies to rake in these record profits? An increased profit margin due to them being able to sell their product tous at inflated prices. They're charging more simply because they can.

The rapid development of China, as well as most of Asia, over the past decade has put a strain on oil prices as well.
i remember when i would dread gas going over $2.00 and i remember paying like 85 cents for it in Georgia one summer several years ago.

i miss it so much.
i don't.....
my bike goes on legs
its a stressful wait looking for parking...
and MAYBE every now and then you get your wheels stolen
i don't look at gas prices when i fill up anymore
too depressing
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

haha I remeber back in the day when gas hit 1 dollar and my boy mom was like "1 dollar for gas? oh hell naw!"
yup i know in VA Racetrac & Sheetz used to have gas for 88cents back in 99 when i first started drivin... damn everything costs too much. breadaint $1 no more u gotta pay 2 and some change just for a loaf of Merita smh
If you don't like it fix it.

Don't drive as much.
Mass Transit.
Create a working alternative fuel source.
Originally Posted by Liquid Sword Chamber

Because we are not getting oil out of Iraq buddy.

well i knew that but we should be getting a small percentage of their oil since the country is underneath our supervision or atleast buy some of theirbarrels at a discounted price.
Regardless of the reasons for the price hike, our gas was too cheap for too long. Bad habits were formed and are hard to break. People start paying attentionto the issues when it hits them in the wallet.

How much is 2003 prices in 2008 money?

I drive less than 7,000 miles annually and always look to cut back even on that.
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