The Dunk Contest hasnt been the same since JRich and VC stopped participating in it

It's funny the way people remember things because those J-Rich contests were generally considered horrible besides his dunks. Remember the nonsense in2002?

The 2005 contest with Josh Smith, Amare, and JR was dope, if they were allowed 2-4 more participants it'd be mentioned with the all-time greats.

EDIT: '03 with J-Rich winning was pretty good though because Desmond Mason decided to show up and actually do something for once.
whoa co-sign. vince's dunk contest was insane...J-Rich did a good job keeping it nice (the last dunk in the 2nd one he won is
), but after thatit's been too much about props and less about the actual dunk itself
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

am i the only one that thnks VC's dunks in the 2000 dunk contest were overrated?

first dunk is just a 180 windmill
second dunk is the same just coming from out of bounds

between the legs was the only real impressive one imo.

Did you even watch it live?

That performance was the reason the dunk contest was even relevant again.
Then you can say the same thing about Dwight Howard last year. He had three dunks that he planned and executed and had the crowd at hisfingertips. The theatrics helped, but it was all part of a performance that left the crowd in awe. Rarely does anyone come into a dunk contest and justcompletely capture the crowd like he did.
Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

am i the only one that thnks VC's dunks in the 2000 dunk contest were overrated?

first dunk is just a 180 windmill
second dunk is the same just coming from out of bounds

between the legs was the only real impressive one imo.

Did you even watch it live?

That performance was the reason the dunk contest was even relevant again.
yeah i saw it live. it was the first dunk contest that was relevant again but im talking about the actual dunks. they were great dunks but like i said, aside from the between the legs off the bounce, i didnt think they were as impressive as other people did.

I'll tell you what. Set your hoop at 9ft and try to do what Vince did. You're crazy if you think those dunks are overrated.
The dunk contest is becoming more about the props than it is the actual dunks and tricks.

- Dwight Howard with the cape last year was vastly overrated. Had he kissed the rim I would've said that was better. The year before when he slapped thesticker on the top of the backboard was better than the Superman cape.
- I'll give props to Gerald Green for the birthday cake dunk, you gotta get pretty high to blow that thing out. But jumping over a table in '07 wasweak.
- Josh Smith in '05 wasn't that special IMO. Putting on 'Niques jersey doesn't make the dunk better. Yes it brings flavor but it doesn'tchange the difficulty. And he didn't even jump over Kenyon Martin...
Soooo true

*see my post in the all-star saturday post*

Its just all gimmicks and $#%$!!$# now

you cant get a 50 with a regular dunk. no way. you have to put on a costume, have someone throw you an oop from far away/weird angle, and do a stupid dancewith it

oh and
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Rudy got robbed.

yeah im mad
So, what do y'all someone do to while in the air for 2 seconds? What else can be done that hasn't been done? I think some are asking for too much.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

They pretty much have to. If it wasn't for these gimmicks we'd see the same dunks rehashed every year.

The 2008 Dunk Contest was awesome.
^this would be the type of praise im talking about
well that's just my opinion of course. but i just think i share the same sentiments as many others. if you look at the all the othercollective dunks from one dunk participant in a dunk contest, vince carter's would be the best.

it's nice that you like to deviate from the norm, but to say vince's dunks were not that impressive is just wrong.
The Vince Carter windmill is still my favorite dunk of all-time...
Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

am i the only one that thnks VC's dunks in the 2000 dunk contest were overrated?

first dunk is just a 180 windmill
second dunk is the same just coming from out of bounds

between the legs was the only real impressive one imo.
I thought his first round dunks were great. His ones in the second round did nothing for me. I've said it loads of times on here before butSteve Francis had a better final round than Vince and by the rules should have won the contest. But Vince won it because of what he did in the first round, andrightly so I think.
the dwight off the side catch dunk was actually a eye catcher for me
but it wasnt like when J-Rich every dunk contest brought something that would just
excite everyone in the building
cheezy, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I'm getting less and less interested in the dunk contest with allthese props and whatnot. It's not really about the dunks anymore, it's about the theatrics.
Whats annoying is that guys in and1, flight bros, etc. have better dunks than what we've seen in the dunk competition.

It's like

540, 720, 360 between the legs, inclined 360, free throw line 360,etc.............. all of these have been done and are on youtube.
Originally Posted by youngcheezy

if JRich couldve finished his last two tries in the final

this wouldve been the greatest performance EVER

a lob 360 honey dip?
@ me saying that this morning and
for agreeing with you for once.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Whats annoying is that guys in and1, flight bros, etc. have better dunks than what we've seen in the dunk competition.

It's like

540, 720, 360 between the legs, inclined 360, free throw line 360,etc.............. all of these have been done and are on youtube.
Well when you have all day to practice dunks and not get better at playing basketball Its pretty easy to be good at it.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

^this would be the type of praise im talking about
well that's just my opinion of course. but i just think i share the same sentiments as many others. if you look at the all the other collective dunks from one dunk participant in a dunk contest, vince carter's would be the best.

it's nice that you like to deviate from the norm, but to say vince's dunks were not that impressive is just wrong.

i dont like to deviate from the norm, i just didnt find vc's dunks to be the greatest ever. i still think the best are mj and wilkins by amile, how much is that deviating from the norm?
You can already tell that the ASG isn't as interesting w/o Vince as well as the dunk contest. This game is boring as hell. I know they're playing someD but Vince never cared who was under the basket this dude woulda had you outta your seat at least 3 or 4 times by halftime
damn i can't find the vid of 02 dunk contest when he caught the lob and turned to the side and did a two handed reverse.....#%$! was nasty
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