The Invincible Thread

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The ghost of Chip still lurkin I see
I think Huff did himself when in he said "what athlete doesn't have a gun?"

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The ghost of Chip still lurkin I see
I prefer to look on the positive side of things.. gus Bradley was option 2, at that time

and we were able to unload the major bad signings (Bradford, Maxwell and demarco)
Our overpaid QB is a converted WR. The Dolphins should opt out of his contract this offseason but they won't because that's what we do, we make bad decisions.
Wow. So the Giants applied pressure to Eli Apple to get his mother to shut up about how Mara handled Josh Brown. 
She's a DV victim herself speaking out on that situation and her own experiences. That's some cowardly **** man.
Wow. So the Giants applied pressure to Eli Apple to get his mother to shut up about how Mara handled Josh Brown. :wow: :smh: She's a DV victim herself speaking out on that situation and her own experiences. That's some cowardly **** man.

Can't even rep for my own team anymore after this whole situation.

The Maras used to be spoken about like the Rooneys as the more classy owners in the league.

Guess not.
No such thing is a classy organization

none of them will ever give 2 shhh about any of their players or families
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man.. it's hilarious to me that all this came after the coach and QB getting all worked up about the dude who got and kept dudes employed
and cant forget rog and co in this whole thing, I mean dudes did have to find another room for ole boy's wife at the damn pro bowl
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