The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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no, he was one I never copped, for some reason. Maybe because everyone had one.

This day was inevitable. I called this over a year ago. He's damaged. People questioned me when i said he's injured and its a chronic type of injury that isnt something you heal from. Many laughed.

You still dont think he's injured @spacedoodoo ?

Time to move on. WOUld have liked to see him for another year since his dead cap is lower after next season but they know what they have and he's finished. Teams will line up for him and get an unreliable running back who can't give it to you each week.
Nah. I definitely remember you in denial when everyone in here said the Rams window was closed after the SB. Or maybe it was another Rams fan. But there was definitely peeps who weren't hearing it. :smh:
That's what I mean, already got recent experience with injury-prone backs so not sure why they'd sign up for another

He could be had for probably pretty damn cheap for a one year deal as a compliment to RoJo. I’d be down for it.
Nah. I definitely remember you in denial when everyone in here said the Rams window was closed after the SB. Or maybe it was another Rams fan. But there was definitely peeps who weren't hearing it. :smh:

Happens all the time with teams/fans saying "we'll be back" then them dudes never make it back for another 20 years only to lose again :lol: . Unless your a dynasty (Pats) you aint just getting back there the next year.

I heard it comes with $20 million hit in dead cap. What a disaster of a contract.

One if the better reactions to getting cut I've seen.

thats why these NFL guys need to get every got damn penny thats offered. Even when you think you sign a big deal, it doesn't mean **** until you finish out the contract.

NFL contracts are bogus and really unfair when it comes to comparing it to the big 3 sports.

And tbh, it's also why teams shouldn't give out contracts like that. End of the day, it's a business so there's always gonna be that back and forth.
Happens all the time with teams/fans saying "we'll be back" then them dudes never make it back for another 20 years only to lose again :lol: . Unless your a dynasty (Pats) you aint just getting back there the next year.

Every year. Tried telling Bears fans that after 2018 and if I had my guess, I think it might happen to SF this season unless Jimmy improves quite a bit.
Nah. I definitely remember you in denial when everyone in here said the Rams window was closed after the SB. Or maybe it was another Rams fan. But there was definitely peeps who weren't hearing it. :smh:
for sure ain't me. I'm a pessimist. I don't talk **** and never did with the Rams. I'm always doom and gloom when it comes to the Rams. Did I think we couldn't make the super bowl going into last season? Sure. I had hope. It wasn't a guarantee. But i knew we wouldn't as games started to pass.

Look at the receipts and come back and apologize to me when done.

to say the window was closed before the season was a little stretch all because they only scored 3 points in the SB
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I heard it comes with $20 million hit in dead cap. What a disaster of a contract.

One if the better reactions to getting cut I've seen.

And tbh, it's also why teams shouldn't give out contracts like that. End of the day, it's a business so there's always gonna be that back and forth.
yeah, the rams didnt even need to do it either!!! They had time to wait. They could have waited 1 more year and then franchise him if they wanted to! But the reasoning from the GM made sense. Sign him now, set the ton on the running back market, rather than wait for guys like Zeke to sign, and then it costing you since you now have to go above that contract in order to keep your guy. It blew up in their face. They tried to do the right thing for a player (for once) and it didnt work out due to unforeseen event.

Always dislike Les Snead. he's overrated as hell.

Get Louis Riddick on the phone, please!
said this after this past super bowl when Niners fans were saying we'll be back. Being back is got damn hard to do!

You aint never lie :lol: . Hard as hell in the NFL. I'm still surprised Peyton/Broncos made it back as well as well as the Seahawks but both those teams had legendary top defenses of all time so it made sense.
I got to go on the pirate ship before a game for the first time a couple years ago actually :lol:

We fire the cannons every time we score a TD

I flew down to Tampa and got promoted to Chief Warrant Officer and my buddy advanced to Chief in ‘11 on the Pirate Ship. They gave us a tour of Raymond James and then we flew back to Mobile. The Bucs were nice enough to set it up all for me even before I was a season ticket holder, too. Pretty neat experience overall. Saints also let one of my guys re-enlist on the field of the Superdome as well.

Good time to be living with 6 hours of Tampa now because I can use my season tickets a lot more. I was in San Diego for the 4 seasons prior to the last. Kinda hard to see many games across the country. Surprisingly enough, there were a lot of Bucs fans for the San Diego game. One and only game I went to in Qualcomm even though I lived 2 miles away. Only stadium I’ve been to that was a bigger dump was the Oakland Coliseum.
Every year. Tried telling Bears fans that after 2018 and if I had my guess, I think it might happen to SF this season unless Jimmy improves quite a bit.

Jimmys not even getting paid top money any more. Salary cap goes up. If 49ers wouldve signed buckner to 21m per year they would be in trouble
Niners in trouble? they are running it back with damn near the same team and investing in their draft picks.

Niners in trouble? they are running it back with damn near the same team and investing in their draft picks.


except without arguably your best player, it's either him or george kittle.. and then bosa to me

plus sanders is still out there
Jimmys not even getting paid top money any more. Salary cap goes up. If 49ers wouldve signed buckner to 21m per year they would be in trouble

What I'm talking about has nothing to do with money. Strictly his play.

I already see Niners fans standing up. :lol:

It happens every year...if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but they could be that team next season. I've had this same opinion since 2010 after Favre led Minnesota to the NFCCG and failed never got back with that team.
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