The Invincible Thread

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Ive seen many ppl (even in this thread) be enlightened by the issues in this country, that is progress

*raises hand*

not necessarily with Kaep, but even before this thing popped up, discussions we have on this board about topics like this have definitely opened my eyes to a lot. it's appreciated
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To raise awareness, spark discussion and push relevant issues to the forefront of our nations collective consciousness.

Our country is the least racist and most accepting it's ever been by a LARGE margin. We currently have a black president, might have a woman president next, gay marriage is legal in a ton of states, a dude got a courage award for turning himself into a woman....

I'm seriously not understanding what you guys actually want to happen. End racism? It'll never 100% happen. No matter where you go around the world and what race you are there's going to be at least one person you come across that's not going to like you right off the bat. Raise awareness that minorities have been killed by cops? You don't think people around the country have heard about that with the news coverage each and every one of those has had? You think this will put an end to that? You think racist people that hate everything non-American are going to change their attitude now that Kaep is sitting for the damn National Anthem of all things? This is honestly just going to piss these people off and divide people worse instead of bringing everybody together like we should be doing.

And if you wanna point to Twitter comments directed to famous black people by some random idiots online that you can find spending their days writing crazy comments on Yahoo and YouTube comment sections and such as well then you're a ******* idiot. People like that will always be around and be sending crazy *** **** to celebrities and harassing them no matter what color skin they have.
Ive seen many ppl (even in this thread) be enlightened by the issues in this country, that is progress

*raises hand*

not necessarily with Kaep, but even before this thing popped up, discussions we have on this board about topics like this have definitely opened my eyes to a lot. it's appreciated

Exactly man.

We cant get deterred because progress isnt done overnight, its never been.

As these discussions continue open minds, lets start there

EddieDoyers EddieDoyers why does he have to prove racist wrong? This isnt about changing one's evil heart to gold fam.

We know the issues at hand, why does one person have to prove it?
the collector the collector
NBA players have alot more leverage in their compared to NFL players, it'll take alot for the NFL to bend to anything.

Would be amazing to see though
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I feel you for being skeptical on whether Kaep is really for the cause. I listened to yesterday's presser and he gave very stock responses straight from the BLM playbook. He has to give specific examples of innocent black people getting shot at and the stats proving it. All he really said was "I'm against police brutality and oppression". He needs to be more articulate to prove these racists wrong.
Also I was noticing earlier last year Kaep was posting pro black posts on IG. He used to not do any sort of activism until he got with Nessa.

you sound like that dude who was hosting Bomani's show when he was on vacation.
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Stopped reading at "We have a black president." :lol:

10-15 years ago would you have thought we would have had a black president finishing up his second term right now and possibly about to have a woman as the next president? Why would you "stop reading" after I said that? Because people have made racist comments about him? As I said.......there are ALWAYS going to be some racists out there. But for the majority of our entire country to vote in a black president then keep him in for a second term with a woman possibly being up next you can't say that our country hasn't made tremendous progress over the past 20 years.
EddieDoyers EddieDoyers why does he have to prove racist wrong? This isnt about changing one's evil heart to gold fam.

We know the issues at hand, why does one person have to prove it?

Because a lot of people are still in the dark about the police brutality, and when you present an argument or opinion, you have to give cold hard facts in the face of ignorance. Of course some will refuse the truth, but perhaps more people will be educated on why protesting against police brutality matters, and there will be less people that will side with corrupt practices.
The most realistic thing Kaep can do is empower the players to speak out more and force the league to accept it and back those players for their outspoken nature. Police brutality is beyond the NFL. It won't be solved by Kaep. Racism isn't going anywhere. However any avenue or platform that can be used to highlight the problem is welcome. It puts pressure on those who are cops not to be the next guy or girl to shame the badge and location they work out of by killing a person who doesn't need to be killed.

There is a IG post that highlights how a white supremacist who was armed was taken down without lethal force and is awaiting trial. Meanwhile a 12 year old black kid is gunned down without warning because he was playing with a toy gun. Its not right and must be addressed. I'm against all forms of excessive force be it black, white or any other race. It's clear even in my personal experience black males are targeted and treated differently more times then not.
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I feel you for being skeptical on whether Kaep is really for the cause. I listened to yesterday's presser and he gave very stock responses straight from the BLM playbook. He has to give specific examples of innocent black people getting shot at and the stats proving it. All he really said was "I'm against police brutality and oppression". He needs to be more articulate to prove these racists wrong.
Also I was noticing earlier last year Kaep was posting pro black posts on IG. He used to not do any sort of activism until he got with Nessa.

you sound like that dude who was hosting Bomani's show when he was on vacation.
I don't get the reference
The dude basically wanted detailed blueprints on how to fix racism, saying he needed Kaepernick to expound on his ideas.

In the transcript of Kaep's interview last week he said the whole thing was to bring awareness to these issues. The idea is to open people's minds to the issues, you can't solve it overnight.

In reality it needs to be achieved like technology, where each generation builds upon the last one.
EddieDoyers EddieDoyers why does he have to prove racist wrong? This isnt about changing one's evil heart to gold fam.

We know the issues at hand, why does one person have to prove it?

Because a lot of people are still in the dark about the police brutality, and when you present an argument or opinion, you have to give cold hard facts in the face of ignorance. Of course some will refuse the truth, but perhaps more people will be educated on why protesting against police brutality matters, and there will be less people that will side with corrupt practices.

Racist are racist, that will never change

Its not about proving anything to some David Duke's

ppl in the dark or maybe not completely informed are starting to be open to these issues and it isnt entirely about Kaep proving it (DSA just spoke on how its been multiple situations thats shed some light on this before Kaep for him)

That in itself shows this isnt on any single person to prove anything

I honestly dont know what ppl want more of him to say at this point.

Protest isnt an act with the expectation of a perfect world, and just because the US is better than living in the 3rd world country shouldnt be a reason to just accept this country's massive flaws
Mr.Jed York
San Francisco 49ers
4949 Marie P. DeBartolo Way Santa Clara, CA 95054

September 2, 2016

Mr. York,

The members of the Santa Clara Police Officers' Association {SCPOA) have a long history of working with the San Francisco 49ers organization. This relationship was greatly expanded with the construction of Levi's stadium. Our officers and 49er employees have worked incredibly well together to create a safe and enjoyable environment for guests and employees. This partnership has made Levi's stadium the premier sports venue in the world as evident in the extremely successful Super Bowl 50 operation.

Unfortunately, some recent actions by a 49ers employee have threatened our harmonious working relationship. On August 26, 2016, prior to the start of the 49er pre-season football game at Levi's stadium, on duty 49er employee Colin Kaepernick made the decision to exercise his right of free expression and not stand to honor the National Anthem. This expression caught the attention of the media. Following the game, your employee explained to the media that his actions were an attempt to get public attention to the oppression of African Americans and minorities in the United States by police officers. Your employee then insinuated that police officers are being placed on paid leave for murdering minorities. This statement is obviously insulting, inaccurate and completely unsupported by any facts.

On August 28, 2016, at 49er training facility in Santa Clara, Mr. Kaepernick again made the allegation that police officers are getting paid to murder people. Your employee further insulted all law enforcement officers in America by stating, "There is police brutality. People of color have been targeted by police." Mr. Kaepernick then made inaccurate and untrue statements about the level of training that is required to be a police officer.

On August 31,2016, it was learned by the members of the SCPOA that the 49er organization has been allowing Mr. Kaepernick to wear exposed socks with the image of a pig wearing a police hat during practices at the training camp in Santa Clara . Photos of Mr. Kaepernick wearing these socks with the derogatory image have been broadcast nationally.

Our membership acknowledges that police officers are human and are not perfect. However, blanket statements that police officers in general, murder minorities is completely false and insulting to the dedicated men and women in law enforcement agencies across America.

These intentional acts and inflammatory statements by Mr. Kaepernick are insulting to the members of the SCPOA . It is apparent, that the 49ers organization is aware of Mr. Kaepernick's actions. These actions have occurred while Mr. Kaepernick was acting as an employee of the 49ers and at 49er facilities in Santa Clara. The 49ers organization has taken no action to stop or prevent Mr. Kaepernick from continuing to make inaccurate, incorrect and inflammatory statements against police officers, which include members of the Santa Clara Police Officers Association.

Furthermore, your organization has made no statement disagreeing with Mr. Kaepernick's accusations. It is the unanimous opinion of the SCPOA that the 49ers organization has failed to address your employee's inappropriate workplace behavior. The board of directors of the Santa Clara Police Officers Association has a duty to protect its members and work to make all of their working environments free of harassing behavior.

SCPOA members have worked thousands of hours at Levi's stadium, 49er training camp and headquarters protecting guests, players and fellow employees. Our officers voluntarily agree to work these assignments. If the 49ers organization fails to take action to stop this type of inappropriate workplace behavior, it could result in police officers choosing not to work at your facilities. Please contact us as soon as possible with the corrective actions your organization intends on implementing.

The men and women of the Santa Clara Police Officers Association are sworn to protect the rights of ALL people in the United States, a duty we take very seriously. Our members, however, have the right to do their job in an environment free of unjustified and insulting attacks from employees of your organization.

SCPOA Board of Directors
EddieDoyers EddieDoyers why does he have to prove racist wrong? This isnt about changing one's evil heart to gold fam.

We know the issues at hand, why does one person have to prove it?

Because a lot of people are still in the dark about the police brutality, and when you present an argument or opinion, you have to give cold hard facts in the face of ignorance. Of course some will refuse the truth, but perhaps more people will be educated on why protesting against police brutality matters, and there will be less people that will side with corrupt practices.

Racist are racist, that will never change

Its not about proving anything to some David Duke's

ppl in the dark or maybe not completely informed are starting to be open to these issues and it isnt entirely about Kaep proving it (DSA just spoke on how its been multiple situations thats shed some light on this before Kaep for him)

That in itself shows this isnt on any single person to prove anything

I honestly dont know what ppl want more of him to say at this point.

Protest isnt an act with the expectation of a perfect world, and just because the US is better than living in the 3rd world country shouldnt be a reason to just accept this country's massive flaws
Because the guy is on the spotlight, and if he can't back up his claims in front of the mainstream, he's gonna get shot down for being crazy. I seen it happen to the BLM activists where they get slandered by the CNN and Fox News.
I acknowledge you can't fix racial issues overnight, this is not a perfect world, we can always do better.
I'm not against him bringing awareness btw, that's great.
All I'm saying is, at this point of Colin's activism, you gotta go all out guns blazing and point out the hypocrisy ala Bomani style.
Anyway, I do not wish Colin to fail, I just want to see him succeed more given with the platform he has now.
EddieDoyers EddieDoyers why does he have to prove racist wrong? This isnt about changing one's evil heart to gold fam.

We know the issues at hand, why does one person have to prove it?

Because a lot of people are still in the dark about the police brutality, and when you present an argument or opinion, you have to give cold hard facts in the face of ignorance. Of course some will refuse the truth, but perhaps more people will be educated on why protesting against police brutality matters, and there will be less people that will side with corrupt practices.

Racist are racist, that will never change

Its not about proving anything to some David Duke's

ppl in the dark or maybe not completely informed are starting to be open to these issues and it isnt entirely about Kaep proving it (DSA just spoke on how its been multiple situations thats shed some light on this before Kaep for him)

That in itself shows this isnt on any single person to prove anything

I honestly dont know what ppl want more of him to say at this point.

Protest isnt an act with the expectation of a perfect world, and just because the US is better than living in the 3rd world country shouldnt be a reason to just accept this country's massive flaws
Because the guy is on the spotlight, and if he can't back up his claims in front of the mainstream, he's gonna get shot down for being crazy. I seen it happen to the BLM activists where they get slandered by the CNN and Fox News.
I acknowledge you can't fix racial issues overnight, this is not a perfect world, we can always do better.
I'm not against him bringing awareness btw, that's great.
All I'm saying is, at this point of Colin's activism, you gotta go all out guns blazing and point out the hypocrisy ala Bomani style.
Anyway, I do not wish Colin to fail, I just want to see him succeed more given with the platform he has now.

From my perspective Kaep does not need to back up any claims, Kaep didnt start this discussion..he is continuing it.

And ppl who choose to see him as crazy are ppl who dont want to listen to begin with

how many ppl said they agreed with his protest or motivation but not the method? Brining validity to the issues isnt what has ppl up in arms

But I can understand your pov, I dont want to come off as you werent for him bringing awareness or anything.

These conversations are appreciated
Stopped reading at "We have a black president."
By saying the USA is the best country in terms of racism, is like saying Trevor Siemian is the best QB on the Broncos.

It honestly doesn't mean a damn thing when the product is still terrible. 
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By saying the USA is the best country in terms of racism, is like saying Trevor Siemian is the best QB on the Broncos.

It honestly doesn't mean a damn thing when the product is still terrible. 


Bruh are all of you living in the ******* backwoods of Alabama or Mississippi or some ****? Like where are you dudes living that you think racism around this country is this bad in 2016 to make a comparison of the country to Trevor ******* Siemian?
I live right in the middle of the city of Pittsburgh and I still experience racism on a semi-regular basis. What the hell does where you live have anything to do with it?

If you think America is somehow not as racist like it was in the past then you really are totally oblivious to what's been going on in this country. Especially in the last 3-4 years.

And then to laugh at everybody else who's actually been paying attention...:lol:
Hearing that Santa Clara cops considered boycotting games?

:smh: someone forgot to tell them they're job isn't to be liked (not even that that's the whole point of it anyway)
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That Black President line is so ******* tired.

Dude is basically saying that black people need to shut up and be complacent with wat we have :lol:

Ignorance at its finest
By saying the USA is the best country in terms of racism, is like saying Trevor Siemian is the best QB on the Broncos.

It honestly doesn't mean a damn thing when the product is still terrible. 

Bruh are all of you living in the ******* backwoods of Alabama or Mississippi or some ****? Like where are you dudes living that you think racism around this country is this bad in 2016 to make a comparison of the country to Trevor ******* Siemian?
Where the **** is yo ******** living. That privilege ******* up your eyesight like cataracts.
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