stuff down there are really really small. learned about them in oceanography

since theres no light and not a lot down there to eat, animals rely on carcasses from above that float down

these animals arent even bigger than a foot. only a few inches long

im talking about at the very bottom. there's some animals that stay down deep for the daytime then come up at night
the deep ocean is mad dope, i have a deep water phobia but it still fascinates me. i wish i could have a crazy angler fish as a pet.


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I bet dinosaurs still live down there



Was on this planet before dinosaurs. Thought to be extinct until 1 was caught in the early 1900's. Quite a few have been caught since.

Mega Mouth Shark


Was on this planet with dinosaurs. Thought to be extinct until a few years ago. Mind you, it's 22 ft long, mouth can open up to 6 ft.
Most fish that have evolved in this harsh environment are not capable of surviving in laboratory conditions, and attempts to keep them in captivity have led to their deaths. Deep-sea organisms contain gas-filled spaces (vacuoles). Gas is compressed under high pressure and expands under low pressure. Because of this, these organisms have been known to blow up if they come to the surface.[7] Other complications arise from nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness, which also occur in humans. Nitrogen narcosis occurs because the absorption of gases in the blood, especially nitrogen, increase at greater depths. The result is similar to drunkenness. Decompression sickness occurs when excess gases cannot be removed from the blood stream fast enough when an organism rises in the water column. The decreased pressure makes the gases expand and small bubbles of nitrogen form in the blood stream as well as tissues. The result of this can be bone damage, extreme pain, physical debilitation, and even death

We're safe :smokin :lol:
Yeah like I've been saying, I'd wish we'd take a break form some of this space crap and explore the 7 seas.
Problem with that is space has things that can possibly destroy the planet and if humans want to survive they need to do all the research on space they can. Asteroids, solar flares, comets, hostile ETs, etc are just a few of the things that are out there so research is relatively necessary.
The dumbest thing I've ever read on NT had to do with the ocean. Someone said something like "the ocean is bigger than space". :lol:

Every time an ocean or space thread is made, that's automatically the first thing that comes to mind.
I mean, if true, then we as humans would have no chance. Since them living in such high pressures would undoubtedly make them supermen among humans, word to Goku's gravity training
Not true. If their body is subjected to that amount of pressure constantly raising to the surface would make them explode...
I wonder if there's some potential cures to diseases we have afflicting humans down there to be discovered and tested

But that Mega Mouth Shark :wow: :wow: :wow: :x
I've always imagined that there are supreme beings live under the water, deep into the very depths of the ocean thinking the same about us. What if they've always wondered what land is like and how mysterious and dangerous it could be, much like how we view the ocean? A different being from the deep could also think a lion, tiger, or even other humans are dangerous and terrifying. We're only scared because we DON'T know 98% of what's under water. As a society, we know and have seen way more in space than our own ocean. Which is very intriguing. :nerd:
I'm more interested in what's living deep under water than what's in space. As interesting space exploration is, there are plenty of undiscovered parts of this world
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Yeah like I've been saying, I'd wish we'd take a break form some of this space crap and explore the 7 seas. Dudes know more about planets in other galaxies that may be hospitable to human life that we have no means of currently reaching than the water below them.

nal we might **** around and unearth something we shouldnt have and it would be the end of us all
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