The College Basketball Post

I dig the K2 reference.

Jahlil's pops was recruiting Winslow on Twitter. I thought A&M had a chance, but after tmay's info I'll guess Duke or Florida in that order. Zona just landed Stanley. I don't see him ending up at Stanford with the work Dawkins has done or UCLA.
I dig the K2 reference.

Jahlil's pops was recruiting Winslow on Twitter. I thought A&M had a chance, but after tmay's info I'll guess Duke or Florida in that order. Zona just landed Stanley. I don't see him ending up at Stanford with the work Dawkins has done or UCLA.

I think he's going to Duke.

But to say Zona is out of it bc of Stan is incorrect, Stan has been recruiting him to play with him if he decided to go to Zona.
Countdown to Hoilberg moving to a bigger program. He's only been a step down for me below Shaka and Stevens previously.

Mayor's in the same category as Pastner, for me.

Josh Pastner blows, seriously your infatuation with him is one of the strangest things to me. 4 years into the job, he still hasn't proved he can coach a lick. Great recruiter but the guy won one tourney game loaded with talent, that has mostly underachieved with him.

Hoiberg is so far above him as a coach its not really close. Hoiberg might be the number one guy out there to me, considering he also has NBA coaching/front office experience. Think that his is next move over another university job.
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 Hoiberg in the same category as Pastner. 
Hence why I said, for me. Very clearly. You can disagree, I'm open to dissenting opinions. But it won't change my beliefs.

I like Hoiberg, but not over Shaka.

Big test for Pastner tomorrow night.
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I've been trying so hard to like Pastner as a coach but dude just can't get it done. Memphis has too much talent to be one and done every year in the tourney.
Shaka/Hoiberg are 1A/1b guys for elite jobs to me right now but as I said I think Hoiberg's next move is the NBA. OKC :nerd:

CCT, besides saying it is your improvment, how about you explain what Pastner has done that has lead you to believe he is a good coach.
Groomed under Lute. Strong work ethic. Excellent recruiter. 2013 Conference COY. 3 Consecutive Conference Tourney Champs. 2 Consecutive Conference Regular Season Champs.

Half serious question, Pastner or Crean? I know you love both.

I have no problem with Hoiberg over Pastner, that's the popular and conventional belief. My ties to Pastner go back to Zona. I really wanted him to be Lute's successor. Anything less than an Elite Eight for Memphis this year will disappoint me. First real test against OK State.
Groomed under Lute and strong work ethic are weak *** points. How do you know that he has a strong work ethic? What coaches do we know that doesn't. Winning the CUSA while pulling in McDAAs every year just isn't impressive when you wet the bed in the tourney. 
Groomed under Lute. Strong work ethic. Excellent recruiter. 2013 Conference COY. 3 Consecutive Conference Tourney Champs. 2 Consecutive Conference Regular Season Champs.

Half serious question, Pastner or Crean? I know you love both.

I have no problem with Hoiberg over Pastner, that's the popular and conventional belief. My ties to Pastner go back to Zona. I really wanted him to be Lute's successor. Anything less than an Elite Eight for Memphis this year will disappoint me. First real test against OK State.

Champ, where in the city do you work? My office is on 37th and Broadway, couple steps from MSG.

Loving the parity in college ball right now, with no real dominant teams. Not much separation between the top 25 at this point, just a lot of underachieving across the board, if anything.

Odds on Winslow choosing Duke Wednesday?
My office is right by Rock Center. Let's grab a brew.

Missed my bus Saturday. Ended up with 2 Indian chicks at Beer Authority and some random Irish pub.
ComeUp: I get you don't like Pastner, fine. Discrediting his work ethic makes you seem bitter. It's all relative. Do most HC work hard? Yes. Do some work harder than others? Of course, like any other profession.

I can compromise and meet dissenting opinions in the middle. Pastner's recruiting and work ethic are well documented, common knowledge. In contrast, has he underwhelmed in the tourney? Sure, I'll concede that.

This season is a make or break year. Sweet 16 minimum. Elite Eight would validate my support and claims. Final Four would shock even me given Sparty, Kansas, Duke, L-Ville, Kentucky, Zona.

Pastner has elite guard play. Tomorrow will be a huge barometer. But I'll be careful to warn it's not an end all, be all situation. Win or loss it takes more than one game for me and should for others.

I think Memphis wins despite being the likely underdog. Limiting Smart under 15 points. Markel and Nash worry me some.
Your work ethic point is a bad one though cause at the end of the day, no one really knows how many hours these guys spend recruiting/watching tape/preparing strategy. Saying he works harder than other coaches is purely speculation based on hearsay at best that you are using to construct your desired narrative.
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Are you privy to information that everyone else isn't in regards to work ethic? How do I seem bitter? It's silly pointing to things that we have NO support or facts behind. I'm sure there are plenty of coaches that people will attest to working tirelessly, that doesn't mean that they're good.

The Lute Olson tutelage is equally as bad. Guys work under legends all the time and suck as head coaches when they get the shot. There's no bitterness in anything I'm saying, as I really don't care that much. It's just funny that you have such a hard on for this guy. 
Are you privy to information that everyone else isn't in regards to work ethic? How do I seem bitter? It's silly pointing to things that we have NO support or facts behind. I'm sure there are plenty of coaches that people will attest to working tirelessly, that doesn't mean that they're good.

The Lute Olson tutelage is equally as bad. Guys work under legends all the time and suck as head coaches when they get the shot. There's no bitterness in anything I'm saying, as I really don't care that much. It's just funny that you have such a hard on for this guy. 

Speaking of, who has the best lineage of a coaching tree amongst the legends?

I think of Coach K and his underlings haven't exactly fared too well so far.
having two coaches under his tree who've won titles, it's probably Pitino, no? if you consider him a "legend."
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ComeUp: I'll leave it with this. If World B thinks I'm framing my argument with speculation because I'm biased for Pastner, you're equally against him.

I can admit he's failed in the tourney. It's not hard to credit his learning process under Lute or work ethic if it's documented and reported.

I also don't like that you tried to discredit CBS Sports or Parrish. I believe that was you. Those basketball analysts have 99% more access, tape, connections/networks, inside info than the general population.

You're also kidding if you think Dawkins and Collins learning under K had nothing to do with Stanford and NW jobs.
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