The downfall of Japanese gaming?

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Japanese games nowadays are for lack of a better word, boring.

They just can't compete with the budgets or gameplay advancements of their Western counterparts.
i remember when it was flipflopped in da 90's...times have changed
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by soltheman

Many of the originators of the classics we know and love have either retired, become fed up with their companies, or simply gotten too old to really lead massive projects like that. This leaves room for new guys in the American market to appeal to American fans that have grown tired of the new Japanese gaming market. But despite the changes, many of these series still see a lot of success in Japan. And as much as they'd like you to believe, the American gaming market isn't really taking over the Japanese one in Japan. Unless Activision plans on making Rapelay like jumps, in which case
Some of these Japanese games don't, and really and never did cater to the American public. They were the only business in town so we dealt with them. Of course you Otaku/JapAnimation/Animae fans will disagree but yall represent a niche group in the US. Those Hello Kitty vs. Pedobear 2 games sell like hotcakes over there if you willing to import...

Most of us want to shoot things and say "That blew up real good
" with the occasional cutscene here and there. Outside of the guns, I can't even really cosign MSG4... the story and the characters were so farfetched and corny... I mean Solidus grabbing Raiden's nuts in MSG2 made "me wanna holla! Throw up both my hands..." Homeboy havin bowel movement problems throughout the entire game? *#* was not even funny the first time around... cmon dawg...

Let me shoot some terrorist up with random SEAL Team 6 badass and if I want a story I'll watch a Harry Potter movie...

 Now that you put it like that... I mean.. I see what you're saying. I was sorta blind to that before you put it like you did
Different kind of humor, I guess? Reguardless, MGS was still a sick series.

Originally Posted by Kramer

They still have 2/3 of the gaming consoles. And at least Nintendo has solid franchises like Mario unlike microsoft. I mean Nintendo has waay more than just halo and maybe a few other things

Like I said, if Apple were to get in the game, and I think they will,
Since multiplayer seems to be the core of gaming right now, where do you think the the future of gaming is heading. I know the console and physical disc model is gonna run it's course soon, and cloud gaming seems to be the inevitable direction we are heading in to.
Originally Posted by Wr

Since multiplayer seems to be the core of gaming right now, where do you think the the future of gaming is heading. I know the console and physical disc model is gonna run it's course soon, and cloud gaming seems to be the inevitable direction we are heading in to.
I don't think cloud media is the future, but I do agree that physical media will die out either in this console generation or the next.
Apple probably will get into the gaming (console) industry and when it does will probably become the "Nintendo" of America.
Western Games are starting to be too focused on replicating that cinematic feel not every game has be filled with blockbuster level explosions and quick time events.Games are at a point where that crap isn't even necessary .American games are slowly taking the player out of the game.We are starting to get more games where the player has limited control over the character instead of more.Look at La Noire graphically its a huge step up from GTA yet its a huge step down in terms of control and involvement.You have zero control over the game their is no right or wrong choice in that game.Even your worse decision still gets you on the right path. I see more and more games being filled with huge set pieces Ie Call of Duty with little control over them.Games were all about immersion not being cinematic .

Japanese games just need to slowly and surely expand and focus on quality gameplay that will always win people over.
^feel that. games lately have been more like interactive movies. Guess with the large development games have gone through in the recent years, cinematic has kinda been pushed to the forefront as we walk away from games being games, to just dealing with simulations. They are too busy trying to "wow" us
If I recall correctly didn't the last MGS have like 4+ hours of cutscenes? American games aren't the only ones.
^with games like metal gear you still have more interaction with things even though it has a lot of cinematics. You can still distinguish the rendered movies, from actual involved gameplay. With american franchise, it's more like the whole game is cut scene material.

Remember old school splinter cell where you actually had to pick the lock to open the door. Nowadays pick the lock is (press X) and it goes to animation and back to the show it seems like to me.
they need to install the old battle systems back in final fantasy. this new +$+@ has killed me
Originally Posted by Kramer

They still have 2/3 of the gaming consoles. And at least Nintendo has solid franchises like Mario unlike microsoft. I mean Nintendo has waay more than just halo and maybe a few other things
Yeah, but lets say Apple makes a Console... Then what? 
Angry birds in 1080p? Its a wrap for Nintendo homie 

All jokes aside, I really want gaming to get back on its feet from all angles. Not just FPS'rs...

The new Nintendo console looks very promising, and I may cop one. But it has to bring fun back. I want super Mario and Sonic alongside COD and NBA 2k12... Its gotta bring everything back to us, just like the Super Nintendo did. 
Originally Posted by Wr

^with games like metal gear you still have more interaction with things even though it has a lot of cinematics. You can still distinguish the rendered movies, from actual involved gameplay. With american franchise, it's more like the whole game is cut scene material.

Remember old school splinter cell where you actually had to pick the lock to open the door. Nowadays pick the lock is (press X) and it goes to animation and back to the show it seems like to me.

I think your giving way too much credit to Japanese games, especially since the majority of american games do not use pre rendered cinematics. Japanese game developers just can't consistently make AAA titles like the western developers can; this is bound to change but not until Japanese developers stop trying to fill their games with things they believe will appeal to western audiences by  (ex. Demons Souls vs. Quatum Theory)
Originally Posted by Hop

Originally Posted by Wr

^with games like metal gear you still have more interaction with things even though it has a lot of cinematics. You can still distinguish the rendered movies, from actual involved gameplay. With american franchise, it's more like the whole game is cut scene material.

Remember old school splinter cell where you actually had to pick the lock to open the door. Nowadays pick the lock is (press X) and it goes to animation and back to the show it seems like to me.

I think your giving way too much credit to Japanese games, especially since the majority of american games do not use pre rendered cinematics. Japanese game developers just can't consistently make AAA titles like the western developers can; this is bound to change but not until Japanese developers stop trying to fill their games with things they believe will appeal to western audiences by  (ex. Demons Souls vs. Quatum Theory)

I was thinking the same rhing about japanesw storylines. I recently got on netflix and I been on like a anime marathon, but im slowing sdown on it because im seeing the same storyline Over and over about trendy looking cyborgs dealing with realizing they arent really human. Ghost in the shell, mgs, and other titles I dont remember at the moment
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Kramer

They still have 2/3 of the gaming consoles. And at least Nintendo has solid franchises like Mario unlike microsoft. I mean Nintendo has waay more than just halo and maybe a few other things
Yeah, but lets say Apple makes a Console... Then what? 
Angry birds in 1080p? Its a wrap for Nintendo homie 

All jokes aside, I really want gaming to get back on its feet from all angles. Not just FPS'rs...

The new Nintendo console looks very promising, and I may cop one. But it has to bring fun back. I want super Mario and Sonic alongside COD and NBA 2k12... Its gotta bring everything back to us, just like the Super Nintendo did. 
Nintendo will CRUSH Apple if they ever tried to get into the gaming market. The thing with with Japanese games is that they all follow the same formula still to this day. They keep TRYING to appeal to the West and they just keep failing. I honestly think they forgot how to make a good game because they keep trying to appeal to everyone. Look at what happened to Resident Evil. If CoD and all these shallow FPS games never came out RE would have never took that turn into action territory. They need to just make games and stop trying so hard.

I think the Japan Videogame industry peaked way too fast; Especially with the playstation. They were putting out quality game after quality game so quickly and producing soo many hits. The whole world was FEENING for Japanese games. Then they just got comfortable and kind of stood at a standstill using the same formula while the rest of the World was catching up to them. Now they have NO IDEA what to do. Pikmin was the last OG Nintendo franchise right? That was on the gamecube...

Also I don't even consider Nintendo a Japanese company. Their characters and franchises ALWAYS had a worldwide appeal. They are Disney/Pixar of the videogame industry and it will ALWAYS be like this. 
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Kramer

They still have 2/3 of the gaming consoles. And at least Nintendo has solid franchises like Mario unlike microsoft. I mean Nintendo has waay more than just halo and maybe a few other things
Yeah, but lets say Apple makes a Console... Then what? 
Angry birds in 1080p? Its a wrap for Nintendo homie 

All jokes aside, I really want gaming to get back on its feet from all angles. Not just FPS'rs...

The new Nintendo console looks very promising, and I may cop one. But it has to bring fun back. I want super Mario and Sonic alongside COD and NBA 2k12... Its gotta bring everything back to us, just like the Super Nintendo did. 
Nintendo will CRUSH Apple if they ever tried to get into the gaming market. The thing with with Japanese games is that they all follow the same formula still to this day. They keep TRYING to appeal to the West and they just keep failing. I honestly think they forgot how to make a good game because they keep trying to appeal to everyone. Look at what happened to Resident Evil. If CoD and all these shallow FPS games never came out RE would have never took that turn into action territory. They need to just make games and stop trying so hard.

I think the Japan Videogame industry peaked way too fast; Especially with the playstation. They were putting out quality game after quality game so quickly and producing soo many hits. The whole world was FEENING for Japanese games. Then they just got comfortable and kind of stood at a standstill using the same formula while the rest of the World was catching up to them. Now they have NO IDEA what to do. Pikmin was the last OG Nintendo franchise right? That was on the gamecube...

Also I don't even consider Nintendo a Japanese company. Their characters and franchises ALWAYS had a worldwide appeal. They are Disney/Pixar of the videogame industry and it will ALWAYS be like this. 

Trust me if Apple ever gets into the gaming industry it will slowly become the "Nintendo" of America. Nintendo greatest strengths are its first party titles and it ability to appeal to the casual gaming market; and I believe Apple could easily emulate this. And I would'nt blame the RE's current state on western FPS's (I would blame it on Hideki Kamiya) and I have my problems with COD but it is by no means a "shallow" FPS. 
Originally Posted by Hop

Trust me if Apple ever gets into the gaming industry it will slowly become the "Nintendo" of America. Nintendo greatest strengths are its first party titles and it ability to appeal to the casual gaming market; and I believe Apple could easily emulate this.
and for that reason alone, apple could never be nintendo.

nintendo is like the disney of videogames man
word. Apple could probably come out with something along the lines of Spyro the Dragon or Rachet & Clank but I cant see them coming out with a Mario/Zelda/Pokemon etc etc...
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by Hop

Trust me if Apple ever gets into the gaming industry it will slowly become the "Nintendo" of America. Nintendo greatest strengths are its first party titles and it ability to appeal to the casual gaming market; and I believe Apple could easily emulate this.
and for that reason alone, apple could never be nintendo.

nintendo is like the disney of videogames man
Yeah, but Apple is like the Pixar of technology. 
So it would come down to 2 options, either Nintendo joins them, or sits back and watches Apple take over the market, like they do with everything else. 

Nintendo also felt they had nothing to fear in Microsoft. Which they didn't when it came to console sales, but look at the image Nintendo has made for themselves. Nobody takes them as a "serious" gaming choice anymore. 


And how is Nintendo not considered a Japanese gaming company??? The %%#+? 

It doesn't matter if they have worldwide appeal, that's the goal of every company. They're still Japanese. 
Originally Posted by Hop

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

ehhh .... nintendo is still the best developer ...

w/ that being said ... North American companies have put in work ... and Japanese developers have a lot of catching up to do

2 of the major 3 consoles are still from Japanese companies are still Japanese ... neither company is going anywhere ...

I'm always looking fwd to the next Metroid, Zelda and Mario games ...

point is Japan still puts out solid games ...

it's still about gameplay for me ... i couldnt care less about graphics or the excess amount of shooters
Japanese developers are lagging behind because they can't put out solid games. I believe that your saying that the reason Japanese developers are lagging behind is that western gamers don't value good game play and that is just false. 

and your interpretation of what i said would be wrong ....

... in other words ... Japan is and will be fine ... N/A companies are very good ... the point was Japan still puts out solid games, they have fallen behind (i never stated a reason) ... and my favorite company is nintendo which has always been about gameplay (i couldn't care less what other companies are doing as long as i have my mario, zelda, metroid) ... 
Yeah I dunno. Japanese gaming was relevant in the early & late 90's and some of the early 2000's...

But third person-shooters is what hannenin' right now.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by Hop

Trust me if Apple ever gets into the gaming industry it will slowly become the "Nintendo" of America. Nintendo greatest strengths are its first party titles and it ability to appeal to the casual gaming market; and I believe Apple could easily emulate this.
and for that reason alone, apple could never be nintendo.

nintendo is like the disney of videogames man
Yeah, but Apple is like the Pixar of technology. 
So it would come down to 2 options, either Nintendo joins them, or sits back and watches Apple take over the market, like they do with everything else. 

Nintendo also felt they had nothing to fear in Microsoft. Which they didn't when it came to console sales, but look at the image Nintendo has made for themselves. Nobody takes them as a "serious" gaming choice anymore. 


And how is Nintendo not considered a Japanese gaming company??? The %%#+? 

It doesn't matter if they have worldwide appeal, that's the goal of every company. They're still Japanese. 
No. Nintendo is the Disney AND Pixar of the video gaming industry. Apple is EVEN MORE CASUAL than Nintendo. Nintendo has created a BEAUTIFUL image of themselve, compared to what they used to be. They are a name families can trust AND they have the OLDEST and most ORIGINAL franchises on the PLANET. The difference between Nintendo and everyone else is that they are a videogame DEVELOPER FIRST AND FOREMOST, THEY DO THIS for a living. They make systems specifically for the games they want to create.  If they never made games they wouldn't make systems, simple as that. 

For apple to get to Nintendo they would have to go through Sony and Microsoft first. I doubt they will beat either of them. They still can't even take the handheld market from Sony OR Nintendo and they have the iPod and Iphone....
if apple made some sort of 5 inch screen gaming ipod id buy it...and jailbreak it

the games on ios are fun and the added achievements give it that console type feel
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