The NBA Draft Thread

I said it last page. .. This thread is ridiculous... Acting like KP is not that good on both ends...

People talking about draft picks for KP or even any established young prospect ... **** is ludicrous...
How can Booker even be in the same stratisphere as Porzingis.  Porzingis is 1 of 6 young players in the NBA that has that transcendent potential, only handful of other dudes in the same convo would be Towns, Anthony Davis, Embiid, Giannis and Ben Simmons.  Booker doesn't have the potential to anchor a team on both ends, at best he can anchor a team offensively
they gonna be great teammates!
Bruh I totally forgot the draft was actually today, damn. Chaos is all I want.
The NY reaction would be hilarious if Porzingis was moved
How can Booker even be in the same stratisphere as Porzingis.  Porzingis is 1 of 6 young players in the NBA that has that transcendent potential, only handful of other dudes in the same convo would be Towns, Anthony Davis, Embiid, Giannis and Ben Simmons.  Booker doesn't have the potential to anchor a team on both ends, at best he can anchor a team offensively
Pretty sure every guy that has done anything close to 22/3/3 at 20 years old went on to become great.

Also Embiid does not belong on that list after 31 games played out of a possible 246. You're not transcendent if you spend most of your time on the bench.

Simmons does not belong because he has yet to play a single minute and has some glaring holes.

We really need to slow down on Philly. Just as much reason for pessimism as optimism there.
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knicks fans rioting tonight for sure 

im a bledsoe fan but this dude is never healthy 

going to be interesting to see chriss develop if he is included in the deal
He's talking potential...
I mean, what exactly is simmons potential?  Turns out the guy has the benefit of never playing a real NBA game so no one knows what the hell he is.  The guy was pretty awful in the summer league

don't trade him our division. Dumb *** Knicks.

I'm really excited about this draft. First time in a while.
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I mean, what exactly is simmons potential?  Turns out the guy has the benefit of never playing a real NBA game so no one knows what the hell he is.  The guy was pretty awful in the summer league

Light skin Rondo mate
The Kristaps/Booker combo gon be lit :pimp: the very least in 2k :lol:

If the Suns pull this off they gon have 2 of the top 5 players from the 2015 draft
This is the only time I would ever hope that ZoDogg would be unbanned.

Just to watching hope turn to failure in his posts alone would be worth it.
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if they get Porziingis and then sign Hayward next month

That fanbase will be pretty happy :nerd: :lol:
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