The Invincible Thread

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651 the type of the dude that come in and try and ruin the fun with some off topic post

Ches is the dude who eat Thai food, lets it boil in his guts then farts in a full elevator... to only stare at the person next to him.

Ches went to go watch Schindler's List and cheered for the Nazi's. He did the same for Saving Private Ryan.

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CP was one of the guys that kidnapped dan marino on ace ventura.

651 is the type of guy to leave the theatre on opening night and talks to his friend out loud "I CAN'T BELIEVE WILL SMITH DIED IN THE END!!" In front of every one waiting to buy a ticket.

chester is that guy at the office who twiddles his fingers and says, "don't mind If I do" before choosing a donut in the break room. 
CP is an honorary drink tester for mountain dew. be on the look out for mountain dew pedialite in 2017.

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