The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

Last I heard, if nike double boxes to them, they send em out that way. This was direct from eastbay rep when they still posted. Unless of course you pay for gift box.

I'm not VIP or anything. Guess u just got lucky.
Probably from NDC this Sat. Want to get some myself for my son but not if they're not GS price...

bless you brother; damn... I wanted them Lebrons tho. I wonder will sell out? Lerbons will be hella easy to cop later on down the line I know off ebay or something. Gloves? I don't think so...
Exactly. People that are buying the gloves right now, are buying for personal. Not many are buying to resell. Once these start to dry up, expect a difficult time finding a pair.
Good thing the black/white released first. I don't have to go through all these colorways before I get this one pair(might get the white/black).
Imagine my surprise when I called up my local Footlocker at the whitest suburban mall you can imagine...and they had size 14 Gloves! This place never gets anything remotely near RD and never over a 13. Copped my second pair and put them away.

Easily the underdog shoe of the year. I haven't taken mine off since I got them.
Grey and orange is looking real nice. If I had to decide between those and taxi 12's..... hmmm. Prolly the the taxi 12's but not by much
Man I forgot how nice it is to try a shoe on before u buy! Smh what has the world come to lol but I'm glad I did... I can't speak for everyone wit flat feet but felt like my foot was hangin ova in my tts 12 so went wit 13 and was butter! I'm glad I ain't order online even used my $15 rewards ftl VIP at champs lol I do wonder if ndc will have 12.5 tho...
Only downside is how inconvenient it is to re-lace or lace swap these beauties.

Got my pair from Jimmy but no Jergens I been hearing about.
I got mine in the mail today from EB in the bag of death. Box is trashed but the shoes are in perfect condition. I've been waiting on these to release forever.
Man, y'all are so lucky. Been tryin to trade my kobe v playoffs for a pair. Put an ad on CL. Would even add a lil cash but dudes here have offering silly stuff
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