Yeah France doesn't allow alcohol advertising on TV.. ages ago I remember the All Blacks (rugby) had the Steinlager insignia on their jerseys, they had toput black electrical tape on them or black it out with vivid
Real's playing amazing lately..

Its going to be interesting to watch El Classico on the 23
Yeah!! Liverpool with the win!!!!
Gerrard is in top form once again. 10 goals in 11 matches

Next up. Manchester United.
I was watchin the Rangers Lyon game, and that dude Benzema looks like hes gunna become really good in a few years. He's ab to turn 20 and he already lookslike he can play with the best in the world. Of course that evaluation is just from one half of watching him play against rangers lol
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I was watchin the Rangers Lyon game, and that dude Benzema looks like hes gunna become really good in a few years. He's ab to turn 20 and he already looks like he can play with the best in the world. Of course that evaluation is just from one half of watching him play against rangers lol

He's had a breakout season for Lyon in France. I thought Ben Arfa was going to be a bigger prospect, but looks like Benzema broke out first. Of coursehe's going to need to consistently put up results to get to the next level, but he's one of the top young strikers right now.
benzima is a beast. he doesnt look 19 at all.

barca FTW!

ETO'O > henry
everyone just looks more comfortable with eto'o out there... cant wait to see the big 3 reunited and also deco is back.

dec. 23 beware madrid.
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