The Last US Troops have now left Iraq vol. USA

Originally Posted by Yeah

Better options include places such as France, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Singapore. Tibet has also peaked my interest, but I am unsure of how easy it will be to attain citizenship there, and weary of the less than stellar government of China in particular.

some of your options are at least arguable, some are a flat out joke.  i will assume your research is still in progress.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Yeah

Better options include places such as France, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Singapore. Tibet has also peaked my interest, but I am unsure of how easy it will be to attain citizenship there, and weary of the less than stellar government of China in particular.

some of your options are at least arguable, some are a flat out joke.  i will assume your research is still in progress.
Not at all. I've done adequate research about each county that I'm thinking about (France, Japan, New Zealand, and Brazil being the forerunners, the others were just examples.) They are arguable to you, but you do not lead the same lifestyle that I do. To me, life in America is laughable. Rather than attempting to catch criminals, the police entrap the poor. We pride ourselves on being the most developed country in the world, yet we are the only "developed" nation that does not pride healthcare for it's people. Those who steal to survive are imprisoned for years, yet CEOs who steal millions from every day workers and systematically ruin peoples' lives with the sole intent of lining their pockets are put on house arrest for months then released. These are realities of this nation.

While you may not see these countries as adequate for various reasons (whether it be their lack of technology, patriotism (
,) or "democracy,") having actually spoken with people who have lived in each country and evaluating how their governments behave towards their people seem to be more consistent with my beliefs, values, and desires as they pertain to where I want to live and perhaps eventually start a family.

Not to mention that in a majority of the countries I've listed (and all the ones that I'm seriously considering,) people have higher life expectancies, there are lower rates of every major disease, illness, and adverse condition, and people report as being overall "happier." But maybe that's not what you want with your nation.
There was never a war to begin with. I'm glad they are home but The USA is the grimiest country in the world. 
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Yeah

Better options include places such as France, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Singapore. Tibet has also peaked my interest, but I am unsure of how easy it will be to attain citizenship there, and weary of the less than stellar government of China in particular.

some of your options are at least arguable, some are a flat out joke.  i will assume your research is still in progress.
Not at all. I've done adequate research about each county that I'm thinking about (France, Japan, New Zealand, and Brazil being the forerunners, the others were just examples.) They are arguable to you, but you do not lead the same lifestyle that I do. To me, life in America is laughable. Rather than attempting to catch criminals, the police entrap the poor. We pride ourselves on being the most developed country in the world, yet we are the only "developed" nation that does not pride healthcare for it's people. Those who steal to survive are imprisoned for years, yet CEOs who steal millions from every day workers and systematically ruin peoples' lives with the sole intent of lining their pockets are put on house arrest for months then released. These are realities of this nation.

While you may not see these countries as adequate for various reasons (whether it be their lack of technology, patriotism (
,) or "democracy,") having actually spoken with people who have lived in each country and evaluating how their governments behave towards their people seem to be more consistent with my beliefs, values, and desires as they pertain to where I want to live and perhaps eventually start a family.

Not to mention that in a majority of the countries I've listed (and all the ones that I'm seriously considering,) people have higher life expectancies, there are lower rates of every major disease, illness, and adverse condition, and people report as being overall "happier." But maybe that's not what you want with your nation.

 Can you breakdown for me why a place like Brazil would be better than the USA? Try not to blindly translate your inherited standard of living.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by mr delorean

some of your options are at least arguable, some are a flat out joke.  i will assume your research is still in progress.

 Can you breakdown for me why a place like Brazil would be better than the USA? Try not to blindly translate your inherited standard of living.

France too
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Silly putty is rashi? Not up on the latest on team debaters...

rashi is the gov't hater that wants to live in a wonderland where no govt messes with us.

sillyputty debunks bible thumpers. two different people

Who in their right mind likes MORE government?
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Yeah

 Can you breakdown for me why a place like Brazil would be better than the USA? Try not to blindly translate your inherited standard of living.
France too
No, I cannot breakdown why a place like Brazil would be better to live in than the USA for you. I can only share my reasons for wanting to live in a place like Brazil over the USA. Your needs and my needs are completely different. The things I desire in my country of residence are different from yours, since we are different people. I'll go into why I want to live in these places.

Brazil - Lower instances of diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Quality of food is superb. The culture in Brazil is unlike anything else in the world. The women are beautiful. Most of all: the amazon forest in all of it's beauty. The main reasons why I want to live in Brazil are that the country itself is beautiful. It's a tropical paradise complete with some of the world's most amazing beaches, and it's interior houses one of the world's most vast forests (that is sadly being destroyed day by day.) I want to live there to not only catch glimpses of the Amazon before it's gone, but to experience a different pace of life and be surrounded by beautiful women while doing so! I have no idea what you mean by "inherited standard of living," so I'll simply disregard that.

France - This one is pretty simple. A common theme within the EU is that the government, moreso than America's at least, fears its people. Therefore, they provide for their people on a much grander scale than we do. Mothers in France can have government appointed nannies come to their home to help take care of the child, do laundry, or simply help clean while the mother interacts with her child (daycare is incredibly cheap as well, about $1 a day.) When people go through major physical or emotional ordeals (such as a major surgery, or a passing of a close relative) their job pays for their leave from the time that they sought/were given help to the time that a professional recommends that they come back -- and best of all, their doctors listen. While on the topic of doctors -- healthcare is a given to everyone. The food is amazing as well. Smoking, drinking, and fatty foods are just as rampant if not more so as America, and yet they have a longer life expectancy than Americans and are healthier in general. I mean, 5 weeks of paid vacation for full and part time workers is a requirement. In America if you even ask for that you risk losing your job. College education is free. These as well as other things are why I wish to move away.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate all that America has done for me. However, I feel that as a nation that prides itself for being progressive, the actions of our government AND people are quite the opposite. The government recently just passed the National Defense Authorization Act, and the Stop Online Piracy Act is not too far away from being passed into law as well. No good can come from a government taking away the liberties that have been and will be taken. That, amongst other reasoning, is a major motivator as to why I desire to move away from this nation.
How easy is it to get citizenship in say France? I'm assuming you don't get free healthcare or education the minute you become a citizen, so what are some of the requirements regarding these government "perks"?
most of the countries ya'll are naming for alternative citizenship gets RAN over when war breaks out...except Finland
... (google The White Death :
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by HankMoody

 Can you breakdown for me why a place like Brazil would be better than the USA? Try not to blindly translate your inherited standard of living.
France too
No, I cannot breakdown why a place like Brazil would be better to live in than the USA for you. I can only share my reasons for wanting to live in a place like Brazil over the USA. Your needs and my needs are completely different. The things I desire in my country of residence are different from yours, since we are different people. I'll go into why I want to live in these places.

Just wanted to make sure this was only about you. I had my suspicions but thanks for the confirmation. That's exactly how I define what the best countries in the world are: what's best for me and only me. That makes for serious conversation. Of course, when someone includes countries like Norway and Finland in comparison to countries like France, Japan, and the USA, I should've already known the deal. 

How does the USA not have the best culture of the world? Due to its status as a country of immigrants, I would hope the USA would be the best culture in the world because it contains the culture of a great many parts of the world.  While they might be muted when compared to their home country, I would consider the alternative, not the ideal. How prevalent are other cultures in Brazil? But I don't think one can measure that with a statistic. Oh well. Forget about it then. It can't matter. 

Considering health reasons, are you sure detection is great in Brazil? I mean 10k GDP/capita doesn't make it seem so. I, of course, could be wrong. But if I'm not, those rates wouldn't mean anything.  

Women and forests? Really? 

You really don't understand how the USA's standard of living makes almost any other country seem better than the reality? You take your 48k GDP/capita down to Brazil and of course life is great. But could you have got to 48k if born in Brazil? Should that matter? 
1. Invade Iraq
2. Stay for a while
3. Send troops home
4. Hire them back as private contractors... In Iraq
5. ???
6. PROFIT!!!!
Originally Posted by sillyputty

most of the countries ya'll are naming for alternative citizenship gets RAN over when war breaks out...
false. just because they have in the past doesn't mean they will in the future. 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

France too
No, I cannot breakdown why a place like Brazil would be better to live in than the USA for you. I can only share my reasons for wanting to live in a place like Brazil over the USA. Your needs and my needs are completely different. The things I desire in my country of residence are different from yours, since we are different people. I'll go into why I want to live in these places.
I agree. Desires are something that is very intimate to a person, and it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to truly gauge someone's true desires -- many times they are unknown to the person themselves. It takes time to realize what it is that you want. While I am unsure of what exactly it is that I want, I think I've been in America long enough to know that it is certainly something that I don't want.

I never said that the USA doesn't have the best culture of the world (which, again, is subjective.) I simply said that Brazil's culture is unlike any other in the world, which from what I understand is very true. While America might be the greatest collection of different cultures in the world, none of the cultures represented here are on as big of a scale as in the native country. In my opinion, the only way to truly experience a culture is to become fully immersed in it. You wouldn't go to an American restaurant and expect to get authentic Japanese food. I think the same is the case for experiencing a culture. You can't expect to experience the Japanese/Brazilian/Italian culture and all of its subtleties in America, and that is one of many reasons why people travel.

As far as health in Brazil is concerned, my perception of it all is based on things I've read on various websites, ranging from Wikipedia to people's testimonies who have moved there. The 10k GDP/capita statistic doesn't mean anything as far as health is concerned. Cuba has some of the healthiest people in the world, with one of the lowest GDP/capita rates around.

The women? Men have needs. I'm not shamed to admit that I like attractive women. While they aren't a major factor, it's still a nice bonus. From what I've read, they interact differently from American women (of whom, I rarely find one that I can hold a decent conversation with -- much less fathom dating.) Different social constructs intrigue me, and I want to experience it. The forest? Natural wonders such as the forest, Niagara falls, etc are just that -- wonders. Only, in the case of the forest, it is soon to be gone due to greed from humans. I want to see most of the world's wonders (such as the Amazon, the pyramids, Easter Island, etc) before an individual's or collective's greed turn it into yet another ruin that we can only see through pictures and imagine through texts.

Your post revolves a lot around money - GDP/capitas. Money isn't a necessity. In fact, the concept of money is something that is man made, i.e. something not necessary to survive. It makes things that would otherwise be inaccessible available to you, but you don't need it to live. Every human is capable of hunting, gathering, etc for survival. A lot of people have forgotten this. I am not saying that I plan on moving to a foreign country and living in the wilderness, completely detached from modern civilizations (regardless of how attractive that idea may seem some days.) My point is that money is very low on my list of priorities. Granted, it is something that I am aware that I need to accumulate in order to achieve my goals. Once I achieve said goals, I plan on getting only as much as I need to live comfortably within my means. Although I like nice things, I pride myself in my temperance, and I am confident that I can live without many modern necessities if I an truly happy about where I am.

Sorry if this is long winded. It's late and I tend to ramble a little.
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