The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

Is the shroud on the black pair waterproof? Stepped on something nasty (either bird or dog crap. Think bird as it had no smell) and inevitably got some water on parts of the shroud while cleaning the sole
Even though the material is often referred to as neoprene, its actually lycra. I wouldn't call them waterproof, but water wont hurt them and they are somewhat water resistant.
Bruh ? .. someone find these and oop me 
 i take it some where in b more
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Mannnn, those look like a filtered version of the black/white ones to me...

It would be quite the troll but those look legit. It would be pathetic for anyone to take the time to color the black/blue zipper on a shoe most people don't care about.
I picked up the Royals two days ago at my local HOH in NJ.
These Royals looks really good. I may even double up.

Surprised me, I didn't know about these dropping.
I gotta double up on the black/whites I tried on my pair the other day and damn they are nice, they are cut a little small I went with my normal 11 but I love the locked in feel
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