The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

Pretty sure he fits some sort of Nice Guy mold. 


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:
I dont why this video was so funny to me.

Dude was like a blessing sent by the gif God to give us a range of mostly angry reactions such as:

View media item 1699126
Man Just Shut The Hell Up!
View media item 1699130
Why you gotta lie over petty stuff...Why?
View media item 1699125
That's stupid!
View media item 1699160
View media item 1699163
And finally a happy one... kinda
I call this one She Got Mass
View media item 1699164
Never been zoned.

Chicks can sense what type of guys they can do this with. In college, I used to see the dudes that would hang around the chicks all day, go to the club with with them etc etc and never smash. Used to just smh at them. Got a homeboy like that. Always talking about how "close" he was etc etc. These dudes are so afraid at the thought of not being around pretty women, that they'll never make a true attempt to pursue said girl.

I will say, I have absolutely Zero female friends...outside of my homeboys gf's....whom I'd just consider acquaintances. I know I've missed out on some oops from not having a female friend.
Never been zoned.

Chicks can sense what type of guys they can do this with. In college, I used to see the dudes that would hang around the chicks all day, go to the club with with them etc etc and never smash. Used to just smh at them. Got a homeboy like that. Always talking about how "close" he was etc etc. These dudes are so afraid at the thought of not being around pretty women, that they'll never make a true attempt to pursue said girl.

I will say, I have absolutely Zero female friends...outside of my homeboys gf's....whom I'd just consider acquaintances. I know I've missed out on some oops from not having a female friend.
the oops that come with having attractive female friends are endless.
Never been zoned.

Chicks can sense what type of guys they can do this with. In college, I used to see the dudes that would hang around the chicks all day, go to the club with with them etc etc and never smash. Used to just smh at them. Got a homeboy like that. Always talking about how "close" he was etc etc. These dudes are so afraid at the thought of not being around pretty women, that they'll never make a true attempt to pursue said girl.

I will say, I have absolutely Zero female friends...outside of my homeboys gf's....whom I'd just consider acquaintances. I know I've missed out on some oops from not having a female friend.

8) Shout's out to B-more even though my Hawks are going to crush you this year, just like '12
I think there's two variations of the friendzone. You have the dudes in the zone because the girl doesn't want to hurt their feelings, and then u have the dudes in the zone because the girl finds em attractive, but also coo, so it's just like yall homies.

Now, the difference between the two is, that dude in column B, he's the guy shorty looks to when she need a fix. She knows he doesn't want a relationship and won't be spreadin business bout how he smashed because he's cool like that.
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I've only been zoned once. With a girl in HS who was in home room and bio with me. Shared notes, talked etc. tried to get out of it and asked her on a date to the movies. She said "cool, can I bring my cousin and we can see Kung fu panda" :smh: eventually stopped talking to her. Never again
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8) Shout's out to B-more even though my Hawks are going to crush you this year, just like '12

Already :pimp:.

Seattle is in my top 5 cities for no reason at all. Never even been there :rofl:. Was heartbroken last year. But you know who the Champs were in 12-13 though....
all about how you approach it. if its a girl youre interested in getting to know other than friendship it is completely possible to approach her in a way that doesnt completely put you out there but is also subtly flirtatious as well. 

girls arent stupid. guys don't just come up to girls looking for friendship. hell no one comes up to anyone looking for friendship if you really think about it
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I think there's two variations of the friendzone. You have the dudes in the zone because the girl doesn't want to hurt their feelings, and then u have the dudes in the zone because the girl finds em attractive, but also coo, so it's just like yall homies.

Now, the difference between the two is, that dude in column B, he's the guy shorty looks to when she need a fix. She knows he doesn't want a relationship and won't be spreadin business bout how he smashed because he's cool like that.

Column B ain't friend zone. That's f-buddies or friends with benefits. Once you hit, the zone disappears. Column B is ideal.
Already :pimp:.

Seattle is in my top 5 cities for no reason at all. Never even been there :rofl:. Was heartbroken last year. But you know who the Champs were in 12-13 though....

:smokin live in B-more currently, witnessed my first Superbowl parade. Didn't even see it in Seattle.
I think there's two variations of the friendzone. You have the dudes in the zone because the girl doesn't want to hurt their feelings, and then u have the dudes in the zone because the girl finds em attractive, but also coo, so it's just like yall homies.

Now, the difference between the two is, that dude in column B, he's the guy shorty looks to when she need a fix. She knows he doesn't want a relationship and won't be spreadin business bout how he smashed because he's cool like that.

Column B ain't friend zone. That's f-buddies or friends with benefits. Once you hit, the zone disappears. Column B is ideal.

I think it depends on the frequency of relations. In college, dudes would knock once and that's it. They remained friends, but wouldn't hit anymore. But Column B should be the ultimate goal in most cases
Obviously it's unrealistic for a dude to really become a 40-year old virgin when given sexual opportunities, but I really feel like the amount of awkward situations I've had is as close to a real life 40-y/o virgin story as you can get.

Girls parents go out of town, we're supposed to go to a bar and then I stay at her crib tonight, she goes to a party last night and fractures her hand [emoji]128529[/emoji]

Still gunna go there but the smash is not in the bag now, and it's definitely going to be awkward as ****. Seriously idk how these things always happen to me it's exactly as I described it in the post I quoted.
Use the friend zone to your advantage. Make her bring the :smokin or the drank. Get around her friends and try to run through them. Have her cook for you or do something you need done. The game can be played both ways. You just need to get some action elsewhere so she is no longer a priority.
Use the friend zone to your advantage. Make her bring the
or the drank. Get around her friends and try to run through them. Have her cook for you or do something you need done. The game can be played both ways. You just need to get some action elsewhere so she is no longer a priority.

If she wants to be your friend she needs to bring something to the table.
Tbh this doesn't always work, but if you're in the friendzone and you want to get out of it, the best possible way is to get all the way in the friendzone. Become her closest friend. Bestfriend. Once you're there, get hella distant, get some new work. She'll start to see you in a different light, and boom. 

In any event though, being friendzoned is so unnecessary. You can generally tell if a chick is feeling you on that level and if you have to legit ask yourself if she's feeling you on that level, she's probably not. And if she isn't, that's on you if you want to be just friends with her. 

And girls and guys can never be close friends w/o one falling for the other.
I used to like having fat girls as friends. You know the loud funny types. They always Ice break and throw endless Gary Payton lobs
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Tbh this doesn't always work, but if you're in the friendzone and you want to get out of it, the best possible way is to get all the way in the friendzone. Become her closest friend. Bestfriend. Once you're there, get hella distant, get some new work. She'll start to see you in a different light, and boom. 

In any event though, being friendzoned is so unnecessary. You can generally tell if a chick is feeling you on that level and if you have to legit ask yourself if she's feeling you on that level, she's probably not. And if she isn't, that's on you if you want to be just friends with her. 

And girls and guys can never be close friends w/o one falling for the other.
Why do so many NTers think mind games will always work with women? If there's some attraction on both sides you won't have to jump through all these hoops to get her to like you. Especially not by making her see you as MORE of a friend and investing her time in that FRIENDSHIP. At the end of the day you can't outrun comparability.

And it is 100% possible for guys and girls to be close friends. Guys can be friends with girls under the same circumstances that they are friends with other guys. Yall just gotta stop expecting that every girl wants to sleep with you [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Why do so many NTers think mind games will always work with women? If there's some attraction on both sides you won't have to jump through all these hoops to get her to like you. Especially not by making her see you as MORE of a friend and investing her time in that FRIENDSHIP. At the end of the day you can't outrun comparability.

And it is 100% possible for guys and girls to be close friends. Guys can be friends with girls under the same circumstances that they are friends with other guys. Yall just gotta stop expecting that every girl wants to sleep with you [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Ehh I disagree
I have one girl thats really a friend. Known her since the 5th grade. She also threw me my best oop in HS. And she was never NOT in a relationship so it was pretty easy not to end up trying to do anything intimate with her. Other than that I have zero capability to be just friends with women.

Seriously bros, if a chick gives you some bs like "your like a brother" or "i dont wanna ruin our friendship.." then go all in with it.

Say "hey (insert name here) youre the best girl friend i got so i know i can trust your opinion and you wont be weird with me. does my **** look big to you. or do you think i did a good job man scaping?" and WIO.

Then fall back and let it marinate. Next party or function and you will be outta friendzone junction.... Helps if you got a big one but not required.
Ehh I disagree

I have one girl thats really a friend. Known her since the 5th grade. She also threw me my best oop in HS. And she was never NOT in a relationship so it was pretty easy not to end up trying to do anything intimate with her. Other than that I have zero capability to be just friends with women.

Seriously bros, if a chick gives you some bs like "your like a brother" or "i dont wanna ruin our friendship.." then go all in with it.
Say "hey (insert name here) youre the best girl friend i got so i know i can trust your opinion and you wont be weird with me. does my **** look big to you. or do you think i did a good job man scaping?" and WIO.

Then fall back and let it marinate. Next party or function and you will be outta friendzone junction.... Helps if you got a big one but not required.

I've got plenty female friends. Some were friends with benefits and some that I've known since I was a kid and have zero interest them romantically. They're family. Again, completely possible to have female friends, especially if you have an active dating life and have enough options so you don't need to look at girls you actually consider "friends" to get some.
Ehh I disagree

I have one girl thats really a friend. Known her since the 5th grade. She also threw me my best oop in HS. And she was never NOT in a relationship so it was pretty easy not to end up trying to do anything intimate with her. Other than that I have zero capability to be just friends with women.

Seriously bros, if a chick gives you some bs like "your like a brother" or "i dont wanna ruin our friendship.." then go all in with it.
Say "hey (insert name here) youre the best girl friend i got so i know i can trust your opinion and you wont be weird with me. does my **** look big to you. or do you think i did a good job man scaping?" and WIO.

Then fall back and let it marinate. Next party or function and you will be outta friendzone junction.... Helps if you got a big one but not required.

I think my barber did that to my moms
Ehh I disagree
I have one girl thats really a friend. Known her since the 5th grade. She also threw me my best oop in HS. And she was never NOT in a relationship so it was pretty easy not to end up trying to do anything intimate with her. Other than that I have zero capability to be just friends with women.

Seriously bros, if a chick gives you some bs like "your like a brother" or "i dont wanna ruin our friendship.." then go all in with it.

Say "hey (insert name here) youre the best girl friend i got so i know i can trust your opinion and you wont be weird with me. does my **** look big to you. or do you think i did a good job man scaping?" and WIO.

Then fall back and let it marinate. Next party or function and you will be outta friendzone junction.... Helps if you got a big one but not required.
a lot of the times the guy who is the "niceguy" has an ulterior motive that he's too afraid to speak up on, so in reality he's not really a niceguy at all, just a wolf in sheep's clothing, i'm a really quiet [intj personality type] person that always finds that people gravitate towards me & tend to try to understand me, but i'm a very private person. i'm also very blunt & don't understand the purpose, need, or desire for social constructs, but in my experiences it just helps if you keep it authentic with people..especially women, it's better she dislikes the person you truly are, than liking the person that you pretend to be. a lot of niceguys don't get that concept, & also they feel they are supposed to get an accolade or award for being nice, that's not the way life works, be nice because you truly are, not because you come with hidden intentions. the friendzone shouldn't matter to a truly niceguy, because if he were truly nice he'd let his intentions be known in the first place, nor would he be offended that someone wanted to befriend him.
I'm also an intj. I feel like I could've typed this lol
Being friends with an attractive woman opens you up to all her attractive friends, they're the best wing man
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