The Invincible Thread

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Honestly I don't think the debartlos are mad coming from Youngstown where it once was racist but black and white people stick together there..
When keeping it real goes wrong.

This dude is fighting for his NFL career right now with Blaine ******* Gabbert and he feels like now is the time to be on national TV protesting his country's flag?

It's never a bad time to stand up for what you believe.. He will be taken care off even if he's black balled out the league real always win

Word. Also after checking out his social media accounts,it seems like he's been slowly heading towards this type of move for a while. I don't think he'd put himself under a huge microscope just cause
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The funniest take I've heard is all the folks talking about how this is a "selfish" and "Self-promoting" act by Kap...what world are they living in?! :lol: :lol:

Dude is really sticking his neck out there on this one,not even the league's superstars speak out like that


It's not even like he's in a good position to do this, his job is already up in there.

People are idiots for the most part though anyway.

This. He ain't Cam where his spot is solidified. He's taking a risk. Respect to him.

He's gonna piss off all those "They should be greatful" type of folks. I love it.
he won't be blackballed out of the league if he can still play but losing your job to Blaine Gabbert :x

life comes at you fast
Kaep has the right message but simply not standing for the anthem doesn't change anything. These types of gestures are welcome but there are a lot of things that someone of his financial and fame status could do to better serve the cause and hopefully he will continue to do more in the future. It's a first step.

We cant assume he has or hasnt been doing that already though right? We dont know for sure

What Kaep did doesnt change anything today..but its better than hearing Cam say our country is beyond racism and hearing Richard Sherman spew out #alllivesmatter rhetoric
Props to Kap.

Pretty sure though, folks will make a much bigger deal over this than they did the NFL shamelessly charging millions for military tributes though. Which in my opinion is something people should be more upset over than someone not standing for a song.
Tbh I think the concept of flags and patriotism is primitive and counterproductive to the human species but athletes with a much bigger platform and stronger rep have figured out different ways to protest and still be heard. Protesting America in general seems silly. There's bad things about this country but there's great things too. We are just one of the few melting pot countries that is tackling this **** head on in order to make progress. Which I guess makes me wanna give Kaep props by tackling it head on.

You know, i'm torn on this one.
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Evan SilvaVerified account
PFF has charted 290 total plays in the #49ers last 2 preseason games. Niners offense has been on the field for 38.6% of them.

welp I was hoping Chip learned but it seems it will be more of the same in San Fran
NFL fans are some of the most ignorant people our country has.

Dude genuinely believed that bs he selling up there, that's the most dangerous part.

Bruh, the comments I'm reading on FB is disgusting :smh:

Props to Kaep though. I hope he doesn't get cut cause of this.
Yeah I was reading some Twitter comments and it's just dumb and vile. The 2 I'm coming across the most are

1. "You're able to make a living thanks to this country". As if collecting a paycheck negates a person from airing grievances

2. "If you don't like it you can leave". Yea I'm sure they'd love that
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