The NBA Draft Thread

He's going to the Clippers
Was wondering when Philly was going to add a traditional PG to the mix. Jawun should transition well into the League.

Edit: Okay going to Clips apparently...
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Dario is good and all but he's not going to be more than a good 6th man when it comes comes down to it

He has spunk and gives you energy, good passer. But he can't shoot and he's not a particularly great defender especially against bigger 4's. I don't think he's going to get much better than he is now. He's a great addition to the team but I'm tired of hearing his name with the likes of Embiid and Simmons
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Dario is gonna be better than Ben Simmons. Firm believer in this.

There isn't no damn way

Like them both, but I think team will play better with Dario on the floor. Dont think he really has a weakness.
Really? Dude is a struggle scorer. He can't drive to the basket. He gets his buckets by being wily with post moves but that's not gonna cut it against better defenders. He can't shoot. how many times did he miss wide
Open jumpers. Hes not even better than ersan ilyasova
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He's gonna be great for them
I agree.

I think with 2 way contracts now, 2nd round picks have become even more valuable and as a resort, buying or trading into the 2nd round was harder. 3.5Ms is still a ton, but it makes sense.
Love the Jordan Bell pick. Looks to be pretty much Javale with better defense, and can guard the PnR. Decent free throw shooter too. 
Smh Warriors already got the kid from unlv and looney on deck too
I'm quite certain Bell will be replacing Looney. I can't wait to see Damian Jones out there though. I think Bell will eventually be able to develop a jumper, his mechanics looks solid. He's going to be getting wide open looks all day too. 
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